Opened: Friday, 2 December 2022, 9:00 AM
Due: Friday, 2 December 2022, 1:00 PM
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***Question LINK***

#Instructions for Mid-Term:

  • Create a single pdf file of answer script. Make sure you have the provided template in the first page. Save the file name like "YourID_COURSECODE_SECTION" (ex: 101-15-1128_CSE122_O3,   or   101-15-1128_CSE122_O4).
  • You are allowed to submit only once and only a single file. So please check once more before submit that the file name is ok. Uploaded file is ok and you are 100% sure to submit. 
  • If you are having trouble to upload you pdf file let me know at least 25 minutes before the submission time.
  • Be aware before communicating with anyone else at the time of exam as all the questions are unique for each of you.
  • Remember there is an automated plagiarism checker installed in BLC and the system will add auto negative marks if you copy from anywhere or anyone.
  • Your course teacher is always there for you. Believe in your teacher and Try your best to give a clean and honest exam.