Topic outline

  • Course Introduction

    Welcome to the Basic Electronics Course 

    This course is basically designed for learning the initial part of Electronics, how they are come and how they are made. We will start from the introduction of Electronincs and then we will jump in depth how our daily devices are made and how they are working. 

    Meet the Instructor

    Shams Shahriar

    Department of CSE
    Daffodil International University
    Dhanmondi, Dhaka.

    Course Objectives: 

    • 1. To understand operation of semiconductor devices. 
    • 2. To understand DC analysis and AC models of semiconductor devices.
    • 3. To apply concepts for the design of Regulators and Amplifiers
    • 4. To verify the theoretical concepts through laboratory and simulation experiments.
    • 5. To implement mini projects based on concept of electronics circuit concepts.

    Course Outcomes:

    • 1. Understand the current voltage characteristics of semiconductor devices, 
    • 2. Analyze dc circuits and relate ac models of semiconductor devices with their physical Operation,
    • 3. Design and analyze of electronic circuits,
    • 4. Evaluate frequency response to understand behavior of Electronics circuits.

    Assessment Strategy (100 Marks):

    • Class Attendance = 7
    • Class Test = 15
    • Mid Term Exam = 25
    • Project Presentation and Viva = 8
    • Assignments = 5
    • Final Exam = 40

  • Week 1

    Semiconductor and Their Properties

    This week, we will know how our daily life electronics are come from. Which element did they use? And which one should we choose for our daily life electronics devices?

    What you will learn from this section:

    • What is Semiconductor?
    • Bonds in Semiconductor.
    • Common use of Semicoundur
    • Which one to use?
    • Energy band

    Now Let' Jump to a Video to learn more:


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    Alright then, hopefully, we can learn new interesting topics today. Now let's go to our content section to know what did you learn.

  • Week 2

    Types of Semicondutor, P type and N Type

    This week, we will know how temperature will affect the semiconductor. On the other hand, we will learn how many type of semiconductors are there and how they can be made.

    What you will learn from this section:

    • Temperature in Semiconductor
    • Types of Semiconductor
    • How P-type and N-Type are made
    • How they work

    Now Let' Jump to a Video to learn more:


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    Alright then, hopefully, we can learn new interesting topics today. Now let's go to our content section to know what did you learn.

  • Week 3

    PN Junction and Working

    This week, we will know how we can make a PN junction with two semiconductor types. How they are working together and some properties that help in daily life.

    What you will learn from this section:

    • What is PN Junction
    • How they can be made
    • Characteristics of a PN junction
    • VI Characteristics of a PN junction
    • Real-life working examples

    Now Let' Jump to a Video to learn more:



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    Alright then, hopefully, we can learn new interesting topics today. Now let's go to our content section to know what did you learn.

  • Week 4

    Crystal Diode and its Properties

    This week, we will know how we can make a crystal diode out of PN junction. And how it will operate and how we can use them in our daily life. How we can convert an AC current to DC using the Diode. Types of rectification.

    What you will learn from this section:

    • What is Crystal diode
    • How it will work
    • Working properties of a Diode 
    • Diode as a rectifier
    • AC to DC Conversion

    Now Let' Jump to a Video to learn more:


    Feeling Interesting?? Want to learn more?? Check out this external video:

    Feeling Interesting?? Want to learn more?? Check out this external video:


    Alright then, hopefully, we can learn new interesting topics today. Now let's go to our content section to know what did you learn.

  • Week 5

    Full Wave Rectifiers

    This week, we will know how a Full wave rectifier works. What is the problem with the half-wave rectifier? And also what kind of full-wave rectifiers can be used.

    What you will learn from this section:

    • Types of Full-Wave rectifier
    • Center Tap and Full Wave Bridge
    • Which one is better?
    • Difference between Full Wave and Half Wave

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    Alright then, hopefully, we can learn new interesting topics today. Now let's go to our content section to know what did you learn.

  • Week 6

    Filter Circuits and Zener Diode

    This week, we will know how a Filter Circuit will convert all the AC components to DC component and how we can get flawless DC current. On the other hand, there is also a new type of Diode Zener. Which have fantastic capabilities of resistance?

