Topic outline

  • 👉 Welcome to Food Chemistry Course


  • 🔖 Introduction to Chemistry of Food

    Food chemistry is one of the major disciplines of food science which is mainly focusing on changes in the composition and chemical, physical, and functional properties of foods and food products during various stages from farm to fork. Such changes would ultimately affect the quality attributes and sensory characteristics of foods as well as the safety aspect. Therefore, the application of food chemistry mainly focuses on improving food quality and safety for the consumers.

    food chemistry

    Lecture objectives:

    To learn about:

    • Food Chemistry and its importance & role

    • Composition of food

    • Factors affecting quality of food

    • Chemistry of functional groups

  • ☑️ Quiz-I


    Syllabus: đŸ”– Introduction to Chemistry of Food

    Marks: 15

    Time: 25 Minutes

    Date: 07-02-2024 at class time

    Question pattern: Short Question

    • 🔖 Water

      Water is relatively small inorganic molecule, but organic life is highly dependent on this tiny molecule. It is the only substance on the earth that occurs abundantly in all three physical states (gas, liquid and solid). 

      Fresh Multi Fruits Splashing into Blue Clear Water Splash Healthy Food Diet  Freshness Concept Isolated White Background Stock Image - Image of ripe,  exotic: 142771823

      Lecture objectives:

      To learn about:

      • Water, its importance, dietary requirements and sources

      • Structure, physical properties of water

      • Phase diagram of water

      • Types of water

      • Interaction of Water with Food Components

      • Effect of Water on Food Stability (water activity, phase transition and WLF equation)

    • ☑️ Quiz-II


      Syllabus: đŸ”–Water

      Marks: 15

      Time: 25 Minutes

      Date: 25-02-2024 at class time

      Question pattern: Short Questions

      • 🔖 Carbohydrate

        Carbohydrates are the most abundant and diverse class of organic compounds occurring in nature. They are also one of the most versatile materials available. Carbohydrate-related technologies have played a critical role in the development of new products ranging from foods, nutraceuticals, pharmaceuticals, textiles, paper, and biodegradable packaging materials.

        Carbohydrates: Benefits, Types, Sources and Side Effects | HealthShots

        Lecture objectives:

        To learn about:

        • Features and classification of carbohydrates, 
        • Chemical Characteristics of sugar, dextrin, pectin, and gums and agers, starch,
        • Glycogen, cellulose, hemicellulose, and chitin. 
        • Carbohydrate digesting enzymes, gelatinization and retrogradation properties of starch. 
        • Dietary fiber and pectin substances: their occurrence structure, properties and use in foods.

      • 🔖 Fats and Oils

         The Benefits of Healthy Fats

        Lecture objectives:

        To learn about:

        • Physical and chemical properties and classification of lipids, 
        • Essential fatty acid, 
        • Rancidity and flavor reversion, 
        • Processing of oil-bearing materials,
        • Refining of oils and fats, 
        • Fat hydrolysis and interesterification,
        • Hydrogenation, shortenings and spreads. 
        • Fat replacer, essential oils,
        • Extraction and refining of oil, terpene oils and their use in foods.

      • 🛑 Mid Term



        Question pattern: 5 set of question with 2 or 3 sub questions.

        Mark: 25

        Time: 1 hour 30 minutes 

        • 🔖 Protein

          Proteins are nitrogenous organic compounds composed of one or more long chains of amino acids. It contains C,H,O,N,S. Protein is the 50% dry weight of cells.  Proteins grow, maintain, and replace the tissues in our bodies. Therefore our muscles, organs, and immune systems are mostly made of protein.

          Protein: Importance and Why Your Body Needs It -

          Lecture objectives:

          To learn about:

          • Composition of proteins classification, essential amino acids, physical and chemical properties of proteins. 

          • Structure and functional properties of proteins in foods, hydrolysis of proteins, major food proteins and their sources, changes in proteins during processing, determination of proteins.

        • ☑️ Quiz-III


          Syllabus: đŸ”–Protein

          Time: 25 Minutes

          Date: 28-04-2024  at class time

          Question pattern: Short Questions

          • 🔖 Vitamins & Minerals

            Vitamins are organic substances, which means they're made by plants or animals. Minerals are inorganic elements that come from soil and water, and are absorbed by plants or eaten by animals. Your body needs larger amounts of some minerals, such as calcium, to grow and stay healthy.

            Revive your life! vitamins & minerals that rejuvenate - Satthwa Blog

            Lecture objectives:

            To learn about:

            • Chemical composition, structure, stability and degradation of vitamins & minerals

          • 🔖 Food Additives

            Food additives are substances added to food to enhance flavor, appearance, texture, or shelf life. They serve multiple functions like improving taste, preserving freshness, and maintaining nutrition. Understanding food additives is important because they're widely used in the food industry to achieve desired qualities. Some may have health implications, so consumers should be aware. This knowledge helps consumers make informed choices based on dietary preferences, health concerns, and ethics.
            What you need to know about food additives - گستعش ت؏اعت ؾدع ٞاژ

            Lecture objectives: Students will be able to

            1. Define food additives and classify them based on their functions, including colorants, pH controlling agents, preservatives, emulsifiers, thickeners, etc.
            2. Explain the benefits and risks associated with using food additives, including enhancing flavor, texture, and shelf life, as well as potential health implications and consumer concerns.

          • 🔖 Chemistry of Food Processing

            Browning reactions in food occur during processing and storage, affecting products like meat, fish, fruits, and vegetables. These reactions impact the flavor, appearance, and nutritional value of food. While browning is desirable in certain products like coffee, tea, beer, and toasted bread, it is also sought in moderation for apple juice, potato chips, and French fries to enhance their appeal. To manage these reactions, understanding the mechanisms is crucial. Three primary browning mechanisms are identified, including ascorbic acid browning, which can occur through the enzyme ascorbic acid oxidase or direct oxidation by atmospheric oxygen.

            What is Maillard Reaction? - Guires Food Research Lab

            Lecture objectives: Students will be able to

            1. Understand the specific reactions of food components involved in browning, including non-enzymatic browning, pigment formation, and the roles of melanoidins, Maillard polymers, caramelization, and ascorbic acid oxidation.
            2. Explore the antioxidant activity of non-enzymatic browning products and strategies for inhibiting non-enzymatic browning in food processing and storage.

          • 📝 Course Assignment


            *Hand written and typed both are allowed

            *Each student must to Submit both hard copy (to teacher) and soft copy (as pdf in BLC). In case of hand written, scan the assignment. 

            *Don't copy assignment


          • 👨‍⚖️👩‍⚖️ Final Presentation


            You will get highest 2 minutes & 30 seconds for your presentation 

          • 🛑 Semester Final



            Protein, Vitamins & Minerals, Food Additives and Chemistry of Food Processing

            Time: check the final exam routine

            Marks: 40