Topic outline

  • Social and Professional Issues in Computing

    Responsive image


    Dept. of CSE


    Hello My beloved Students

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    Course Details

    Course Objective

    Social and Professional Issues in Computing course is a theory course which deals with different issues related to both social and professional life. Hence, this course will deal with different computing issues i.e. privacy, social engineering, crime, hacking, and freedom of speech issue and so on. Furthermore, throughout the course we will focus on various professional issues like intellectual property, ethics and professional ethics, human vs computer, trusting computer etc. Besides, different social and international issues will also be discussed in this course.

    Course Rationale

    Social and Professional Issues in Computing course is a theory course which deals with different issues related to both social and professional life. Hence, this course will deal with different computing issues i.e. privacy, social engineering, crime, hacking, and freedom of speech issue and so on. Furthermore, throughout the course we will focus on various professional issues like intellectual property, ethics and professional ethics, human vs computer, trusting compute etc. Besides, different social and international issues will also be discussed in this course.

    Course outcome
    CL1 Understanding the implications, impacts and benefits of the modern technology.
    CL2 Understanding and application of freedom of speech, offensive or hate speech and censorship, spam, anonymity
    CL3 To know the different types of computer crime, the reason of computer crime and way of protecting them, privacy risks, privacy and computer technology, different privacy policies and to understand the code of ethics, different ethics type, professional ethics and their guidelines.
    CL4 To learn about the intellectual property such as copyright, patent, trade mark and trade secret and how to use them.
    CL5 To know the error, risks and failures occurred from the system development and to learn do’s and don’ts in work life

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    Course Outline



    Class Test






    Mid Exam


    Final Exam

    Eu dolore ea ullamco dolore Lorem id cupidatat excepteur reprehenderit consectetur elit id dolor proident in cupidatat officia. Voluptate excepteur commodo labore nisi cillum duis aliqua do. Aliqua amet qui mollit consectetur nulla mollit velit aliqua veniam nisi id do Lorem deserunt amet. Culpa ullamco sit adipisicing labore officia magna elit nisi in aute tempor commodo eiusmod.

    Academic Honesty

    1.Ensure Plagiarism <15%

    2.Reflect Self Understanding

    3.Avoid all unfair means to ensure growth of your positive mindset

  • Week 1

  • Week 2

  • Week 3

  • Week 4

  • Week 5

  • Week 6


    • Week 7: Mid Term Examination


      Mid-Term Syllabus:

                                                                     Week 1: Benefits (Unwrapping the Gift)
                                                                     Week 2: Privacy
                                                                     Week 3: Freedom of Speech
                                                                     Week 4: Computer Crime
                                                                     Week 5: Ethics

      Midterm Marks Distribution:

      • Midterm Exam will be made up of 5 sets of questions. 
      • Each set of questions may include two or three short or descriptive questions. 
      • Each of the questions set contains equal marks(5 Marks), Total 25 Marks.
      • There will be no options. You must answer all the questions to get marks.

      Midterm Exam Question,  Answer Script, and Submission Link

      1. Scanner to scan PDF ( Download Link)URL
      2. Open Book Exam Guideline CSE-StudentFile
      3. Online_Exam_Response_Submission_Template_Fall 2020File

    • Week 8:


      • Week 9


        • Week 10: Professional Ethics and Responsibilities


          • Week 11

            • Week 12


              • Week 13


                • Week 14: Final Examination