Final Exam

Opened: Sunday, 27 June 2021, 10:00 AM
Due: Sunday, 27 June 2021, 1:00 PM

As per the examination routine of the department, the mid-exam or final-exam section will be activated on

your DIU BLC classroom and the following activity will have to performed by you considering the exam

condition described in section 2.0:

(1) Download the paper (pdf) and answer script template (doc) from DIU BLC

(2) Write responses in the answer script template either type or hand written

(3) Save the answer script template as pdf e.g. CSE134-O1-111-15-1234-mid.pdf .

(4) Upload the pdf in DIU BLC and if failed, then send in email or telegram in private within the given time.

(5)Everyone upload the answer script in below link