Forum Discussion on linked list(Week-4)

Answer the question and discuss if you have any confusion

Answer the question and discuss if you have any confusion

by Md Assaduzzaman -
Number of replies: 65

1. How can someone insert a node at the end of Linked List?

2.  How many types of Linked List exist?

3. Mention some drawbacks of the linked list.

In reply to Md Assaduzzaman

Re: Answer the question and discuss if you have any confusion

by Mafujul Haque Plabon -
Answer to the question no(1)

We know that if we want to add a new node at the end of a linked list, we have to add a new node through the last insert. I also know that the address part of the last node in a linked list is null.
Now if I want to insert a new node at the end of the linked list, I first need to create a new node and insert data into the node. Then with the newly created node, you have to link the last node with the null of the existing linked list and null the address part of the new node.
Then a new node will be added as the last node at the end of the linked list and null will be assigned to the address part.

Answer to the question no (2)

There are three types of Linked List.
1.Singly Linked List
2.Doubly Linked List
3.Circular Linked List

Answer to the question no (3)

Some of the drawbacks in the linked list are mentioned below:
1) It requires more space as pointers are also stored with information.
2) Different amount of time is required to access each element.
3) If we have to go to a particular element then we have to go through all those elements that come before that element.
4) we can not traverse it from last & only from the beginning.
5) It is not easy to sort the elements stored in the linear linked list.
In reply to Md Assaduzzaman

Re: Answer the question and discuss if you have any confusion

by Shohanur Rahman 201-15-3401 -

#Answer for question:-01

If we wanna add a new node to the end of a linked list, we need to add a new node through the last insert. We know that the address portion of the last node in a linked list is drained. If we wanna add a new node to the end of the linked list, I first need to create a new node and insert data into the node. Then with the newly created node you have to associate the last node with the zero of the existing linked list and cancel the address part of the new node. A new node will then be added as a node at the end of the linked list and null will be assigned to the address section.

#Answer for question:-02

There are three common types of Linked List:

  • Circular Linked List.

  • Singly or Chain Linked List.

  • Doubly or Two Way Linked List.

#Answer for question:-03

Some drawbacks of linked list are mentioning:

  • We can't steer it from the last and exactly the first direction.

  • Each component requires a different amount of time to access.

  • This requires more space because pointers are also stored with data.

  • It is difficult to remove elements in a straight connected rundown but nothing.

  • Time Complexity Array can be randomly accessed , while the Linked list cannot be accessed Randomly.

  • Without requiring us to go to a certain element, we have no feel for each of the elements that preceded those elements.

In reply to Md Assaduzzaman

Re: Answer the question and discuss if you have any confusion

by MD. IMDADUL HAQUE 201-15-3538 -
#Answer to the Question Number - 1

To insert a node at the end of Linked List we have to follow the given procedure:
1) Dynamically create a new node using malloc function.
2)Set data field of new node.
3)Set next pointer of new node to NULL.
4)Traverse from head node till tail node.
5)Insert new after after tail node. Set next pointer of tail node to new node.

#Answer to the Question Number - 2

There are three types of Linked List.
1.Singly Linked List
2.Doubly Linked List
3.Circular Linked List

#Answer to the Question Number - 3

Some drawbacks of the linked list are given below :

* In single link list nodes are connected using a single pointer to point to the next node. If the link list is accidentally destroyed then the chances of data loss after the destruction point is maximum. Data recovery is not possible.
* In single link list every node contains a single pointer to represent next node So we can move only forwardly. Backward movement is not possible without recursion.
* In single link list any operations is performed sequentially and so for a huge no of data item any operation can be very slow.
* Link list can not contain detail description about its own as total number of node, Total no of deleted nodes, total number of updated nodes etc. Without any operation user can not display the detail description about the link list.
In reply to MD. IMDADUL HAQUE 201-15-3538

Re: Answer the question and discuss if you have any confusion

by Anika Nawar -
ans 1: To insert a node at the end of Linked List we have to follow the given procedure:
1) Dynamically create a new node using malloc function.
2)Set data field of new node.
3)Set next pointer of new node to NULL.
4)Traverse from head node till tail node.
5)Insert new after after tail node. Set next pointer of tail node to new node.

