Section outline
Unix Shell Programming- Yashavant P. Kanetkar
Reference Books
Operating System Concepts, 9th edition by Silberschatz, Galvin, Gagne
Teach Yourself Unix Shell Programming in 14days-Kamran Husain
Topic of Discussion
- Introduction to Linux, Linux Installation,
- Introduction to Shell
Expected Learning Outcome
- Install Linux OS
- Work with some Shell Commands
1. What is kernel?
2. Is Linux an operating system or a kernel?
3. Is Linux Operating System Immune to Malware?
Watch this video to install Ubuntu in VirtualBox!
Installation Tutorial Made by Rafi -
এখানে আমরা বলবো মন খুলে আমার সমস্যা নিয়ে। আলোচনার মাধ্যমে বাস্তব সমাধানে পৌছোতে আমরা কথা বলবো এখানে।
সমস্যার ধরণঃ
ল্যাপটপ সাথে নেই, নেট পাইনা, দুর্গম এলাকা ইত্যাদি।
"চলো একসাথে কাজ করি"
Topic of Discussion
- List of projects
- Team formation
- Project planning and fixing deliverable
Expected Learning Outcome
- To form a team and select a project through submission of proposal
1. What is dual boot?
2. What is Swap area?
3. What is Mount point?
4. What is file system?
5. What is ext4?
6. How many disk types are there in system?
7. What is basic disk?
8. What is dynamic disk?
9. Which disk type is being used in YOUR own PC?
10. What is the problem of dynamic disk during ubuntu installation?
11. How many partition types are there in system?
12. What is MBR partition?
13. What is GPT partition?
14. Which partition type is being used in your own PC?
15. How many BIOS mode you have?
16. What is UEFI Mode?
17. What is BIOS/legacy mode?
18. Which BIOS mode is being used in your system?
19. What is the difference between UEFI and Legacy Mode?
20. What is benefit of LTS ubuntu version?
21. BIOS stands for_____?
22. MBR stands for _____?
23. GPT stands for______?
24. UEFI stands for_____?
25. LTS stands for ______?
Topic of Discussion
- Introduction to Linux tools- Linux files, Directories, Root, File Permissions, Working with files and directories, Disk related commands
Expected Learning Outcome
- To Work with Linux files and directories
1. What is shell?
2. What is terminal?
3. What is user friendly in between terminal and GUI & why?
4. What defines a user account?
5. What is root user?
6. What is general purpose user?
7. What are the difference between root user and general purpose user?
8. What is the meaning of sudo?
9. What is the meaning of su?
10. Why we use sudo?
11. Why we use su?
12. How to create a user account?
13. How to delete a user?
14. How to login into a user account?
15. How to logout from a user account?
16. How many times it requires password for creating a user account?
17. How to exit from root?
18. What is the meaning of sudo adduser {username}?
19. What is the meaning of deluser {username}?
20. What is the meaning of sudo su?
Watch to know software installation process!
Linux Software Installation Made by Sazzad
Topic of Discussion
- Introduction to File commands and Shell Scripts
- Shell Variables, Shell Keywords, and Write simple Shell program
- Project Follow Up
Expected Learning Outcome
- Create simple Shell script Debug and process scripts
- To update project with further development
Answer the following questions(Ques. 1-3):
1. What is Command?
2. Why we use command?
3. How can we find detail information of any command?
4. List all essential "file" commands with it's use
Things required for each command:
i) Post little snaps of your terminal for every use of command and
ii) mention the purpose/use of command.
Linux Navigation Command by Sazzad
Topic of Discussion
- File Permission Checking
- Shell Scripting
- Decision making – If-else, Case
- Loop control structure – for, while, until
Expected Learning Outcome
- Change File permission
- Write Shell programs related with decision making and loop control structure.
1. Create 2 files in Desktop, name them lab5 & lab6, then change their permission for owner have “read & execute”, group will have "write & read" & others can only do "execute". Do it in both numeric and character for lab5 & lab6 respectively.
2. Set the file permission null for all.
Topic of Discussion
- Loops and arrays in linux
- Project Follow Up
Expected Learning Outcome
- Work with loops, Array
- To update project with further development
A basic guide for lab project
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All Lab materials for my students for further practice