Section outline
Instructions on how to go through the Course Software Engineering
Quick Link Class Test -1 Class Test -2 Assignment -1 Student Survey(Midterm Exam) Midterm Exam Class Test-3 Assignment-2 Presentation Student Survey(Final Exam) Final Exam -
Semester Calendar Fall 2020
Third-Party Apps
Added External resources or Activities through third-party appsTelegram Group Link to join with section-wise:
- Section:O1:
- Section:O4:
- Section:O14:
Counseling and Project/Thesis Discussion Hour
Fall 2020 -
Software and Software Engineering
Lesson Topics:- Software Engineering
- Nature of Software Engineering
- Software Applications
- Legacy of Software Engineering
- Software Quality
- Software Quality and Stakeholders
- A Layered Technology
- Software Process
- Software Myths
Learning Outcomes:- Appreciate Software Engineering
- Identify the different component of Software Engineering
Week-1-Lesson-1- Software and Software Engineering(Video)
Week-1-Lesson-2- Software and Software Engineering(Video)
Class Lecture Recorded Video:
Section: CSE333(O1)
20-09-2020 : CSE333(O1) - Week-1-Lesson-1 : Class Recorded Video
21-09-2020 : CSE333(O1) - Week-1-Lesson-2 : Class Recorded VideoSection: CSE333(O4)
20-09-2020 : CSE333(O4) - Week-1-Lesson-1 : Class Recorded Video
22-09-2020 : CSE333(O4) - Week-1-Lesson-2 : Class Recorded VideoSection: CSE333(O14)
27-09-2020 : CSE333(O14) - Week-1-Lesson-1 : Class Recorded Video
27-09-2020 : CSE333(O14) - Week-1-Lesson-2 : Class Recorded Video -
Practice Lesson:
Software Process Model
Lesson Topics:
Learning Outcomes:
Pre-Recorded Lesson Video:
Week-2-Lesson-1: Process Models (Pre-Recorded Video):
Week-2-Lesson-1: Process Models (Pre-Recorded Video):
Class Lecture Video:
Section: CSE333(O1)
27-09-2020 : CSE333(O1) - Week-2-Lesson-1 : Class Recorded Video
28-09-2020 : CSE333(O1) - Week-2-Lesson-2 : Class Recorded Video
Section: CSE333(O4)
27-09-2020 : CSE333(O4) - Week-2-Lesson-1 : Class Recorded Video
29-09-2020 : CSE333(O4) - Week-2-Lesson-2 : Class Recorded Video
Section: CSE333(O14)
29-09-2020 : CSE333(O14) - Week-2-Lesson-1 : Class Recorded Video
29-09-2020 : CSE333(O14) - Week-2-Lesson-2 : Class Recorded Video
Practice Lesson:
Agile Models
Lesson Topics:- What is agility?
- Use Agile Model
- 12 Agile Principles
- Agile Models
- Extreme Programming(XP)
- Adaptive Software Development(ASD)
- Dynamic Systems Development Method(DSDM)
- Scrum Agile Process
Learning Outcomes:- Understand the rationale for agile software development methods, the agile manifesto, and the differences between agile and plan driven development.
- Know the key practices in extreme programming and how these relate to the general principles of agile methods;
- Understand the Scrum approach to agile project management.
Pre-Recorded Lesson Video:
Week-3-Lesson-1: Agile Models (Pre-Recorded Video):
Week-3-Lesson-2: Agile Models (Pre-Recorded Video):
Reference Resources: (Youtube Video):
Agile Methodology Scrum Methodology | Scrum Master Tutorial -
Practice Lesson:
Class Test-1(15 Marks): Click here to start your class test: Section: CSE333(O14) Quiz
Class Test-1(15 Marks): Click here to start your class test: Section: CSE333(O1) Quiz
Class Test-1(15 Marks): Click here to start your class test: Section: CSE333(O4) Quiz
Software Requirements Specification
Lesson Topics:- Requirements Engineering
- Requirements analysis
- Elements of Requirements Engineering
- Classification of Requirements
- Functional Requirements
- Non-Functional Requirements
- Use Case Diagram
- Use Case Description
Learning Outcomes:- Understand the concepts of user and system requirements and why these requirements should be written in different ways;
- Understand the differences between functional and nonfunctional software requirements;
- Understand how requirements may be organized in a software requirements document;
- Understand why requirements management is necessary and how it supports other requirements engineering activities.
