Enrolment options

Teaching Apprentice Fellowship (TAF) is a full-time job leadership development program. The TAF Fellowship is an intensive and cohesive, one-year program that supports early-career, university teachers in their efforts to develop teaching expertise and lead from the classroom.

Flagship Features:

  1. One year full-time paid fellowship

  2. Intensive in job training as a university classroom teacher

  3. Professional & Personal Development training to instill authentic leadership qualities

  4. Opportunity to work as a full time & permanent teacher/employee at Daffodil Intentional University & in other educational institutes of Daffodil Family (DIIT, DIPTI, Daffodil Polytechnic Institute, Daffodil School, College, BSDI & more

TAF Benefits

The big & fatal mistake We often make about motivating students: "We assume that what motivates us will also motivate our students." But it doesn't!

Teaching is an art. Teaching is also a science. It is a common perception that we all know what is teaching but we hardly know about how to teach in an effective & efficient way to help every learner to learn & grow.

Skill Level: Beginner
Guest access
Self enrolment (Student)