Directions: What will your task include?
The author, researcher, or student should address four topics in this assignment. The first is the introduction, which requires the author to provide a background, statement of the problems, research objectives or questions, motivation, importance or significance, justification for the investigation, scope of the study, and conclusions. The second step is a literature review to identify study gaps and ensure the researcher's uniqueness. This section will be constructed around the author's study topic. For example, if the research topic or area is 'Understanding the Different Factors of Students' Classroom Satisfaction at the Tertiary Level of Education in Bangladesh', the author will first define the concept of students' classroom satisfaction and then identify the various factors based on prior research that are closely related to satisfaction. The third section of this assignment focuses on developing a conceptual or theoretical framework and hypotheses. Here, the author, student or researcher will design or draw a figure based on his or her title or topic and developed variables and hypothesizes. The final element of this assignment is reference, where the author, student, or researcher will use the APA, 6th Edition style for both text-citation and full-citation.