Topic outline

  • Welcome to Hospital and community pharmacy course

                                                                     Hospital pharmacy

  • Rationale & Course learning outcome

    Instructions/Guideline for the course:

    • All the students registered for this course have to enroll in Moodle
    • Students can find all the course materials from Moodle.
    • All the students have to submit the soft copy of their "Assignment" in Moodle under  assignment section created here and for this they will be graded here.
    • One discussion or feedback forum is created under each of the lecture Students have to give their feedback on these forum and marks will be given for their feedback
    • Any announcement regarding the class will be posted on Moodle. So they have to keep themselves always active on Moodle.
    • All the quizzes and presentation will be held on face to face class and may be few of the class will be held on online (Moodle) and it will be announced before the class
    • The question pattern and the syllabus for the quizzes, midterm and final exam is given here under each of the section (quizzes, midterm and final)
    • There are midterm and final exam preparation forum under these sections where students can discuss with each other about their midterm and final exam syllabus, any problem regarding the exam etc.


    This subject deals with the comprehensive idea about the theoretical concepts of hospital and community pharmacy. 

     Aims and Objectives of course:

    • Describe hospital pharmacy and role of pharmacist in hospital and community pharmacy.
    • Differentiate between different type of drug distribution system in hospital
    • Explain pharmacy and therapeutic committee and purchasing procedure, manufacturing of pharmaceutical product in hospital, control of special classes of drug, forensic pharmacy and rational use of drug.

    Course Content:
    • Introduction of Hospital Pharmacy
    • Drug Distribution System
    • Pharmacy and Therapeutic Committee
    • Rational Use of Drug
    • Purchasing
    • Community Pharmacy
    • Forensic Pharmacy and Accidental Poisoning
    • Sterile & Non Sterile Drug manufacturing in Hospital

  • Lecture Module 1:Introduction of Hospital Pharmacy

    The objective of this Lecture:

    • To teach the students about Hospital And Community Pharmacy so that they can use the knowledge in their academic and professional career.

    Lecture Outcome:

    • Define hospital and hospital pharmacy
    • Categories hospital
    • Describe the historical development of  hospital pharmacy, location , layout and flow chart of men and material for hospital and hospital pharmacy
    • List out the responsibilities of hospital pharmacist 

    Lecture Content:

    • Definition, functions and objectives of hospital pharmacy,
    • location, layout and flow chart of material and men, personnel and facilities required including equipment’s,
    • role of hospitals in the health delivery systems, types of hospitals, different departments and services,
    • role of a pharmacist in the hospital, pharmacy education and job descriptions in Bangladesh. 

  • Lecture Module 2:(Drug Distribution System)

    The Objective of this Lecture:

    To teach the students about the Drug Distribution System  so that they can use the knowledge in their academic and professional career. 

    Lecture Outcome:

    • Explain different type of drug distribution system, its advantages and disadvantages.

    Lecture Content:

    • Out patients
    • In patients: Detailed discussion of

    i. Unit dose dispensing

    ii. Floor ward stock system and satellite pharmacy services

    iii. Central sterile services, bed side pharmacy

  • Assignment

    Dear students,

    Please submit an assignment on" Present Condition of Model Pharmacy in Bangladesh"

    • Lecture Module 3 : (Pharmacy and Therapeutic Commitee)

      The Objective of this Lecture:

      To teach the students about the Pharmacy and Therapeutic Committee  so that they can use the knowledge in their academic and professional career. 

      Lecture Outcome:

      • Define Pharmacy and therapeutic committee, its function, organization and operation

      Lecture Content:

      • Constitution and functions of pharmacy therapeutics committee,
      • hospital formulary system and its organization, functions and composition.

    • Lecture Module 4: (Rational use of Drug)

      The Objective of this Lecture:

      To teach students about rational use of drug so that they can use knowledge in their academic and professional career.

      Lecture Outcome:

      • Define rational use of drug
      • Identify the causes of irrational use of drug and its impacts
      • List out the strategies to improve prescribing
      Lecture Content:
      • Background of rational use of drugs, 
      • Definition, factors underlying irrational use of drugs: 
      • Patients, prescribes, drug supply system, impact of irrational use of drugs with examples
      • Experiences with interventions to change drug use in developing countries, 
    • Quiz 02

    • Mid Term Examination

      Mid Term Examination will be from 1 to 4 Lecture Module.

      Assessment Plan For Midterm Exam:
      Exam will be held on 25 Marks .

          • Discuss with each other and find the problems regarding upcoming midterm examination
          • Try to solve the problems of each other
          • If you have any problems that you can not solve, then inform me and we will discuss it in the classroom.

    • Lecture Module 5 : (Community pharmacy)

      The Objective of this Lecture:

      To teach students about Community Pharmacy so that they can use knowledge in their academic and professional career.

      Lecture Outcome:

      • Describe the concept of community health care, different levels of health care 
      • Explain the element of primary health care 
      • Describe the role of community pharmacy in dealing with communicable diseases problem, nutritional problem environmental sanitation problem and indigenous system of medicine 

      Lecture Content:

      • Concept of community health care, health needs of the community, different level of health care, 
      • Elements of primary health care, principles of primary health care: equitable distribution, community participation, intersectoral coordination,
      • Appropriate technology, health manpower, health care delivery at different levels, , nutritional problems, Environmental sanitation problems and indigenous systems of medicine, 
      • Development of community pharmacy infrastructure, participation of Non-governmental voluntary health agencies 


    • Lecture Module 6: (Purchasing and Inventory Control)

      The Objective of this Lecture:

      To teach students about Purchasing Procedure so that they can use knowledge in their academic and professional career.

      Lecture Outcome:

      • Describe the role of pharmacist and purchasing agent in purchasing and inventory control 
      • Differentiate between different type of inventory 
      • Explain Purchasing procedure 
      • Purchasing 

      Lecture Content:

      Purchasing agent, purchasing procedure, control on  purchase, storage, 
      Different types of Inventory-perishable inventory, physical inventory, perpetual inventory

    • Lecture Module 7 : (Manufacturing of sterile non sterile product in hospital)

      The Objective of this Lecture:

      To teach students about Manufacturing Sterile and non sterile product in hospital so that they can use knowledge in their academic and professional career.

      Lecture Outcome:

      • Differentiate between small scale and large scale parental product  
      • List out the facilities and requirements for sterile and non-sterile manufacturing of pharmaceuticals in hospital 

      Lecture Content:

      Sterile manufacturing: Large and small volume parental, facilities, requirements, layout,  production planning, manpower requirements. 

      Non-sterile manufacturing: Liquid    orals, external bulk concentrates. 

    • Presentation

    • Lecture Module 8:( Forensic Pharmacy)

      The Objective of this Lecture:

      To teach students about Forensic Pharmacy  so that they can use knowledge in their academic and professional career.

      Lecture Outcome:

      • Define forensic pharmacy 
      • List out most frequently involved substances for poisoning. 
      • Explain the preventive measure of poisoning 
      • Describe the role of pharmacist in prevention, packaging, national awareness, centralization of poison

      Lecture Content:

      • Definition, epidemiology of poisoning, influential factors, 
      • Substances most frequently involved in accidental ingestion among children,
      • First-aid treatment for poisoning, 
      • Treatment, antidotes: Locally acting and systemic, 
      • Prevention of poisoning, poison control, poison control act, schedules, poison treatment centers,  

    • Final Exam

      Final exam will be held from 5 to 8  lecture module.

          • Discuss with each other and find the problems regarding upcoming midterm examination
          • Try to solve the problems of each other
          • If you have any problems that you can not solve, then inform me and we will discuss it in the classroom