Section outline

  • Dear Students,

    My Salam & best wishes to all of you. I welcome all of you in Summer 2020. Due to  CORONA-19 pandemic we are online. Hope and pray to Almighty creator so that we can shift to our beloved campus soon. This is an introductory accounting course that deal with the basic functions of accounting so that we may have a fundamental understanding of the accounting reports and business decision process. This course is mathematical practice basis but for better and easy practice of mathematics we should understand the concepts first. I confidently believe that if we try collectively and invest our valuable time we can do well in this course Insha Allah. Wish you good luck!

  • Our Primary Text:....!!

    Course introduction:

    Don’t worry at all! This is an introductory accounting course which is very interesting and somewhat funny. Of course very important for all irrespective of our discipline. In teaches us the basic accounting issues to enrich us with the fundamental activities of accounting so that we may have at least the minimum command on the financial activities of the organization as well we can engage ourselves in the business decision process. We hope to enjoy the course.  

    Course Objectives:

    (a) Understand the role and principles of financial accounting and reporting

    (b) Record, handle and summarize accounting data

    (c) Prepare financial statements for service and real estate construction companies

    (d) Have thorough grounding and the technical skills of accounting necessary to work as an accountant more efficiently and effectively.

    Expected outcome of the course:

    After completing this course we are expected to have the following skills and knowledge in us:

    (a)    Understanding the business transactions and their effect in the accounting equation.

    (b)   Differentiating between economic and non-economic activities of business organization

    (c)    Recording the transactions in the accounting system by using different accounting tools like journal, ledger, trial balance etc

    (d)   Making the adjustments at the end of accounting time periods

    (e)    Preparing financial statements

    (f)     Completing the accounting process

    (g)   Making financial decision of business

    Student Activity Guidelines for BLC.

    Please listen to it carefully to know how to use BLC

    Semester strategy

  • Course Objectives:

    (a) Understand the role and principles of financial accounting and reporting

    (b) Record, handle and summarize accounting data

    (c) Prepare financial statements for service and real estate construction companies

    (d) Have thorough grounding and the technical skills of accounting necessary to work as an accountant more efficiently and effectively.

    Text Book Accounting Principles- 12th Edition, by Weygandt, Kieso, and Kimmel

    Reference Books: 

    1.    Intermediate Accounting -15th Edition, by Donald E. Kieso, Weygandt, Warfield

    2.    Principles of Accounting- Latest Edition, by Needles & Anderson

  • Universal assessment strategy of Daffodil International University will be followed. For the assessment of the quiz, assignment, presentation and case studies we may set or change our styles but for the term examinations like Midterm and Semester Final examination the central procedure of the university will be strictly followed. However, the marks distribution of the assessment is as under:

    Class attendance:                            7 Marks

    Class test/ Quiz:                               15 Marks

    Assignment:                                       5 Marks

    Presentation:                                    8 Marks

    Midterm Examination:                   25 marks

    Semester Final:                               40 Marks

    Total:                                                 100 Marks

  • Industrial Attachment: 

    Following approaches are followed for industrial attachment:

    (i) Real data base problem and case studies are solved

    (ii) Students are instructed to collect real accounting data from different companies and then they prepare accounting report from those data

    (iii) Real life example  

  • We are expected to finish this chapter in 04 meetings.
    Learning objectives of this chapter:

    (a) Fundamental concepts of accounting including, definition  of  Accounting;  Users  of  Accounting,  Brief history of accounting, Book Keeping and accounting, The Accounting  profession,  Ethics,  fundamental  business concepts.

    (b) Understanding and analysing the business transactions

    (c) Preparing financial statements (Income statement, Owner's equity statement and balance sheet

    Outcome of this chapter include the following:

    (1) Being able to distinguish between economic and non-economic activities of business organization

    (2) Understand and explain the effect of transactions on the accounting equation

    (3) Measuring performance of the business organization

    (4) Being able to identify any changes in the owner's capital invested in the business.

    Learning materials and methods are:

    (i) Live class

    (ii) Recorded video and audio

    (iii) PowerPoint

    (iv) Materials from text book.

  • We are expected to complete this chapter in 02 classes. 

    The learning objectives of this chapter are:

    (a) Understanding the basic rules and regulations which are called accounting guidelines

    (b) Learning the process of developing accounting guidelines

    (c) To know the necessity and practices of those accounting guidelines

    Expected outcomes of this chapter:

    (i) Being able to explain the concept and necessity of accounting guideline

    (ii) Being able to discuss the accounting guidelines like accounting principles and assumptions

    (iii) Understand the process of constructing accounting guidelines

    Teaching materials and methods:

    (1) Real time class iteration

    (2) Video clips

    (3) PowerPoint

  • Keep in mind, it is chapter 02 of the text book!

    However, we are expected to finish this chapter in 03 classes. 

    The objectives of this chapter are as under:

    (a) To learn the recording tools and concepts used in accounting

    (b) Understanding the T - account, debit and credit concepts and the modern debit credit identification process

    (c) Learning the process of recording the business transactions in the accounting system

    (d) Learning the techniques of preparing journal, ledger and trial balance

    (e) Purpose and limitation of a trial balance

    Outcome of this chapter:

    (i) Misconception about debit credit will be resolved

    (ii) Will be able to identify the debit and credit items easily

    (iii) Will be able to record the transactions, prepare ledger and trial balance

    (iv) Will be capable to explain the merits and shortcomings of a rial balance

    Teaching and learning materials to be used:  

    (1) PowerPoint and Short Video

    (2) Text Book and guide materials

    (3) Live class

  • Instructions:

    Part-A: MCQ, True/False (15 questions 30 minutes); Opening time: 4:00 PM

    Part-B:Problem solving (10 Marks 45 minutes); Opening time: 4:35 PM
     For Problem solving question:  You have to write with black pen in your exercise book (Khata). Then upload the image in upload option 

  • This chapter will take 3 lectures. 

    Learning objectives of this chapter:

    (a) To understand the practical concepts of adjusting entry

    (b) To know the reality about the origination of adjusting entries

    (c)  To learn the techniques of making adjusting in time

    (d) To know the process of recording the adjusting entries

    Chapter Outcome:

    (1) We will be able to relate the accounting adjustment with our real life adjustment

    (2) We will be able to explain different types of adjusting entries needed in accounting

    (3) We will be able to record the adjusting entries each time the financial statements are prepared

    Teaching Materials:

    (i) PowerPoint and Live class

    (ii) Video and Audio clips

    (iii) Practice from text book

  • Semester final examination will be held according to the central system of Daffodil International University. The Examination Controller of the university will announce the date and time.

    Syllabus: All the chapters we have completed but the chapters after midterm examinations will be given more weight.

    Format: Problem solving, case Analysis and Conceptual writing

    Marks: 40

  • Date: 02-09-2020

    Opening time: 4:00 PM

    Total time allowed: 2 hours

    Marks: 30