• Welcome to Data Communication and Computer Networks

     teach you basics of Data Communication and Computer Network (DCN) and will also take you through various advance concepts related to Data Communication and Computer Network.

    This course is designed to provide knowledge on the basics of Data Communication and Computer Network (DCN) and will also take you through various advanced concepts related to Data Communication and Computer Network.

    Common Instructions:

    • Students can find all the course materials from here.
    • Any announcement regarding the class will be posted on the "Announcements" section.
    • All the students have to submit the soft copy of their "Assignment" in Moodle.
    • All the quizzes will be held on Moodle. Quiz links will be available under Specific Module section.
    • All the students have to submit a video presentation under the "Presentation" section.
    • You are encouraged to deliver feedback for each of the modules through the feedback section.
  • Course Instructor

    Lecturer Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

    Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
    Faculty of Engineering
    Cell-Phone: +8801796674214
    Room: 805 AB-4, Permanent Campus,Ashulia, Dhaka.  

  • Course Introduction


        Course Introduction


    Course Objectives: 

    • To understand the general terminologies and trends in Data Communication and Computer Network.
    • To analyze data transmission, interfacing, and line coding.
    • To explore the field of computer networking and communication, emphasizing network topologies, and interference issues.
    • To get familiar with various network layers.
    • To analyze in-depth techniques for Computer Protocols and IP address.
    • To provide a brief knowledge about wireless communication.

    Course Contents: 

    • Transmission Impairments, data capacity theorem, Shannon’s Capacity theorem, Nyquist theorem, Transmission mode
    • Analog signal to digital data conversion
    • Digital to digital conversion process-Line coding, Block coding, error detection
    • Digital to Analog Conversion Process, Error detection, and correction. CRC and other methods. RS232 (or EIA 232D) V.24 interface standard
    • Network topology
    • Network layer
    • Internet applications, e-mail and file transfer SMTP and FTP, HTTP Wireless LAN, IEEE 802.11, and Bluetooth.
    • Multiple access- CSMA/CD, CSMA/CA, CDMA
    • Circuit and Packet Switching and hybrid switching, Virtual circuit, and datagrams
    • IP address and subnetting
    • Transmission medium: guided and unguided

    Course Outcomes (COs) and Mapping with Program Outcome (POs):

    Sl. No.


    (Upon successful completion of this course, students should be able to)      

    Corresponding POs

    Bloom’s taxonomy domain/level*

    Delivery Methods & activities

    Assessment tools




    CO 485-1

    Demonstrate and apply data transmission mechanisms, techniques for effective data communication







    CT, Exam

    CO 485-2

    Analyze different aspects of reliability in data communication







    CT, Exam

    CO 485-3

    Interpret and analyze different network algorithms and protocols for effective design of computer networks








    CT, Exam,

    CO 485-4

    Design networks and subnets with IP calculations








    CT, Exam

    * C: Cognitive, P: Psychomotor; A: Affective

    1 Folder, 2 Files
  • Lecture Module-01: Basic Introduction of data communication and Transmission Impairments


     Introduction to Data Communication


    The objective of this Lecture:

    To understand the Basic Knowledge in Data Communication.

    Lecture Outcome:

    At the end of the session students will be able to :

    • Learn about the basic terms of data communication

    Lecture Contents:

    • basic introduction on data communication
    • Types of data communication
    • Fundamental Characteristics of data communication
    • Components of data communication
    • transmission Impairment 
    • Information on data capacity theorem
    • Shannon’s Capacity theorem
    • Nyquist theorem
    • Calculate the channel capacity, signal rate, signal level and data rate


    1 File, 3 Pages, 1 Interactive Content, 1 Forum
  • Lecture Module-02: Modulation and Analog to Digital Conversion


    Analog to Digital Conversion


    Lesson Objective:

    To understand about Modulation and how to convert Analog to digital communication.

    Lesson Outcome:

    At the end of the lecture, the student will able to demonstrate and apply analog to digital conversion technique.

    Lecture Contents:

    • Modulation
    • PCM
    • Sampling
    • Quantization,quantization error
    • Encoding


    1 Folder, 3 Pages, 1 Interactive Content, 1 Forum
  • Quiz-1

    Quiz -1:

    Date: 22/7/20(Wednesday)

    Time: 4-7 pm

    Time duration opening and closing : 40 minutes

    Syllabus: Module-1,Module-2

    1 Quiz
  • Lecture Module-03:Digital to digital conversion( Line Coding )

    Lecture Objective:

     To analyse the data transmission, interfacing, and line coding .

    Lecture Outcome:

    Student will able to analyse and apply the different line coding techniques with specific requirements.