Pre-Recorded Lesson Video:
Week-4-Lesson-1: Understand System Requirements (Pre-Recorded Video):
Practice Lesson:
Online Tools for drawing Use Case Diagram(With Example):
System Modeling
Lesson Topics:- Activity diagrams
- Elements of activity diagram
- Example of an activity diagram
- Sequence diagram
- Elements of a Sequence diagram
- Example of a Sequence diagram
Learning Outcomes:- Understand how graphical models can be used to represent software systems;
- Understand why different types of model are required and the fundamental system modeling perspectives of context, interaction, structure, and behavior;
- Introduced to some of the diagram types in the Unified Modeling Language (UML) and how these diagrams may be used in system modeling;
Pre-Recorded Lesson Video:
Week-5-Lesson-1: Activity Diagram and Sequence Diagram (Pre-Recorded Video):
Practice Lesson:
Class Test-2 Syllabus and Instruction
Wk-4 and wk-5 will cover the Class Test-2 Syllabus:
A scenario will be given with details.
- Draw the Use case and Use case diagram
- Draw the Activity diagram
- draw the Sequence Diagram
- 20-10-2020, Section: CSE333(O4), 01:00pm
- 21-10-2020, Section: CSE333(O14), 10:00am
- 22-10-2020, Section: CSE333(O1), 4:00pm
Class Test-2: Section CSE333(O4)-Click here to open Quiz
Class Test-2: Section CSE333(O14)-Click here to open Quiz
Class Test-2: Section CSE333(O1)-Click here to open Quiz
Assignment-1 Submission and Instruction
It might have happened so many times that you or someone yours need doctors to help immediately, but they are not available due to some reason. The Health Prediction system is end-user support and online consultation project. Here we propose a system that allows users to get instant guidance on their health issues through an intelligent health care system online. The system is fed with various symptoms and the disease/illness associated with those systems. The system allows user to share their symptoms and issues. It then processes users' symptoms to check for various illnesses that could be associated with it.
Here we use some intelligent data mining techniques to guess the most accurate illness that could be associated with the patient’s symptoms. If the system is not able to provide suitable results, it informs the user about the type of disease or disorder it feels the user’s symptoms are associated with. If the user's symptoms do not exactly match any disease in our database, it shows the diseases user could probably have judging by his/her symptoms. It also consists of doctor addresses, contacts along with Feedback, and an administrator dashboard for system operations.
- Write a set of Functional and Non-Functional Requirements based on the scenario.
- Develop a set of use cases and Use case descriptions that could serve as a basis for understanding the requirement.
- Draw the Activity Diagram and Sequence diagram to check illness by the system.
- This is an individual assignment. You have to submit it online on 23-10-2020(11:59 pm).
- Submit it in a word document and put your name, ID, and a section on the front page and you can add your picture(drawing answer) in the document file.
- Try to answer your idea and do not copy from others. (if I find any two of the assignments are the same then both of you will get zero).
Graphical User Interface(GUI)
Lesson Topics:- What is Software Prototyping?
- Benefits of Software Prototyping
- Prototyping Process
- Types of Prototyping
- Lo-Fidelity Prototyping
- Hi-Fi Prototyping
- Creating Paper Prototypes
- Creating a High-Fidelity Prototype
Learning Outcomes:-
Pre-Recorded Lesson Video:
Week-6-Lesson-1: Software Prototyping (Pre-Recorded Video):
Midterm Exam Syllabus:- Wk-1: Software and Software Engineering
- Wk-2: Process Model
- Wk-3: Agile Model
- Wk-4: Understanding the Requirements, Modeling, Use Case
- Wk-5: Activity Diagram and Sequence Diagram
- Wk-6: Prototyping-GUI
Midterm Marks Distribution:
- Midterm Exam will be made up of 5 sets of questions.
- Each set of questions may include two or three short or descriptive questions.
- Each of the questions set contains equal marks(5 Marks), Total 25 Marks.
- There will be no options. You must answer all the questions to get marks.
Midterm Questions Pattern:
- Model Selection from a given scenario.
- Draw use case diagram and use case description.
- Draw an activity diagram from the given scenario.
- Draw a Sequence diagram from the given scenario.
- Draw a GUI for the given scenario.
Midterm Exam Question, Answer Script, and Submission Link
- Wk-1: Software and Software Engineering
Expectation from the Students: Students Feedback
(Based on Midterm Syllabus)
UML Class Diagram
Lesson Topics:- UML diagram types
- Structured diagram, Behavioral diagram
- A Class description with elements
- UML Relationship of Object interconnections
- Practicing exercise on object model diagram from the case study
Learning Outcomes:-
Pre-Recorded Lesson Video:
Week-8-Lesson-1: Object-Oriented Model (Pre-Recorded Video):
Reference Resource(Youtube Video):
Class diagram for Point of Sale System or POS system: -
Practice Lesson-Exercise:
Lesson Topics:Learning Outcomes:
- Business process modeling(BMP)
- Notation defining workflows
- Some rules for creating BPN
- BPM example and practicing
- Why Does BPM use?
- Integrating Requirements and Business Process Models in BPM Projects(Online Materials)
- Understand the process of process modelling (“method”).
- Use the modelling language to express and abstract from a realistic business process.
- Learn various notations that are used in process modeling and how to refine and confirm the process.
