void Search(int arr[], int n, int element) //Receiving values with necessary parameters.
int bull = 0; //Initialization of variable bull to check condition.
for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) //Loop to check all the array's element.
if(element == arr[i]) //Condition to check whether the element is available or not.
printf("Element found at position number %d of the array\n", i+1); //if found it will print a message with the position.
bull++; //Also increase the value of bull by 1. If the value is more than 0, the if condition below will be true.
if(!bull) //Initialize the bull to 0, that means it is false when the value of bull stay 0, in condition false means "!".
printf("Element not found");
int main()
int n; //Declaring necessary variable
printf("Enter array size: ");
scanf("%d",&n); //Taking the array size from the user.
int arr[n], element; //Declaring necessary variables
printf("Enter elements: ");
for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) //Loop for taking all the elements from user.
scanf("%d", &arr[i]); //taking array's elements from the user.
printf("Enter what you want to search: ");
scanf("%d",&element); //Taking search element from the user.
Search(arr, n, element); //Passing necessary arguments.
return 0; //Stopping the program