Topic outline

  • Welcome notes

    This course introduces Traffic management concepts; Traffic engineering administration and legislation, Traffic accident: types, investigations and analysis; Grade separation and interchanges; pedestrian and bicycle facilities; urban bypass; Environmental aspects of highway traffic and transportation projects; Elements of traffic flow; Urban public transportation and freight movement, city road and street networks.



  • Introduction

    Part A- Introduction

    Course Code: CE 455

    Course Title: Traffic Engineering and Management

    Course Type: Technical Electives

    Level/Term: Level 4/Term 1 or, Level 4/Term 2

    Academic Session: Fall 2023

    Course Instructor: Saurav Barua

    Prerequisite: CE 451

    Credit Value: 3.0

    Contact Hours: 3.0 Hrs/Week

    Total Marks: 100

    A.1 Course Summary

    This course introduces Traffic management concepts; Traffic engineering administration and legislation, Traffic accident: types, investigations and analysis; Grade separation and interchanges; pedestrian and bicycle facilities; urban bypass; Environmental aspects of highway traffic and transportation projects; Elements of traffic flow; Urban public transportation and freight movement, city road and street networks.

    A.2 Course Objectives

    This course aims to set a solid and firm foundation in traffic engineering management, traffic regulation, highway capacity, traffic accident analysis, design of introduction and traffic flow theory concepts.

  • Lesson1: Introduction and overview of the course

    • course content, learning objectives, and outcomes, 
    • course policies, Introduction & importance of the course
    •   To illustrate general idea of the course
    • To relate course content, learning objectives and outcomes, course policies
    Lesson Plan
    • Objectives of traffic engineering and management 
    • Traffic problems in Dhaka city and its remedies 
    •  Traffic congestion cost around the world
    • Losses due to traffic congestion

  • Lecture 2: Introduction to Traffic management concepts


    • scope of traffic management measures, 
    • restrictions to turning movements, one way streets, 
    • tidal flow  operations, Traffic segregation, 


    • To extend the scope of traffic management measures
    • To explain about restrictions to turning movements
    • To illustrate tidal flow  operations

    Lesson Plan

    • To show Traffic segregation
    • To interpret the basics of Intelligent Transportation System
    • Traffic calming- Exclusive bus  lanes, Introduction to ITS

    • Make a submission
    • Make a submission
  • Lecture 3: Traffic engineering administration and legislation

    • Regulation of traffic, 
    • Need and scope of traffic regulations, 
    • Motor  Vehicle Act, 

    • To illustrate Regulation of traffic
    • To extend the need and scope of traffic regulations
    Lesson Plan
    • To illustrate the Motor  Vehicle Act
    • To explain the speed limit at different locations

    • Speed limit at different locations


    • Receive a grade
  • Lecture 4: Traffic accident

    • Types of accidents, causes of road accidents, 
    • collection of accident data, 
    • investigation of accident cases
    • To discover the types and causes of traffic accidents
    • To inspect the accident data
    • To compare the ways to investigate accident cases
    Lesson Plan
    • Influence of road, 
    • the vehicle, the driver, the weather and 
    • other  factors on road accident, 
    • preventive measures
    road traffic

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  • Lecture 5: Grade separation and interchanges

    • Design of at grade & grade separated  intersection, 
    • rotary intersection, 
    • capacity of rotary intersection
    • To build at grade & grade separated  intersection
    • To choose among intersections.
    • To determine the capacity of rotary intersection
    Lesson Plan
    • At grade & grade separated  intersection
    • rotary intersection,
    • capacity of rotary intersection
    traffic studies

  • Midterm Examination

    Midterm Syllabus

    • Gravity model

    • Volume study

    • ITS components

    • Road-traffic interaction

    • Geometric design of road

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  • Lecture 6: Pedestrian and bicycle facilities


    • Zebra crossing, railings, 
    • pedestrian signal foot over bridges, 
    • bicycle lane


    • To initiate the fundamentals of pedestrian and bicycle facilities
    • To relate the practices and the service standards for pedestrian and bicycle users.
    • To apply dedicated lane for bicycle users where necessary.

    Lesson Plan

    • fundamentals of pedestrian and bicycle facilities
    • pedestrian signal foot over bridges,
    • bicycle lane

    Volume study

  • Lecture 7: Urban bypass

    • Definition, Necessity, affecting land use pattern, 
    • economic implications, 
    • access control
    • To apply the fundamental knowledge of urban bypass
    • To plan land use, economic model considering the Urban bypass
    Lesson Plan
    • fundamental knowledge of urban bypass
    • land use, economic model considering the Urban bypass

  • Lecture 8: Urban public transportation

    • Classification of Transit Systems, 
    • Bus Transit System, Rail Transit Systems, 
    • Rapid Transit or Metro, Automated Guided Transit Systems, 
    • Regional and Commuter Rail, Special Technology 
    • To apply the fundamental knowledge of urban public transport
    • To choose among different transit modes of Urban transport
    • To model future role of urban transport
    Lesson Plan
    • choose among different transit modes of Urban transport
    • Transit Systems, Transit Planning and Selection of Transit Modes,
    • Present and Future Role of urban transport
    Traffic Signals

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  • Lecture 9: Freight movement

    • Overview of freight transport,
    • components and significance of freight transport, 
    • future of freight movement
    • To apply the fundamental knowledge of freight movement
    • To choose among different transit modes
    • To model future role of urban transport
    Lesson Plan
    • components and significance of freight transport,
    • future of freight movement 
    • knowledge of freight movement
    Tranpsort Planning

    • Make a submission
  • Lecture 10: City road and street networks

    • Link to different attributes, 
    • Essential principles of sustainable street networks, 
    • approach, connectivity index, design standards
    • To choose among different viable networks
    • To model efficiency of different network operations
    Lesson Plan
    • Essential principles of sustainable street networks
    • efficiency of different network operations
    • principles of sustainable street networks

  • Lecture 11: Environmental aspects of highway traffic and transportation projects

    • Transport & Environment, 
    • environmental importance of transportation, 
    • traffic pollution and environment
    • To compare the scenarios based  on fundamental knowledge of environmental aspects
    • To predict the effect of traffic pollution on the environment
    Lesson Plan
    • Road construction and environment, 
    • case study on environmental impacts
    • To predict the effect of road construction on the environment

  • Lecture 12: Elements of traffic flow

    • Basic components of traffic flow, road user, vehicle, environment and their characteristics, 
    • speed –volume –density relationship, 
    • homogenous and heterogonous traffic flow, vehicle operating cost.
    • To illustrate the basic elements of traffic flow
    • To demonstrate different relationships related to traffic flow
    Lesson Plan
    • Importance of ‘Capacity’ in Highway transportation studies, 
    • Capacity of uninterrupted flow conditions, 
    • Determination of theoretical capacity, 
    • Level of service, Factors affecting capacity and
    • level of service

  • Final Syllabus

    Final Syllabus

    Speed study

    2-phase signal design

    Logit model

    Parking study

    Road sign, signal and marking

    All-or nothing assignment model

    Street light design

    Delay study


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