- Apply a method for modelling business processes in all its stages
Pre-Recorded Lesson Video:
Week-9-Lesson-1: Business Process Modeling(BPM) (Pre-Recorded Video):
Practice Lesson-Exercise:
Lesson Topics:Learning Outcomes:
- Program Testing
- Aim of Testing
- Verification vs Validation
- Design of Test Cases
- Functional Testing Vs. Structural Testing
- Black Box Testing
- White Box Testing
- Understand the stages of testing from testing, during development to acceptance testing by system customers.
- have been introduced to techniques that help you choose test cases that are geared to discovering program defects.
- Understand test-first development, where you design tests before writing code and run these tests automatically.
Pre-Recorded Lesson Video:
Week-10-Lesson-1: Software Testing Strategies (Pre-Recorded Video):
Practice Lesson-Exercise:
Quiz-3 Syllabus and Instruction
Quiz-3 Syllabus and Instruction:
- Wk-8 and Wk-9 lectures will cover quiz 3.
- A scenario will be given:
- Draw the Class Diagram (10 Marks)
- Draw the Business Process Diagram(5 Marks)
Date and Time:
- CSE333(O1): 03-12-2020, 04:00pm
- CSE333(O4): 03-12-2020, 04:00pm
- CSE333(O14): 03-12-2020, 04:00pm
Lesson Topics:- Software Maintenance
- Software Maintenance Process Models
- Software Re-engineering
- Maintenance cost estimation
Learning Outcomes:
Pre-Recorded Lesson Video:
Week-11-Lesson-1: Software Maintenance and Maintenance Process Model (Pre-Recorded Video):
Reference Resource(Youtube Video):
Software Maintenance Cost Estimation -
Practice Lesson-Exercise:
Pre-Recorded Lesson Video:
Week-12-Lesson-1: COCOMO Model (Pre-Recorded Video):
COCOMO Model in software Engineering:
Practice Lesson-Exercise:
Lesson Topics:
- Software Quality Assurance
- What are SQA, SQP, SQC, and SQM?
- Elements of Software Quality Assurance
- SQA Tasks, Goals, And Metrics
- Quality Management and Software Development
- QA Vs QC
- Reviews and Inspections
- An Inspection Checklist
Learning Outcomes:
- Understand that software quality is affected by the software development process used.
- Aware of the importance of standards in the quality management process and know how standards are used in quality assurance.
- Understand how measurement may be helpful in assessing some software quality attributes and the current limitations of software measurement.
Pre-Recorded Lesson Video:
Week-13-Lesson-1: Software Quality Assurance and Management (Pre-Recorded Video):
Practice Lesson:
- Select one Research Paper from the given list.
- Make a presentation group minimum of 3 and a maximum of 5 members.
- Submit your group presentation slides.
- You have to submit it online on Date 2020.
- Put all of your name, ID, and a section on the front page and you can add your picture.
Your Presentation will cover the following items from the given Research Paper.
1. Abstract
2. Introduction
a. Objectives
b. Research Goal
c. Research Questions
3. Literature Review
4. Research Methods
5. Main work of the paper
6. Results/Findings
7. Conclusion
8. Motivation after study of this paperPresentation Date and Time:
Research Paper Group Work:
- This is an individual assignment. You have to submit it online on 15-12-2020.
- Submit it in a pdf file and put your name, ID, and a section on the front page and you can add your picture(drawing answer) in the document file.
- Try to answer your idea and do not copy from others. (if I find any two of the assignments are the same then both of you will get zero).
Final Exam Syllabus:
- WK-8: Object-Oriented Modeling
- WK-9: Business Process Modeling(BPM)
- WK-10: Software Testing Strategies
- WK-11: Software Maintenance and Maintenance Process Model
- WK-12: COCOMO Model
- WK-13: Software Quality Assurance and Management
Final Exam Marks Distribution:
- Final Exam will be made up of 4 sets of questions.
- Each set of questions may include two or three short or descriptive questions.
- Each of the questions set contains equal marks(8 Marks), Total 40 Marks.
- There will be no options. You must answer all the questions to get marks.
Questions Pattern:
- Draw a Class Diagram from a given scenario ----1 Set(10 Marks)
- Draw BPM and GUI from a given scenario-----1 Set(10 Marks)
- Black Box Testing and White Box Testing, Test suit and Cost Estimation and Development Cost -----1 Set(10 Marks)
- Estimation of development time for different types of Projects and Software Quality Assurance-----1 Set(10 Marks)
Final Exam Question, Answer Script, and Submission Link
Follow the Directions Before starting your exam:
- Students need to download the CamScanner Apps from Google Play Store to capture the picture
- Do not exceed your file size 10MB
- You have to submit your file in PDF format (this is mandatory)
Script Naming format: CSE333-O4-171-15-12345-Final
Script Naming format: CSE333-O4-171-15-12345-Final
Expectation from the Students: Students Feedback
(Based on Final Exam Syllabus)