#Answer to the Question Number - 2

There are three types of Linked List.
1.Singly Linked List
2.Doubly Linked List
3.Circular Linked List

#Answer to the Question Number - 3

Some drawbacks of the linked list are given below :

* In single link list nodes are connected using a single pointer to point to the next node. If the link list is accidentally destroyed then the chances of data loss after the destruction point is maximum. Data recovery is not possible.
* In single link list every node contains a single pointer to represent next node So we can move only forwardly. Backward movement is not possible without recursion.
* In single link list any operations is performed sequentially and so for a huge no of data item any operation can be very slow.
* Link list can not contain detail description about its own as total number of node, Total no of deleted nodes, total number of updated nodes etc. Without any operation user can not display the detail description about the link list.
In reply to Md Assaduzzaman

Re: Answer the question and discuss if you have any confusion

by Avishek Das (201-15-3452) -

Answer for question :-01

If we wanna add a new node to the end of a linked list, we need to add a new node through the last insert. We know that the address portion of the last node in a linked list is drained.
If we wanna add a new node to the end of the linked list, I first need to create a new node and insert data into the node. Then with the newly created node you have to associate the last node with the zero of the existing linked list and cancel the address part of the new node. A new node will then be added as a node at the end of the linked list and null will be assigned to the address section.

Answer for question :-02

There are three common types of Linked List:

                         Circular Linked List.

                         Singly or Chain Linked List.

                         Doubly or Two Way Linked List.

Answer for question:-03

Some drawbacks of linked list are mentioning:

                        We can't steer it from the last and exactly the first direction.
                        Each component requires a different amount of time to access.
                        This requires more space because pointers are also stored with data.
                        It is difficult to remove elements in a straight connected rundown but nothing.
                        Time Complexity Array can be randomly accessed , while the Linked list cannot be accessed                                     Randomly.
                        Without requiring us to go to a certain element, we have no feel for each of the elements that                                   preceded those elements.
In reply to Md Assaduzzaman

Re: Answer the question and discuss if you have any confusion

by Sazzad Hosen khan -
#Answer to the Question Number - 1

To insert a node at the end of Linked List we have to follow the given procedure:
1) Dynamically create a new node using malloc function.
2)Set data field of new node.
3)Set next pointer of new node to NULL.
4)Traverse from head node till tail node.
5)Insert new after after tail node. Set next pointer of tail node to new node.

#Answer to the Question Number - 2

There are three types of Linked List.
1.Singly Linked List
2.Doubly Linked List
3.Circular Linked List

#Answer to the Question Number - 3

Some drawbacks of the linked list are given below :

* In single link list nodes are connected using a single pointer to point to the next node. If the link list is accidentally destroyed then the chances of data loss after the destruction point is maximum. Data recovery is not possible.
* In single link list every node contains a single pointer to represent next node So we can move only forwardly. Backward movement is not possible without recursion.
* In single link list any operations is performed sequentially and so for a huge no of data item any operation can be very slow.
* Link list can not contain detail description about its own as total number of node, Total no of deleted nodes, total number of updated nodes etc. Without any operation user can not display the detail description about the link list.
In reply to Md Assaduzzaman

Re: Answer the question and discuss if you have any confusion

by Sanjida Zaman Toma 201-15-3102 -
Answer No.01

If we wanna add a new node to the end of a linked list, we need to add a new node through the last insert. We know that the address portion of the last node in a linked list is drained.
If we wanna add a new node to the end of the linked list, I first need to create a new node and insert data into the node. Then with the newly created node you have to associate the last node with the zero of the existing linked list and cancel the address part of the new node. A new node will then be added as a node at the end of the linked list and null will be assigned to the address

Answer No.2

There are three common types of Linked List:

Circular Linked List.

