Topic outline

  • Objectives and outcomes of the course


    • To make the faculty members aware about the Quality Education in Tertiary Level of Education.
    • To receive the in-depth analysis on IQAC as it plays the significant and viatal roles to ensure quality education at higher education.
    • To know the Quality Assurance areas of IQAC as each departments work in an integrated way, on 9 QA areas, which cover all the development of any HEIs..


    After successful completion of the course, the faculty members will be able to

    •  know the details quality education tools and techniques
    •  interact and share their views for the improvement where Self Assessment Committee can bridge
    • work independently in designing innovative teaching learning methods
    • know the standard and global practice of quality education

    • History of IQAC and its importance on Quality Education at HEI

      Higher education in Bangladesh has experienced a phenomenal growth at least in quantity, doubling in number of tertiary level students. But the quality of education and research could not match the horizontal increase. There is a popular saying that quantity without quality is a sure prescription for disaster, while quality without quantity can act like seeds and at least something to build on. So quality is very important in higher education. Bangladesh is now working to change the landscape of higher education through enhancement of quality of higher education and research in the country...............

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      Website of IQAC:

      • Vision, Mission, and Strategy

      • Dimensions Institutional Quality Assurance Cell

        • View
      • Nine (9) Key Quality Assurance (QA) Areas

      • Self Assessment Process Flow

      • The necessity of Online Education

      • Workshop on Establishment of IQAC

      • Self Assessment Manual

      • Stages to Introduce QA Mechanism

      • IQAC International Workshop

        International Workshop on "Need for change in the Course Curricula of Business School: Positioning and Competency of Business School in BIMSTEC Region” began at Daffodil International University

        To develop education quality, research, regional cooperation and other important issues, a 2 day International Workshop on ‘Need for change in the course curricula of Business School: Positioning, Competency of Business School in BIMESTIC Region’ began today on June 3, 2016 at Daffodil International University Auditorium. Department of Business Administration and Institutional Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of Daffodil International University organized this international workshop

      • Workshop Proceedings

      • Building Quality in Education

      • Anticipated Outcome of IQAC

      • Compliance for the policy development

        General Compliance:

        • Quality Content of teaching learning tools
        • Ensuring capacity development for the faculty members (e.g. doing Ph.D, articles at high impact journal)
        • Outcome Based Course Curriculum (OBCC) of global standard
        • Proper academic audit
        • Performance analysis and assessment tools

        • Global Perspective on Quality Assurance

          Establishment of quality assurance system in higher education is a global concern now. There is a growing demand for quality assurance (QA) mechanisms at national, regional and global levels. Over the years, it is observed that there is an increase in the number of HE institutions and increased involvement of external stakeholders through changes in governance structures. 

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        • IQAC in news

          Activities of IQAC were published in national and international media, which can be retrieved from the below link:

          News and Events of IQAC, DIU

          • IQAC Survey Tools

            Self Assessment Committee (SAC) is constituted to customize the survey tools proposed in the SA Manual for program self-assessment. The proposed survey tools are thoroughly discussed, reviewed, customized and finalized by by all the members of the sub-committee. The templates are essential for carrying out the self-assessment exercise in all programs of the Bangladesh’s universities. However, these are samples and very generalized. Program offering entities may customize these templates depending on their individual and specific requirements and context.

            IQAC Survey Tools


          • Outcome Based Education Curriculum

            The demand for Higher Education and the number of Higher Education Institutes has in recent times increased significantly in Bangladesh. Wider access to higher education has become necessary to address the diversifying demands of the local and global job market. Improving the quality of higher education is considered essential to this process. Improving the quality of higher education entails improving curriculum, faculty, physical resources, academic facilities, and research opportunities. The curriculum of Higher Education study should be outcome based, driven by the goal achievement of bridging the gap between Job market demand and supply of skilled Graduates passing out from the universities. To ensure the target objective, universities should adopt and practice outcome based education model.

            READ MORE.... Outcome Based Education Curriculum

            • Bangladesh Accreditation Council and IQAC

              IQAC, UGC of Bangladesh and Bangladesh Accreditation Council have been working together to ensure the quality in the ecosystem.

              The Bangladesh Accreditation Council was established under the Bangladesh Accreditation Council Act 2017. The law was approved by the Bangladesh Parliament in March 2016 and received the consent of the President. The appointment of the chairman and full-time members of the council was completed by June 2019.

              Link of BAC ACT 2017:  Bangladesh Accreditation Council Act 2017

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              • Class Monitoring and Question Moderation Committee

                Class Monitoring

                To enhance the quality of teaching at Daffodil International University, the IQAC has taken an initiative to form a monitoring committee from each faculty of the university to monitor the teaching in classes and evaluate. 

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                Question Monitoring Committee

                Ensuring proper assessment of students learning is one of the key deliverable of quality assurance in Higher Education. Every university needs to establish a system to monitor the Question Papers regularly for assessing

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              • Course Diary and Bloom's Taxonomy

                The Course diary is a list of tasks that are supposed to be accomplished by students throughout the course.  You can have a detailed understanding on course diary from the following document (link provided):

              • Achievement of IQAC, DIU

                Bangladesh is a developing country and its economy is in transition from agriculture to industry, manufacturing and service sectors. Bangladesh intends to avail the opportunities offered by globalization to build a knowledge society. Improving the quality of its tertiary education is vitally necessary to spur the country to a higher growth trajectory for attaining the middle income status by 2020. 

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                • Learning Evaluation

                  • Case Study
                  • Submission of Report (based on particular QA area(s))
                  • Empirical analysis and recommendations

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                  • Conclusion

                    Bangladesh has  diverse education systems in this region. Privatization, widespread expansion, increased autonomy and introduction of Programmes in new and emerging areas have improved access to higher education. At the same time, it has also led to widespread concern on the quality and relevance of the higher education.

                    To address these concerns, Bangladesh government has initiated to introduce IQAC as a project which has been ended during 2018 and now the IQAC has became the integral part of each of the university in Bangladesh, as per directives of UGC of Bangladesh and has been working closely with Bangladesh Accreditation Council.

                    After ending the IQAC project (now it has became the integral part of DIU), visible outcomes in the area of Outcome Based Education (OBE) were recognized. Self Assessment departments of IQAC have built their capacity in 9 QA areas like designing outcome based course curriculum (OBCC), ensuring governance, adoption of innovative and effective teaching learning methodologies, student support service etc.   

                    SA departments have been thriving to follow the guidelines and recommendations, made by the local and international peer reviewers. The External Peer Reviewer (EPR) Team has shared their knowledge and experiences which reflects in the improvement plan.

                    • Share your experience on this course (OPTIONAL)

                      In this section, the user can share their experience on what they have learned so far, any recommendation for the improvement, facilitates any orientation to be applied for the practical exposure.

                      Share your experience on this course (OPTIONAL)