Topic outline

  • Welcome to Operating Systems

  • Week-1: Introduction

    Topic of Discussion

      • Introduction with the students
      • Introduction to Operating systems
      • Review the basic organization of computer systems.
      • Operating systems Structure and functions
      • Computing Environments

    Expected Learning Outcome                            

      • Learn about the major components and functions of operating systems
      • Learn about many types of computing environments
      • Explore several open-source operating systems

  • Week 2: Operating-System Structures

    Topic of Discussion

      • Operating System Services
      • System Calls
      • Operating System Design and Implementation
      • Operating System Structure

     Expected Outcome

      • Learn about the services an operating system provides to users, processes, and other systems
      • Differentiate between user level and system level functions of OS
      • Explain the various ways of structuring an operating system

  • Week 3: Processes

    Topic of Discussion

      • Review class
      • Class Test-1
      • Process Concept
      • Process Scheduling
      • Operations on Processes

    Expected Outcome

      • Understand processes, various features of processes.
      • Understanding process scheduling, context switching, process creation and termination.

  • Week 4: CPU Scheduling

    Topic of Discussion

      • Scheduling Criteria
      • Scheduling algorithm (FCFS and SJF)
      • Advantages, Disadvantages and application of scheduling algorithm
      • Exercise

    Expected Outcome

      • Explain different process scheduling algorithms and their pros and cons.
      • Evaluate the performance of various scheduling algorithms

  • Week 5: CPU Scheduling

    Topic of Discussion

      • Scheduling algorithm (Priority and Round Robin)
      • Advantages, Disadvantages and application of scheduling algorithm
      • Exercise
      • Class Test-2

    Expected Outcome

    • Recorded Lecture (O3) URL
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    • Recorded Lecture (O1_Eve) URL
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    • Assignment(O1_E)
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    • Assignment (O3)
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  • Week 6: Process Synchronization

    Topic of Discussion

      • Review on previous Topic
      • Inter Process Communication, Threading
      • Process coordination, synchronization
      • Critical Section problem, semaphores

    Expected Outcome

      • Explore interprocess communication using shared memory and message passing
      • Introduce the critical-section problem, whose solutions can be used to ensure the consistency of shared data
      • Examine several classical process-synchronization problems

  • Week 7: Mid Term

    During this pandemic time, in order to support the quality aspects of teaching and learning, online open book examinations for mid-exam  will be conducted by the department instead of traditional proctored exam.
    You will use Internet connection to log into the DIU Blended Learning Center (DIU BLC) on your respective course on the day of the examination as per the exam routine of the department. The examination will be configured to support the examination schedule and you will be allowed soon it opens the exam.
    You need to download (1) ExamPaper.pdf and (2) AnswerScriptTemplate.doc from the Mid-exam exam section of the week in DIUBLC class. You will type your answers in the answer script doc file and save as pdf with your ID e.g. CSE134-O1-111-15-2345-mid.pdf (Course Code-Section-Student ID)  and upload in the BLC within the given time frame.
    For more details please download the Open book exam guideline.
  • Week 8: Deadlock

    Topic of Discussion

      • System Model
      • Deadlock Characterization
      • Methods for Handling Deadlocks
      • Deadlock Prevention
      • Deadlock Avoidance
      • Deadlock Avoidance Algorithm (Bankers Algorithm)
      • Exercise

    Expected Outcome

      • Identify deadlock situation by checking conditions
      • Select a deadlock handling method from a number of different methods for a specific scenario.
      • Identify safe state and apply Deadlock avoidance algorithm for sample data set.

  • Week 9: Deadlock & Presentation

    Topic of Discussion

    Expected Outcome

      • Select a deadlock handling method from a number of different methods for a specific scenario.
      • Identify safe state and apply Deadlock avoidance algorithm for sample data set.
      • To present a number of different methods for preventing or avoiding deadlocks in a computer system

  • Week 10: Mass-Storage Systems

    Topic of Discussion

      • Disk Structure
      • Disk scheduling 
      • RAID structure
      • Review Class

    Expected Outcome:

      • Describe the physical structure of secondary storage devices and its effects on the uses of the devices
      • Explain the performance characteristics of mass-storage devices
      • Evaluate disk scheduling algorithms
      • Discuss operating-system services provided for mass storage, including RAID

    • Class Record(O3) URL
      Restricted Not available unless: You belong to CSE 323 (Sec_O3)
    • Class Record(O1_E) URL
      Restricted Not available unless: You belong to CSE323_O1_Eve
    • Assignment(O1_Eve)
      Restricted Not available unless: You belong to CSE323_O1_Eve
    • Assignment (O3)
      Restricted Not available unless: You belong to CSE 323 (Sec_O3)
    • Class Test O3 Assignment
      Restricted Not available unless: You belong to CSE 323 (Sec_O3)
    • Class Test O1_Eve Assignment
      Restricted Not available unless: You belong to CSE323_O1_Eve
  • Week 11: Memory Management and Presentation

    Topic of Discussion

    Expected Outcome

      • Identify various ways of organizing memory hardware
      • Explain memory-management techniques, including paging and segmentation

    • Presentation (O3) Assignment
      Restricted Not available unless: You belong to CSE 323 (Sec_O3)
    • Presentation (O1_E) Assignment
      Restricted Not available unless: You belong to CSE323_O1_Eve
    • Class Task(O3) Assignment
      Restricted Not available unless: You belong to CSE 323 (Sec_O3)
    • Class Task (O1_E) Assignment
      Restricted Not available unless: You belong to CSE323_O1_Eve
    • Class Record_O3 URL
      Restricted Not available unless: You belong to CSE 323 (Sec_O3)
    • Class Record_O1_E URL
      Restricted Not available unless: You belong to CSE323_O1_Eve
  • Week 12: Virtual Memory

    Topic of Discussion

      • Virtual memory management 
      • Demand paging
      • Page replacement and Page replacement Algorithm

    Expected Outcome

      • Understand benefits of a virtual memory system
      • Explain the concepts of demand paging
      • Explain the concepts of demand paging, page-replacement algorithms, and allocation of page frames

    • Class Task(O3) Assignment
      Restricted Not available unless: You belong to CSE 323 (Sec_O3)
    • Class Task (O1) Assignment
      Restricted Not available unless: You belong to CSE323_O1_Eve
    • Class Record (O3) URL
      Restricted Not available unless: You belong to CSE 323 (Sec_O3)
    • Class Record_O1_E URL
      Restricted Not available unless: You belong to CSE323_O1_Eve
  • Week 13: Review Class

    Topic of Discussion

             Review on the topics of Week 8, Week 9, Week 10, Week 11 and Week 12.

    • Class Test 4_O3(Extra) Assignment
      Restricted Not available unless: You belong to CSE 323 (Sec_O3)
  • Week 14: Final Exam