Singly or Chain Linked List.

Doubly or Two Way Linked List. section.

Answer No.3
1.They use more memory than arrays because of the storage used by their pointers.
2.Nodes in a linked list must be read in order from the beginning as linked lists are inherently sequential access.
3.Nodes are stored noncontiguous, greatly increasing the time periods required to access individual elements within the list, especially with a CPU cache.
4.Difficulties arise in linked lists when it comes to reverse traversing. For instance, singly-linked lists are cumbersome to navigate backward [1] and while doubly linked lists are somewhat easier to read, memory is consumed in allocating space for a back-pointer.
In reply to Md Assaduzzaman

Re: Answer the question and discuss if you have any confusion

by Janatul Naeem (201-15-3605) -
nswer to the question no(1)

We know that if we want to add a new node at the end of a linked list, we have to add a new node through the last insert. I also know that the address part of the last node in a linked list is null.
Now if I want to insert a new node at the end of the linked list, I first need to create a new node and insert data into the node. Then with the newly created node, you have to link the last node with the null of the existing linked list and null the address part of the new node.
Then a new node will be added as the last node at the end of the linked list and null will be assigned to the address part.

Answer to the question no (2)

There are three types of Linked List.
1.Singly Linked List
2.Doubly Linked List
3.Circular Linked List

Answer to the question no (3)

Some of the drawbacks in the linked list are mentioned below:
1) It requires more space as pointers are also stored with information.
2) Different amount of time is required to access each element.
3) If we have to go to a particular element then we have to go through all those elements that come before that element.
4) we can not traverse it from last & only from the beginning.
5) It is not easy to sort the elements stored in the linear linked list.
In reply to Md Assaduzzaman

Re: Answer the question and discuss if you have any confusion

by Prayma Bishshash 201-15-3168 -
Answer to the question no 1.

We know that if we want to add a new node at the end of a linked list, we have to add a new node through the last insert. I also know that the address part of the last node in a linked list is null.
Now if I want to insert a new node at the end of the linked list, I first need to create a new node and insert data into the node. Then with the newly created node, you have to link the last node with the null of the existing linked list and null the address part of the new node.
Then a new node will be added as the last node at the end of the linked list and null will be assigned to the address part.

Answer to the question no 2.

There are three types of Linked List.
1.Singly Linked List
2.Doubly Linked List
3.Circular Linked List

Answer to the question no 3.

Some of the drawbacks in the linked list are mentioned below:
1. It requires more space as pointers are also stored with information.
2. Different amount of time is required to access each element.
3. If we have to go to a particular element then we have to go through all those elements that come before that element.
4. we can not traverse it from last & only from the beginning.
5. It is not easy to sort the elements stored in the linear linked list.
In reply to Md Assaduzzaman

Re: Answer the question and discuss if you have any confusion

by Arifa Rahman Tony -
Answer for question:-01

If we wanna add a new node to the end of a linked list, we need to add a new node through the last insert. We know that the address portion of the last node in a linked list is drained. If we wanna add a new node to the end of the linked list, I first need to create a new node and insert data into the node. Then with the newly created node you have to associate the last node with the zero of the existing linked list and cancel the address part of the new node. A new node will then be added as a node at the end of the linked list and null will be assigned to the address section.

Answer for question:-02

There are three common types of Linked List:

Circular Linked List.

Singly or Chain Linked List.

Doubly or Two Way Linked List.

Answer for question:-03

Some drawbacks of linked list are mentioning:

We can't steer it from the last and exactly the first direction.

Each component requires a different amount of time to access.

This requires more space because pointers are also stored with data.

It is difficult to remove elements in a straight connected rundown but nothing.

Time Complexity Array can be randomly accessed , while the Linked list cannot be accessed Randomly.