    What you will learn from this section:

    • What is the filter circuits?
    • How does it work?
    • Zener Diode and it's working
    • When we use a Zener Diode?

    Now Let' Jump to a Video to learn more:



    Feeling Interesting?? Want to learn more?? Check out this external video:



    Alright then, hopefully, we can learn new interesting topics today. Now let's go to our content section to know what did you learn.

  • Instruction for Mid- Term Exam

    Mid Term Lesson Topics:

    1. Semiconductor Physics: 5.1 to 5.2, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6, 5.8 to 5.13, 5.15, 5.16, 5.18 to 5.20 (Week 1, 2, 3)
     2. Semiconductor Diode: 6.1, 6.2, 6.4, 6.7, 6.8, 6.10 to 6.13, 6.15, 6.18, 6.20, 6.21, 6.24 to 6.27 (Week 4, 5, 6)
    Mathematical Problems: Chapter 6: Semiconductor Diode Example: 6.12 - 6.20, 6.25- 6.30 (VK Mehta)

    Mid-Term Marks Distribution:

    1. Section 1: Fill in the gaps. Mark: 5 (5 questions)
    2. Section 2: Broad Questions. Mark: 11 (3 questions)
    3. Section 3: Math. Mark: 9 (3 questions)

    • Week 7

      Transistors and It's Working

      This week, we will know about Transistors. It is made from Diode and also with Semiconductors. In this session, we will know how a transistor can be made and how it will work.

      What you will learn from this section:

      • What is a transistor
      • How a Transistor made of and how it can be made?
      • Working principles of a transistor
      • How it will help our daily electronics

      Now Let' Jump to a Video to learn more:


      Feeling Interesting?? Want to learn more?? Check out this external video:



      Alright then, hopefully, we can learn new interesting topics today. Now let's go to our content section to know what did you learn.

    • Week 8

      Transistors as an Amplifier and Properties of Circuit

      This week, we will know about how a transistor will act as an amplifier. We will also know how it amplifies. And also there are many types of circuit details that we talked about.

      What you will learn from this section:

      • How transistor works as an amplifier
      • How did it attach to the circuit?
      • What are open and closed circuits in transistors?

      Now Let' Jump to a Video to learn more:

      Feeling Interesting?? Want to learn more?? Check out this external video:


      Alright then, hopefully, we can learn new interesting topics today. Now let's go to our content section to know what did you learn.

    • Week 9

      Field-Effect Transistors

      This week, we will know about other types of transistors which is the Field Effect transistor. It will help to minimize the cost-effectiveness of the general transistor use. On the other hand, it is very efficient in daily life. So we can use it as an alternate.

      What you will learn from this section:

      • What is Field-Effect Transistor
      • How it can be worked?
      • Why it is better than a general transistor?

      Now Let' Jump to a Video to learn more:

      Feeling Interesting?? Want to learn more?? Check out this external video:



      Alright then, hopefully, we can learn new interesting topics today. Now let's go to our content section to know what did you learn.

    • Final Exam Instructions

      Final Exam Lesson Topics:

      1. Transistor: 8.1 to 8.7, 8.8(Circuit, Current amplification factor) 8.10(Circuit, Current amplification factor, Relation between α and β) 8.13(Circuit, Current amplification factor, Relation between α and γ) (Week 4, 5) 
      2. Field Effect Transistors: 19.1-19.4, 19.6, 19.27 (Week 5, 6)
      3. Operational Amplifiers(OP-AMP): 31.18 to 31.22, 31.24 (Self Study) link:
      Mathematical Problems: Chapter 8: Transistors Example: 8.1 – 8.15 (VK Mehta)

      N.B. Final Exam will include both Mid-term and Final Syllabus.

      Final Exam Marks Distribution:

      1. Section 1: Fill in the gaps. Mark: 10 (10 questions)
      2. Section 2: Broad Questions. Mark: 18 (3 questions)
      3. Section 3: Math. Mark: 12 (3 questions)