- Teacher: Dr. Md. Mostafijur Rahman
Course Summary:The objectives of this Course are to introduce software engineering and to provide a framework for understanding Software Engineering (SE). When you have read, you will:■ understand what software engineering is and why it is important;■ understand that the development of different types of software system may require different software engineering techniques;■ understand ethical and professional issues that are important for software engineers;Faculty Member:Khaled Sohel Mohammad khaledsohel@daffodilvarsity.edu.bd Brief Profile:Khaled Sohel Mohammad was born in Mymensingh, Bangladesh in 1972. He received his M.S in Management Information System from Daffodil International University, Dhaka, Bangladesh in 2006. He pursued his B.Sc. (Hons.) in Computing and Information Systems from London Metropolitan University, UK. Currently he is working as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Software Engineering under the Faculty of Science and Technology at the Daffodil International University, Dhaka, Bangladesh. His Research area includes RFID Technology, Computer Networks, Distributed Database System, Blockchain Technology, Information Systems Management. Mr. Khaled Sohel Mohammad is a member of Bangladesh Computer Society; Lifetime member of Bangladesh AOTS Alumni Association. He was a member of the Board of Organizers of International Conference on Cyber Security and Computer Science (ICONCS 2020) which was held in February 2020 in Daffodil International University, Dhaka. He was a Session Chair in ICONCS 2020 Conference, Dhaka and a session chair in the ICONCS 2018 in Karabük University, Karabük, Turkey. February 2020. He was elected by the Bangladesh Association of Software and Information Services (BASIS) for Panel Judge in NASA Space Apps Challenge Contest Bangladesh, 2019. He presented research papers in many conferences including in 10th International Conference on Material and Manufacturing Technology (ICMMT 2019), Malaysia and in the International Conference on Cyber Security and Computer Science, 2018 in Karabük University, Karabük, Turkey etc.
Md. Anwar Hossen Programmer Data Science Enthusiast Web Developer Java Expert Researcher Machine Learning Enthusiast I am a Lecturer (Senior Scale) in the Department of Software Engineering, Daffodil International University, Dhaka, Bangladesh. You’ll find me almost all technological medium by @anwaremon. You can call me at this mobile number +8801717976009 or, Email me at: anwar.swe@diu.edu.bd Introductory Note Welcome to EMP 301 : Employability 360 This is the core course of Bachelor of Science in SWE. We are living in a time of hyper competition. Millions of people are fit for a single job position. You have to survive amidst all of this. How can you be different from the crowd? There is no alternative to employability and soft skills. Employability is the knowledge, skills, behavior and attitude of an individual that will enable him/her to acquire and maintain their employment. It is the right time to inform you that employability does not only ensure jobs, it also helps you to build the instinct of running a business. Employability 360° offers a wide variety of knowledge and skills that will enable a person to be employable anywhere in the world.
As instructed in the class to solve different problems of this chapters.
Biostatistics is the science which deals with development and application of the most appropriate methods for the: ➢ Collection of data. ➢ Presentation of the collected data. ➢ Analysis and interpretation of the results. ➢ Making decisions on the basis of such analysis.