This course provides a basic study of the structure and function of the human body. The course is meant to give insight into how the overall body is structured and how to simplify the various key structures that make up the human body. The course covers the basics anatomical terminology, basic biochemistry, cells and tissues, and the integumentary, skeletal, muscular, nervous, endocrine, cardiovascular, lymphatic/immune, respiratory, digestive, urinary, and reproductive systems.
Mashiur Rahman
Lecturer, Department of Pharmacy, Daffodil International University.
Mobile: +8801534951043
Recommended Book:
1. Gray's Anatomy- Spalding Gray, (International students edition), published by Churchill Livingstone.
2. Atlas of Human Anatomy by Frank H. Netter
3. Atlas of Human Anatomy (Quick study Books)by Vincent Perez
4. Text Book of Human Anatomy Volume-1,2,3by Dr. B. K. Tandon
5. Clinically Oriented Anatomy- SI Moore, Dalley
6. Human Anatomy-1,2,3,4 By Datta
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Classroom Code
In this section, student will learn about the history of anatomy, types of anatomy, components that made an organism, composition and functions of different organ systems, anatomical terminologies such as anatomical section and plane & relative and directional term of the body etc.
01. Anatomy
02. Types of anatomy
03. What are we made of?
04. Organ system
05. Composition and function of organ system
06. Anatomical terminology
i. Anatomical section and plane
ii. Relative and directional term of the body
Introduction to human anatomy
In this section, student will be able to describe both neonatal and adult blood circulation. They will also able to make the comparison between these two circulation processes.
Adult circulation (animation)
Neonatal anatomy and growth
In this section, student will get an overview on the Integumentary system. They will understand the anatomy and functions of the skin also get an idea about different layers of skin such as epidermis, dermis, and hypodermis. They will also learn the skin appendages and disorders of the skin.
Anatomy and physiology of Integumentary System (Animation)
In this section, the student will have an overview of the human Skeletal system. They will be able to describe the functions and part of the skeletal system also the number and names of 206 bones of human skeleton. They will also be able to diagrammatically represent different bones and joints of the skeleton.
Skeletal System
Muscular System
In this section, the students will get the idea about parts, layers and functions of the alimentary system. They will also have the understanding of the teeth, salivary glands, tongue, stomach, intestine, liver, bile, biliary tract, gallbladder, gallstone etc.
Digestive system
Digestive system (Part 2)
1. The student has to answer 10 questions out of 12 questions.
2. Marks for each question is 2.5.
3. Total Marks 25.
4. The time duration: 1 hour and 30 mins.
Dear Students
Share your learning with your mates. How muscular system is important for human.
In this section, the students will have the understanding of the respiration process and organs involved in respiration. They will also learn the gas exchange mechanism.
Respiratory system
Respiratory System
In this section, the students will learn about the parts, structure and functions of the urinary system. They will also know the functional and structural unit of the urinary system called kidney and urine formation process.
Anatomy of Kidney
In this section, the students will have a clear understanding of the hormonal system in the human body, different types of hormones and their functions and regulation inside the body.
Endocrine system
In this section, the students will know about both male and female reproductive system.
2. Marks for each question is 5.
3. Total Marks 50.
4. The time duration: 2 hours and 30 mins.