Section outline
Course Instructor Information
Fatema Tuj Johora
Assistant Professor
Computer Science & Engineering
Daffodil International UniversityOffice: Room # 705, AB-4, Daffodil Smart City(DSC)Cell Number : +880 1315689508Email:
Introduction to Computational Biology explores a new area of expertise that emerged from this fertile field- the combination of biological and information sciences. It also exposes the reader to the fascinating structure of biological data and explains how to treat related combinatorial and statistical problems. Written to describe mathematical formulation and development, this book helps set the stage for even more, truly interdisciplinary work in biology.
This introduction describes the mathematical structure of biological data, especially from sequences and chromosomes. After a brief survey of molecular biology, it studies restriction maps of DNA, rough landmark maps of the underlying sequences, and clones and clone maps.
Today, we have new types of surveys and laboratories including “in silico studies” and “dry labs” in which bioinformaticians conduct their investigations to gain invaluable outcomes. These features have led to 3-dimensioned illustrations of different molecules and complexes to get a better understanding of nature.
Course Learning Outcome: (at the end of the course, students will be able to do :)
Understanding the implications, impacts and benefits of Chemistry and Biology for Computation.
Learn the basics of Molecular and Cellular Biology.
Differentiate among different Computational Chemistry methods.
Implement Different Algorithms related to Computational Biology.
Be familiar with the importance of computation in Chemical Industries.
Grading System:Theory Course
Lab Course
Class Attendance: 7%
Class Attendance: 10%
Class Tests/Quizes: 15%
Lab Final + Viva: 40%
Assignment: 5%
Lab Performance & Lab Assignment: 25%
Presentation: 8%
Project Submission + Viva: 25%
Midterm Examination: 25%
Final Examination: 40%
Attendance: will be based on class attendance and weekly class feedback
Class Test/Quiz: will be based on the BLC online test
Assignment: will be based on class performance and assignment submission
Presentation: will be based on the team presentation
Mid and Final Exam: open book class studies
Lab: will be based on project work, performances, tests, and VivaAcademic Honesty
1. Ensure Plagiarism < 20%
2. Reflect self-understanding
3. Avoid all unfair means to ensure the growth of your positive mindset-
Please download the file and read before starting the course. By downloading this file, you'll know about the course plans and other information.
Click here to download the books: "Introduction to Computational Chemistry"
Click here to download the books: "An Introduction to Bioinformatics Algorithm"
Opened: Monday, 24 February 2025, 12:00 AMDue: Saturday, 15 March 2025, 12:00 AM
Collect the Previous 2 semester's questions (Final Exam) and submit them as an assignment (pdf)
Opened: Monday, 24 February 2025, 12:00 AMDue: Saturday, 22 March 2025, 12:00 PM
Introduction to Chemistry & Biology for Computation
Click here to download Lecture 1.1
Importance of Computers in Chemical Industries
Click here to download Lecture 1.2
Role of chemistry in computer science & engineering
Click here to download Lecture 1.3
Role of chemistry in computer science & engineering
Click here to download Lecture 2.1
Lecture 2.2
Molecular and Cellular Biology (DNA Double Helix, DNA Replication )
Click here to download Lecture 2.2
If DNA replication is stopped! Then is it okey for biological world?
Opened: Saturday, 25 January 2025, 11:00 PMDue: Sunday, 2 February 2025, 1:00 PM
Lecture 3.1
DNA Sequencing (Sanger Method)
Click here to download Lecture 3.1
Lecture 3.2
Opened: Saturday, 1 March 2025, 10:00 PMDue: Sunday, 9 March 2025, 1:00 PM
Lecture 5.1
Computational Chemistry Methods (Molecular Mechanics & Quantum Mechanics)
Computational Chemistry Methods (MM & QM)
Click here to download Lecture 5.1
Click here to download Lecture 5.2
Dear Students,
Your formal classes before midterm examination has been ended. Please be prepared yourself for the review classes that will be held next.
You can download and view all slides and youtube contents too.
Youtube Channel Link
channel/ UCjsgqdQzzpejXrHGXRMhHNA
Lecture 4.1
Sequence Alignment (Global And Local)
Click here to download Lecture 4.1
Lecture 7 Gene Duplication and Read Mapping
Keyword Tree || Read Mapping ||Genome Indexing
Burrows Wheeler Transform(BWT)
Lecture 8: DNA Database Searching
DNA Database Searching
Click here to download slide on lecture 6.2
1. Discover the similarity between the two sequences by applying FASTA:
Sequence 1 (Tiger): TAACGAC
Sequence 2 (Cat): CAGTAAC2. Apply FAASTA algorithm, for the given sequences:
Sequence 1 (Tiger): GAATCAAT
Sequence 2 (Cat): CAATGAC
Importance of Computation in Chemical Industries:
● DCS (distributed control system)
○ Fertilizer ○ Water Treatment ○ Chemical Plant
● Chromatography
Lecture 10: Computer graphics for Molecular modelling
Computer graphics for Molecular modelling
Click here to download the slide on Lecture 8.1
Online Presentation on Gene Duplication and FASTA
Review Class on Midterm Exam Topics
Review Class on Final Exam Topics
Final Examination
(40 Marks)
Read thoroughly the lecture slides as well as videos too.
Thanks for staying with me.