Without requiring us to go to a certain element, we have no feel for each of the elements that preceded those elements.
In reply to Md Assaduzzaman

Re: Answer the question and discuss if you have any confusion

by 201-15-3417 Arpita Basak -
Answer for question :-01

If we wanna add a new node to the end of a linked list, we need to add a new node through the last insert. We know that the address portion of the last node in a linked list is drained.
If we wanna add a new node to the end of the linked list, I first need to create a new node and insert data into the node. Then with the newly created node you have to associate the last node with the zero of the existing linked list and cancel the address part of the new node. A new node will then be added as a node at the end of the linked list and null will be assigned to the address section.

Answer for question :-02

There are three common types of Linked List:

 Circular Linked List.

 Singly or Chain Linked List.

 Doubly or Two Way Linked List.

Answer for question:-03

Some drawbacks of linked list are mentioning:

 We can't steer it from the last and exactly the first direction.
 Each component requires a different amount of time to access.
 This requires more space because pointers are also stored with data.
 It is difficult to remove elements in a straight connected rundown but nothing.
 Time Complexity Array can be randomly accessed , while the Linked list cannot be accessed Randomly.
 Without requiring us to go to a certain element, we have no feel for each of the elements that preceded those elements.
In reply to Md Assaduzzaman

Re: Answer the question and discuss if you have any confusion

by Akteruzzaman 201-15-3139 -
Answer No.01 : one

Answer No.2

There are three common types of Linked List:

Circular Linked List.

Singly or Chain Linked List.

Doubly or Two Way Linked List. section.

Answer No.3
1.They use more memory than arrays because of the storage used by their pointers.
2.Nodes in a linked list must be read in order from the beginning as linked lists are inherently sequential access.
3.Nodes are stored noncontiguous, greatly increasing the time periods required to access individual elements within the list, especially with a CPU cache.
4.Difficulties arise in linked lists when it comes to reverse traversing. For instance, singly-linked lists are cumbersome to navigate backward [1] and while doubly linked lists are somewhat easier to read, memory is consumed in allocating space for a back-pointer.
In reply to Md Assaduzzaman

Re: Answer the question and discuss if you have any confusion

by Ismotara Dipty -

Answer 1:

If we wanna add a new node to the end of a linked list, we need to add a new node through the last insert. We know that the address portion of the last node in a linked list is drained.
If we wanna add a new node to the end of the linked list, I first need to create a new node and insert data into the node. Then with the newly created node you have to associate the last node with the zero of the existing linked list and cancel the address part of the new node. A new node will then be added as a node at the end of the linked list and null will be assigned to the address. 

Answer  2: 

There are three  types of Linked List:

1.Circular Linked List.
2.Singly or Chain Linked List.
3.Doubly or Two Way Linked List. 

Answer 3:  

Some drawbacks of linked list:

Memory Usage

More memory is required to store elements in linked list as compared to array. Because in linked list each node contains a pointer and it requires extra memory for itself.


Elements or nodes traversal is difficult in linked list. We can not randomly access any element as we do in array by index. For example if we want to access a node at position n then we have to traverse all the nodes before it. So, time required to access a node is large.

Reverse Traversing

In linked list reverse traversing is really difficult. In case of doubly linked list its easier but extra memory is required for back pointer hence wastage of memory.

In reply to Md Assaduzzaman

Re: Answer the question and discuss if you have any confusion

by Sk Dhrubo (201-15-3169) -
Answer to the question no 1:

We know that if we want to add a new node at the end of a linked list, we have to add a new node through the last insert. I also know that the address part of the last node in a linked list is null.
Now if I want to insert a new node at the end of the linked list, I first need to create a new node and insert data into the node. Then with the newly created node, you have to link the last node with the null of the existing linked list and null the address part of the new node.
Then a new node will be added as the last node at the end of the linked list and null will be assigned to the address part.

