Final Examination of LAW 314: Law of Crimes II, Scheduled to be held on 26.08.21 from 06.00pm to 09.30pm

Opened: Thursday, 26 August 2021, 6:00 PM
Due: Thursday, 26 August 2021, 9:30 PM
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My fellow learners

Assalamualikum and greetings

Today (26.08.21) is our final exam day, and we are going to appear final examination on LAW314: Law of Crimes II in BLC.

Let’s be stress-free! And try to KEEP my words in your mind and follow the following step properly to do our best. 

Step one: 01

Please make sure that your device is ready to appear in the exam. You must check internet speed, backup power and confirm necessary backup storage to tackle any emergency and unavoidable issues, likely bad weather and heavy rainfall.  

Step two: 02

Collect exam question and answer script sharp at 06.00PM from my given link and write up all necessary information including course title, course code, section, your id and exam starting and ending time accordingly at first instance.  

Step three: 03

Complete answers by09.15 PM. And I know that you are truly concerned to uphold your Integrity and concern towards upholding honesty and ethical values. So recheck your scripts and submit your answer script with the necessary revision and cross-check by 09.20 PM to the same link here.

Submit it accordingly and be the best with confidence and courage.

I wish you all the best and thank you in advance for the utmost sincerity and goodness. 

Thanking you