Topic outline

  • Welcome to Physical Pharmacy II

    Course Information: 

    Name of the course :  Physical Pharmacy II 
    Course code             :  BPH 212
    Program                    :  B. Pharm.

    Instruction/Guideline for the course:

    • All the students registered for this course have to enroll in Moodle.
    • Students can find all the 

      course materials 

      from Moodle.
    • All the students have to submit the soft copy of their "Assignment" in Moodle under  assignment section created here and for this they will be graded here.
    • One discussion or feedback forum is created under each of the lecture Students have to give their feedback on these forum and marks will be given for their feedback
    • Any announcement regarding the class will be posted on Moodle. So they have to keep themselves always active on Moodle.
    • All the quizzes and presentation will be held on online (Moodle) and may be few of the class will be held on face to face class and it will be announced before the class.
    • The question pattern and the syllabus for the quizzes, midterm and final exam is given here under each of the section (quizzes, midterm and final).
    • There are Midterm and Final Examination presentation forum under these sections where students can discuss with each other about their midterm and final exam syllabus, any problem regarding the exam etc


    Physical pharmacy is one of the fundamental course of pharmacy. This course gives the students about the idea of the materials science and their properties. It is the combination of physics, chemistry, mathematics and biological and non-biological application as well. It also discusses the physical  and chemical properties of drug, dosage forms and their delivery systems at molecular level. It frames the reason for configuration, assembling, and delivery of drugs items and fills in as the establishment for the steady and appropriate utilization of clinical drugs. It covers territories, for example, solubility, pharmacokinetics and delivery of materials to biological systems.

    Course learning objectives:

    • Explain the principles of different techniques for the initial processing of matters
    • Identify the kinetics, rheological and electrochemical properties of the matter and evaluate their
    • importance in the preparation of pharmaceutical products
    • Apply the knowledge of physical matters in the preparation of drug products

    Course Contents:

    1. Principle and techniques of heat transfer: Drying (including freeze drying), evaporation, distillation.

    2. Extraction: Solvent extraction, solid/liquid separation, liquid/ liquid extraction, filtration, centrifugation.

    3. Kinetics:

    (a) Physical degradation: Degredation of pharmaceutical products, loss of water, absorption of water, loss of volatile constituents, polymorphism, colour change.

    (b)Chemical degradation: Hydrolysis, oxidation, isomerization, polymerization, decarboxylation, factors affecting chemical degradation, etc.

    (c) Chemical kinetics: Definitions, rates and orders of reactions, methods for determination of orders of reactions, influence of temperature on rate of reactions, theories of  reaction rates, decomposition of pharmaceutical products, accelerated test for physical, chemical and photochemical stability, stability aspects of formulations, shelf life determination.

    4. Adsorption and interfacial phenomena: Feundlich and Langmuir isotherms, BET equation, electrical properties of interfaces, electrical double layer, Nernst equation and zeta potential, Gibbs equation, surface active agents, emulgents, detergents and antifoaming agents, surfactants and drug activity, surfactants and pharmaceutical products, measurement of surface tension, application of surface tension in pharmacy.

    5. Rheology and rheology of dispersed systems: Newtonian liquids, non-Newtonian materials, yield value, plastic (Bingham) and pseudoplastic flow, dilatant and thixotropic flow, Poiseuillie’s equation and measurement of viscosity, viscosity of suspending agents, uses of viscosity studies; pharmaceutical product design applying concept of rheology

    6. Colloids: Classification, preparation, electrical and optional properties, sedimentation, Stoke’s law, stability of colloidal dispersion, protective colloid, sensitization, dialysis, Donnan membrane equilibrium, application and uses of colloidal preparations in pharmacy.

    7. Electrochemistry: Electrical units and their interrelation, Faraday's laws of electrolysis and electrochemical equivalents, electrolytic conduction, equivalent conductance and the related facts, conductometric titrations, transference numbers and their determination.

    8. Electrochemical cells: Electrode and cell potentials, energies involved in electrode processes, reference electrodes, buffer solutions and measurement of pH, potentiometric titrations and oxidation reduction systems, concentration cells.

    Teaching Strategy:

    • Lecture
    • Discussion
    • Demonstration
    • Brainstorming
    • Case Studies
    • Problem-based Learning (PBL)
    • Project
    • Video clips
    • Cooperative Learning

    Assessement Strategy:

  • Examination and Assessment

    All the examinations/assessments will be presented in this section. When an exam is announced the corresponding question paper will be present here and the question will open/close in due time. No assessment/exam question is present in other sections for this course.

  • Presentation and Assignment

    All the assignment(s) and presentation(s) will be presented in this section. When any assignment or presentation is assigned, a student must submit it within the prescribed time. The time frame shall be announced beforehand through student groups. 

    • Presentation on Fractional Distillation 23B Forum
      Restricted Not available unless: You belong to 23B
    • Assignment on Fractional Distillation 23B
      Restricted Not available unless: You belong to 23B
    • Assignment on Fractional Distillation 23A
      Restricted Not available unless: You belong to 23A
    • Presentation on Fractional Distillation 23A Forum
      Restricted Not available unless: You belong to 23A
  • Padlet Feedback

    Give your feedback on the course, overall way of teaching, and online education. Do not hesitate to criticize and suggest the best possible practices according to you. You have the option to stay anonymous if you do not want to disclose your identity. 

  • Lecture Module 1: Principle and techniques of heat transfer:


    Drying (including freeze-drying), evaporation, distillation.

  • Lecture Module 2: Kinetics:


    (a) Physical degradation: Degradation of pharmaceutical products, loss of water, absorption of water, loss of volatile constituents, polymorphism, colour change.

    (b) Chemical degradation: Hydrolysis, oxidation, isomerization, polymerization, decarboxylation, factors affecting chemical degradation, etc.

    (c) Chemical kinetics: Definitions, rates and orders of reactions, methods for determination of orders of reactions, influence of temperature on rate of reactions, theories of  reaction rates, decomposition of pharmaceutical products, accelerated test for physical, chemical and photochemical stability, stability aspects of formulations, shelf life determination

  • Lecture Module 3: Rheology and rheology of dispersed systems


    Newtonian liquids, non-Newtonian materials, yield value, plastic and pseudoplastic flow, dilatant and thixotropic flow, Poiseuillie’s equation and measurement of viscosity, viscosity of suspending agents, uses of viscosity studies; pharmaceutical product design applying concept of rheology.

  • Lecture Module 4: Electrochemistry


    Electrical units and their interrelation, Faraday's laws of electrolysis and electrochemical equivalents, electrolytic conduction, equivalent conductance and the related facts, conductometric titrations, transference numbers and their determination.

  • Lecture Module 5: Adsorption and interfacial phenomena


    Feundlich and Langmuir isotherms, BET equation, electrical properties of interfaces,
    electrical double layer, Nernst equation and zeta potential, Gibbs equation, surface active agents, detergents and antifoaming agents and drug activity, surfactants and pharmaceutical products, measurement of surface tension, application of surface tension in pharmacy.

  • Lecture Module 6: Colloids

    Classification, preparation, electrical and optional properties, sedimentation, Stoke’s law, the stability of colloidal dispersion, protective colloid, sensitization, dialysis, Donnan membrane equilibrium, application and uses of colloidal preparations in pharmacy.