Section outline

  • Introduction:

    EEE 461: Optical Fiber Communication

    Welcome to this course on EEE 461: Optical fiber communication. It is almost unnecessary to mention the importance of optical fiber in modern communication sector.Fiber optic communication has revolutionised the telecommunications industry.Fiber optical communication enables telecommunications networks to provide high bandwidth high speed data connections across countries and the globe. This type of communication can transmit voice,video and telemetry through local area networks,computer networks across long distance. Optical fiber also offers low power loss, lost cost, lower attenuation, greater security.


    • All course related materials can be found here.

    Course Summary:

    Historical development of optical fiber, working principle of optical fiber communication system, advantages, disadvantages and applications, Ray transmission theory, light propagation through Optical fiber, comparison of different types of fiber, different types of fiber loss, attenuation, dispersion, effect of dispersion, different types of nonlinear effects of fiber, principle of optical sources and detectors.

    • All kinds of announcements will be available here. You are requested to keep updated by checking the announcement section every time you entered in this DIU BLC course repository.
    • If you face any trouble using BLC, you can visit this link

  • Course Instructor:

    Sanjida Alam

    Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
    Faculty of Engineering
    Daffodil International University
    Room: 805 AB-4 (PC)

    mail address:

  • Aims and Objectives:

    • to learn about the historical development, advantages, disadvantages and applications of optical fiber communication.
    •  to learn the basic elements of optical fiber transmission link, fiber modes, configurations and structures.
    •  to understand the different kind of losses, signal distortion
    •  to learn about various optical sources, materials and splicing  to learn the fiber optic receivers and noise performance in photo detector.
    •  explain different types of optical amplifier.
    • to illustrate different types of Non linear effects of Optical Fiber.

    Course Outcome (COs):
    SL. No
    (Upon successful completion of this course, students should be able to)
    Corresponding POs
    Bloom’s taxonomy domain/level*
    Delivery Methods & activities
    Assessment tools
    CO 461-1
    Illustrates the basic knowledge of Ray optics theory and Explain the Transmission Characteristics of fiber
    CT, Exam
    CO 461-2
    Compare Step Index, Graded index fibers and compute mode volume.
    CT, Exam,
    CO 461-3
    Classify the various types of fiber loss,
    CT, Exam,
    CO 461-4
    Explain characteristics of optical sources and detectors and Compare the different types of optical amplifier in basis of their principles and applications, Receiver analysis.
    CT, Exam,

    Course Outcomes:

    • Gather fundamental knowledge about optical fiber communication system and its application
    • can be able to solve theory related mathematical problems.

    Course Contents:

    ·         Historical development, working principle, advantages, limitations and applications of  Optical fiber communication system


    ·         Fiber modes configurations and structures, comparison of different types of fiber

    ·         Ray optics theory and propagation of light through optical fiber

    ·         Fiber losses: Intrinsic absorption, Scattering losses, Bending losses, attenuation

    ·         Fiber dispersion:Modal dispersion, chromatic dispersion and polarization mode dispersion

    ·         Working principle of optical sources (LED, LASER)

    ·         Working principle of optical detectors

    ·         Practise theory related mathematical problems

    ·         Basics of optical amplifier

    ·         Comparison of booster, inline amplifier, pre amplifier


    ·         Working Principle of SOA, RA and EDFA


    ·         Comparison and application different types of optical amplifier

    ·         Multi-channel optical system: Frequency division multiplexing, wavelength division                multiplexing and co-channel interference

    • This book will mainly be used to conduct classes

    • 1.   Optical communications by John Senior **

      2.   Optical fiber communications by Gerd Keiser*

    • Google Classroom Code:

      Section A: gn5cgax

      Class related any materials/notice will be available here.

    • Every course should have a course profile. Both the students and teacher should follow this profile to have a clear assumption about this course.

  • Online Interaction:

  • Lecture-01: Introduction to optical fiber

    Lecture Objectives:

    • to know about the historical development of optical fiber communication
    • to acquire knowledge about optical fiber communication system
    • to learn about advantages ,disadvantages and applications of optical fiber communication

    Lecture Outcomes:

    At the end of the session students will be able to 

    • learn about brief history of optical fiber communication
    • learn  about optical fiber communication system
    • know about advantages ,disadvantages and applications of optical fiber communication

    Lecture Contents:

    • introduction to optical fiber communication (brief history)
    • optical fiber communication system
    • advantages and limitations of optical fiber communication
    • applications of optical fiber communication

  • Lecture-02:Characteristics of Optical Fiber

    Lecture Objectives:

    • to illustrate the characteristics of fiber
    • to know about the types of fiber
    • to learn how does fiber work

    Lecture Outcomes:

    At the end of the session students will be able to 

    • Explain the transmission characteristics of fiber
    • Illustrate the basic characteristics of fiber
    • Compare different types of fiber

    Lecture Contents:

    • What is an an optical fiber

    • Types of optical fiber
    • How optical fiber works

  • Lecture-03: Propagation of light through optical fiber

    Lecture Objectives:

    • to know about Ray optics theory
    • to know about acceptance angle
    • to be familiar with Numerical Aperture (NA)
    • to practice mathematical problems of NA
    • to learn about phase velocity and group velocity

    Lecture Outcomes:

    At the end of the session students will be able to 

    • illustrates the basic knowledge of ray optics theory
    • learn about acceptance angle and Numerical Aperture
    • practice problems on NA

    • familiar with phase velocity and group velocity

    Lecture Contents:

    • Ray optics theory

    • Acceptance angle
    • Numerical Aperture
    • Mathematical problems on NA
    • Group velocity and phase velocity

  • Lecture-04:Dispersion of fiber

    Lecture Objectives:

    • to know about Fiber dispersion
    • to be noted with material dispersion, wave guide dispersion and modal dispersion
    • to learn about polarization mode dispersion

    Lecture Outcomes:

    The students will be able to

    • know about different types of dispersion
    • acquire knowledge about  material dispersion, wave guide dispersion and modal dispersion, polarization mode dispersion

    Lecture Contents:

    • Fiber dispersion
    • material dispersion

    • wave guide dispersion 

    • modal dispersion

    • polarization mode dispersion

  • Lecture-05: Attenuation of fiber

    Lecture Objectives:

    • to know about Fiber attenuation
    • to be noted with intrinsic absorption, material absorption.
    • to learn about different types of fiber losses like (Scattering loss, bending loss,  radiation loss)

    Lecture Outcomes:

    The students will be able to

    • know about different types of attenuation
    • learn about  fiber losses, linear and nonlinear effects and compute the losses
    • practice mathematical problem on coupling loss

    Lecture Contents:

    • Fiber attenuation
    • Fiber losses
    • Material absorption
    • Scattering loss
    • Bending loss
    • Radiation loss (due to mode coupling)
    • Leaky modes
    • Math on coupling loss

  • Midterm Exam Instructions:

    Midterm Exam Syllabus:

    • Slide 1: Introduction to the optical fiber communication.
    • Slide 2: Characteristics of Optical Fiber.
    • Slide 3: Propagation of light through Optical Fiber
    • Slide 4: Dispersion of Fiber.
    • Slide 5: Attenuation of Fiber.

    Midterm Exam Mark Distribution:

    • There will be 6 sets of questions in Mid term exam
    • Each set of questions may contain 2 or 3 short or description question
    • Each of the question set contains equal marks (5 marks), Total 25 marks.

  •  Final exam Instructions:

    Final Exam Syllabus: 

    • Final Exam will include all lecture Module.

    Final Exam Instructions: 

    • Final Exam related all Slides and Instructions will be announced later.