Lab Task

Opened: Wednesday, 30 June 2021, 12:00 AM
Due: Friday, 2 July 2021, 12:00 AM
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This problem presents a two-stage banking model with two processes in series.

Customers arrive at a booth with exponentially distributed inter-arrival times of mean 8 minutes. And the customer has to wait in a queue 3-to-6 minutes uniformly.

Now when a new customer comes to the booth, he/she see the queue. If he/she feels comfortable then he/she wait before the queue. 70% customers are waited before the queue and remains will check the line after some.

After enter in a booth each customer needs 2 mins for each to complete his/her works.

We are interested in simulating the system for 30 hours to obtain process utilizations.

Num In: 245

Num Out: 243