    Lecture Contents:

      • Different types of line coding

    1 File, 3 Pages, 1 Interactive Content, 1 Forum
  • Lecture Module-04: Digital to analog Conversion(BASK)


    Digital to analog Conversion(BASK)


    Lesson Objective:

    To understand the Digital to analog data conversion techniques and application process

    Lesson Outcome:

    Students will able to apply these techniques to convert the digital signal into analog data for device communication.

    Lecture Contents:

      • Digital to analog conversion
      • BASK
      • Carrier signal
      • BASK generation


    1 File, 3 Pages, 1 Interactive Content, 1 Forum
  • Lecture Module-05: BFSK and BPSK


    BFSK and BPSK


    Lesson Objectives:

    • To understand the Digital signal to analog data conversion techniques and application process
    • To understand the different types of data transmission techniques.

    Lesson Outcome:

    At the end of the lecture students will able to 

    • Apply this techniques to convert the digital signal to analog data for device communication.
    • Analyze and Apply different transmission mode. 

    Lecture Contents:

    • Conversion Techniques
    • BFSK
    • BFSK Generation, Detection
    • BPSK Generation,Detection
    • Comparison of BASK,BFSK,BPSK


    1 Folder, 3 Pages, 1 Interactive Content, 1 Forum
  • Assignment-1


    Date: 7/8/20-14/8/20

    1 Assignment
  • Midterm Examination


    Module (1-5)

    Total Time: 2.15 hours

    Total Marks:  25 Marks

    Exam Date: 16-07-2020

    Submission Opening Time: 2.00 PM

    Submission Closing Time: 8.00 PM

    Assessment Plan:

    For the written exam, there will be 5 questions. Students will have to answer each question.  There will be partial marking depending on the answers given.


    • You can attempt up to 2 times.
    • For each attempt, your question set will be changed.
    • You have to submit the answer sheet in pdf format. No image file will be allowed.
    • There will be a grace period of 15 mins if you face any problem to submit your answer script.

    1 Quiz
  • Lecture Module 06: Computer Networks

    Lecture Objective:
      • To explore the field of computer networking and communication, emphasizing network topologies and interference issues.

    Lecture Outcome:

    At the end of this session students will able to:

      • Understand the classification of networks according to topology and size
      • Analyze the relation between LAN, MAN and WAN

    Lecture Contents:

      • Classification of networks: Point to Point and Multipoint
      • Different types of Network topology and their size 
      • Network Categories and relation between LAN, MAN and WAN

    1 File, 2 Pages, 1 Forum
  • Lecture Module 07: Network Models

    Lecture Objective:

      •  To get familiar with various network layers and their Application in real life.

    Lecture Outcome:

    At the end of this session students will able to:

      • Understand the Network protocol
      • Interpret and analyze different network algorithms and protocols for effective design of computer networks.

    Lecture Contents:

      • Internet Protocol and their elements.
      • Advantages of Layered Architecture
      • Network Layer: Overview of OSI model and TCP/IP Protocol
      • Internet applications, e-mail and file transfer SMTP and FTP

    1 File, 2 Pages, 1 Forum
  • Quiz-3

    Date: 20/8/20
    Time:4-9 pm
    BLC opening and closing time: 60 minutes
    syllabus: Module 6 & 7
    1 Quiz
  • Lecture Module 08: IP address

    Lecture Objective:

      •  To get familiar with IP addressing and design the full system for a particular server.

    Lecture Outcome:

    At the end of this session students will able to:
      • Understand the IP Addressing (IPV4 and IPV6)
      • Design networks and subnets with IP calculations

    Lecture Contents:

      • IP addressing (IPV4)
      • Difference between IPV4 and IPV6
      • Subnet mask, Network address and broadcast address
      • Subnetting and its detailed calculation
      • Private IP and Public IP

    1 File, 2 Pages, 1 Forum
  • Assignment

    Submission Date: 27/8/20
    Topic: IP Address and Subnetting
    1 Assignment
  • Presentation

    Submission last date:24/8/20

    topic: within syllabus

    1 Assignment
  • Final Examination


    Module (1-8)

    Total Time: 2.00 hours

    Total Marks:  30 Marks

    Exam Date: 27-08-2020

    Submission Opening Time:  3.00 PM

    Submission Closing Time: 9.00 PM

    Assessment Plan:

    For the written exam, there will be 7 questions. Students will have to answer 6 questions.  There will be partial marking depending on the answers given.


    • You can attempt up to 2 times.
    • For each attempt, your question set will be changed.
    • You have to submit the answer sheet in pdf format. No image file will be allowed.
    • There will be a grace period of 10 mins if you face any problem to submit your answer script.

    1 Quiz