• 2. Chapter 1: Introduction to Principles of programming

    Objectives of this Chapter:

    - To teach about what is programming, why we need to learn programming and programming career.

    Chapter Outcomes:

    • Programming definition
    • Programming Languages
    • Time and Space complexity
    • Different software (IDE) and why we will use it 

    chapter 1 contents: 

    --Introduction to Programming

    --Programming Domain: Scientific Application, Business Applications,  Artificial Intelligence, Systems Programming, Web Software Categories of Programming Languages: Machine Level Languages, Assembly Level Languages, High-Level Languages Programming Design Methodologies: Top-Down and Bottom UP Program Development Cycle with the case study, Program Execution and Translation Process, Problem-solving using Algorithms and Flowcharts, Performance Analysis and Measurements: Time and Space complexity

  • General

  • Course Introduction

  • Introduction to C Programming

  • Operators and Expressions

  • Chapter 4: Data Types and Variables

  • Control Statements and Decision Making:

  • Array

  • Strings

  • Function in C Programming

  • Section 10