Dear Students,Welcome to the 2020 Fall Semester!Welcome back, Students. I can’t wait to see all your smiling faces again! . I am here to support you every step of the way.I encourage you to make the most of your time here.Remember to make it a great year. I will see you soon.
Course Rationale:
The course is intended to teach the students the basic techniques that underlie the practice of Compiler Construction. The course will introduce the theory and tools that can be standard employed in order to perform syntax-directed translation of a high-level programming language into an executable code.These techniques can also be employed in wider areas of application, whenever we need a syntax-directed analysis of symbolic expressions and languages and their translation into a lower-level description. They have multiple applications for man-machine interaction, including verification and program analysis.
Course Objective:
The main objective of this course is to introduce the major concept areas of language translation and compiler design and to develop an awareness of the function and complexity of modern compilers. This course is a study of the theory and practice required for the design and implementation of interpreters and compilers for programming languages.
Lab Course
Class Attendance: 10 Marks
Lab Final: 40 Marks
Lab Performance: 25 Marks
Project/Report Submission: 25 Marks
Total: 100 Marks
Text Book:
1. Compiler Principles, Techniques and Tools By Aho, Ullman, Sethi [Download]
Reference Books:
1. Implementations of Compiler, A new approach to Compilers including the algebraic methods By Yunlin su, Song Y. Yan. [Download]
2. Compiler construction, Principles and Practice, By Kenneth C Louden. [Download]
3. Basics of Compiler Design by Torben. [Download]
Discussion Topics:
Expected Learning Outcomes:
Laboratory 1 Task: [View] Test Your Code Here
Resources of Learning:
Lecture Slide (Phase of a Compiler)
Laboratory 2 Task: [View]
Laboratory 3 Task: [View]
Laboratory 4 Task: [View]
Laboratory 5 Task: [View]
Laboratory 6 Task: [View]
Laboratory 8 Task: [View]
Laboratory 9 Task: [View]
Laboratory 11 Task: [View]