Section outline
Faculty of Business and Entrepreneurship
Department of Real Estate
Level: Undergraduate, Program: BRE
Course Information:
Course Name: ICT in business
Course Code: 0611-116
Course Credit: 03
Core Course, Marks Assigned: 100
Instructor Information:
Tonmoy MalakerLecturer,
Department of Tourism and Hospitality Management
Faculty of Business and Entrepreneurship
Email No:
Contact No: +8801303081678
MBA & BBA, Department of Management Information Systems (MIS)
University of Dhaka
Instructions/Guideline for the course:Students are required to follow these guidelines strictly:
- All the students registered for this course have to enroll in BLC.
- Students can find all the course materials from BLC.
- All the students have to submit the soft copy of their "Assignment" in BLC under the assignment section created here and for this, they will be graded here.
- One discussion or feedback forum is created under this course named discussion forum. Students have to give their feedback on any lecture and/or answer the questions asked for.
- Any announcement regarding the class will be posted on BLC. So they have to keep themselves always active on BLC.
- All the quizzes and presentation will be held online using BLC or any other online tools and it will be announced before the class.
- The question pattern and the syllabus for the quizzes, midterm, and final exam is given in this platform under each of the section (quizzes, midterm, and final).
- There is a forum under each module where students can discuss with each other about their learning progress, midterm, and final exam-related issue or any other problem regarding this course etc.
- Students are advised to attend the class on time, the class schedule may be changed due to unavoidable circumstances.
- The classes will be highly interactive. Students should actively participate in the class.
- Students must come to the class reading the chapter/subject that will be taught in the Class or watching the video that will be uploaded on this platform. The chapter/subject that will be taught in the next class would be mentioned in the previous class. In the live class, there will be discussion based on the course topic from the lecture module and students' interactivity to complete any assigned task.
- No Quiz or assignment will be retaken except for unavoidable circumstances. Students are advised not to bother the teachers in this regard.
- Plagiarism (copying or stealing from others) in any case will not be compromised.
- Don’t hesitate to ask any questions when you face any difficulty.
- Last but not least, try to enjoy the course; don’t take it as a course itself.
Today information and communication technology (ICT) can be regarded as a fundamental needs for running the business smoothly. That‘s why businesses invest in ICT widely and app it for increased productivity and employee morale. ICT is required for producing valuable information overtime that is needed in virtually every field of human thought and action. ICT is useful for not only in the business world but also in individual level. At a personal level, if one possesses high quality information he/she can take advantage of his/her future career opportunities and can be better equipped to make other personal decisions. That‘s why the smartest person is one who acquires more knowledge than others. As we are moving through fourth industrial revolution, people in all walks of lives need to know about computers. If businesses want to function effectively in an information rich-society, it is necessary to use ICT.
Ability to remember the key Communication Technology (ICT).
and concepts related
to Information
Understand the core concept, purpose and functions of different components of ICT like - computer hardware, software, networking, telecommunication, database and their application in online business operations.
Apply knowledge of conversion of number systems & perform arithmetic operations, computer threat and security to design, develop and implement effective security measures.
Course Assessment Plan
7 Quiz: 1
Quiz: 2
Quiz: 3
Mid Term Exam
Final Exam.
Text Books:- Reference/Practice Books
[1] Computer Fundamentals by PK Sinha, Latest edition
[2] P. Norton, Introduction to computers. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2010.
Reference Books:
1. S.K. Sarker & A.K. Gupta, “Elements of Computer Science”, Latest Edition, S. Chand & Company Ltd.
2. Steve Lambert, M. Dow Lambert III & Joan Preppernau, “Microsoft Office 2007 Step by Step”, Latest Edition, Prentice Hall -
CONTENT- Introduction to ICT and Historical Evolution of Computing: definition of ICT and computer, components of ICT, applications of ICT, drawbacks of ICT, characteristics of a computer, computer for individual users, computer for organizations, and computer for society, the parts of computer System, information processing cycle, essential computer hardware, importance of software, data vs. info. and computer users
Transforming Data into Information: how computer represent and process data, factor affecting processing speed, number systems, conversion of number system, binary arithmetic, complements, computer codes, axioms, theorems, operation, logic gates, Boolean functions,
Boolean function and truth table -
Basics of Networking: the uses of network, types of networks, hybrid networks, how network are structured, network topologies and protocols, www, transmission medium
Basics of Database Management System: database and DBMS definition, applications of DBMS, entity , at- tribute and key field
Storage Devices: categorizing storage devices, magnetic storage devices, optical storage devices, solid- state storage devices.
Computer Threats and Basic Security Measures: basic security concepts, threats to users, threats to hardware, and threats to data.
Dear ICT in Business Knowledge Seekers,
You might be glad to notice that all the course academic procedures are almost done up and the course is about to complete. Any problem you fall in, don't hesitate to contact me.
At the end of the semester, I am using these quotes as advice for you:
o Small steps in the right direction can turn out to be the biggest step of your life
o If you are facing in the right direction all you need to do is keep on walking
o Imagine with all your mind, believe with all your heart, achieve with all your might
o Never give up because great things take time
o Life's greatest difficulties always happen right before life's greatest breakthroughs
o When life is difficult and when everything turns bad, always remember that " even a turtle can finish the race as long as it never gives up"
o Don't wait for opportunity, Create it
o When God pushes you to the edge of difficulty trust him fully because two things can happen either He'll catch you when you fall, or He will teach you how to fly.
o Attitude is everything. New day, new strength, new thoughts
o A positive attitude changes everything
o Life doesn't require that we be the best, only that we try our best
o It's a universal law—we have to give before we get
o The person who sows seeds of kindness will have a perpetual harvest
o Your own soul is nourished when you are kind; it is destroyed when you are cruel
o Remember, what you give will bring you more pleasure than what you get
o God is a giver. So be like Him and do good to everyone
o Be quick to give because when you give right away, it's like giving twice
o Giving can become a good habit
o The man who will use his skill and constructive imagination to see how much he can give for a dollar instead of how little he can give for a dollar is bound to succeed
All the Best!!!