Answer to the question no (2)

There are three types of Linked List.
1.Singly Linked List
2.Doubly Linked List
3.Circular Linked List

Answer to the question no (3)

Some of the drawbacks in the linked list are mentioned below:
1) It requires more space as pointers are also stored with information.
2) Different amount of time is required to access each element.
3) If we have to go to a particular element then we have to go through all those elements that come before that element.
4) we can not traverse it from last & only from the beginning.
5) It is not easy to sort the elements stored in the linear linked list.
In reply to Md Assaduzzaman

Re: Answer the question and discuss if you have any confusion

by Maherunnesa Mim -
Answer to the question no(1)

We know that if we want to add a new node at the end of a linked list, we have to add a new node through the last insert. I also know that the address part of the last node in a linked list is null.
Now if I want to insert a new node at the end of the linked list, I first need to create a new node and insert data into the node. Then with the newly created node, you have to link the last node with the null of the existing linked list and null the address part of the new node.
Then a new node will be added as the last node at the end of the linked list and null will be assigned to the address part.
Answer to the question no (2)

There are three types of Linked List.
1.Singly Linked List
2.Doubly Linked List
3.Circular Linked List
#Answer for question:-03
Some drawbacks of the linked list are mentioning:
• We can't steer it from the last and exactly the first direction.
• Each component requires a different amount of time to access.
• This requires more space because pointers are also stored with data.
• It is difficult to remove elements in a straight connected rundown but nothing.
• Time Complexity Array can be randomly accessed, while the Linked list cannot be accessed Randomly.
• Without requiring us to go to a certain element, we have no feel for each of the elements that preceded those elements.
In reply to Md Assaduzzaman

Re: Answer the question and discuss if you have any confusion

If we wanna add a new node to the end of a linked list, we need to add a new node through the last insert. We know that the address portion of the last node in a linked list is drained.
If we wanna add a new node to the end of the linked list, I first need to create a new node and insert data into the node. Then with the newly created node you have to associate the last node with the zero of the existing linked list and cancel the address part of the new node. A new node will then be added as a node at the end of the linked list and null will be assigned to the address section.

Answer for question :-02

There are three common types of Linked List:

 Circular Linked List.

 Singly or Chain Linked List.

 Doubly or Two Way Linked List.

Answer for question:-03

Some drawbacks of linked list are mentioning:

 We can't steer it from the last and exactly the first direction.
 Each component requires a different amount of time to access.
 This requires more space because pointers are also stored with data.
 It is difficult to remove elements in a straight connected rundown but nothing.
 Time Complexity Array can be randomly accessed , while the Linked list cannot be accessed Randomly.
 Without requiring us to go to a certain element, we have no feel for each of the elements that preceded those elements.
In reply to Md Assaduzzaman

Re: Answer the question and discuss if you have any confusion

by Taslima Jahan Tushi 201-15-3269 -

Answer to the question no(1)

We know that if we want to add a new node at the end of a linked list, we have to add a new node through the last insert. I also know that the address part of the last node in a linked list is null.
Now if I want to insert a new node at the end of the linked list, I first need to create a new node and insert data into the node. Then with the newly created node, you have to link the last node with the null of the existing linked list and null the address part of the new node.
Then a new node will be added as the last node at the end of the linked list and null will be assigned to the address part.

Answer to the question no (2)

There are three types of Linked List.
1.Singly Linked List
2.Doubly Linked List
3.Circular Linked List

Answer to the question no (3)

Some of the drawbacks in the linked list are mentioned below:
1) It requires more space as pointers are also stored with information.

2)Different amount of time is required to access each element.
3) If we have to go to a particular element then we have to go through all those elements that come before that element.
4) we can not traverse it from last & only from the beginning.
5) It is not easy to sort the elements stored in the linear linked list.

In reply to Md Assaduzzaman

Re: Answer the question and discuss if you have any confusion

by Anika Nawar -
If we wanna add a new node to the end of a linked list, we need to add a new node through the last insert. We know that the address portion of the last node in a linked list is drained.
If we wanna add a new node to the end of the linked list, I first need to create a new node and insert data into the node. Then with the newly created node you have to associate the last node with the zero of the existing linked list and cancel the address part of the new node. A new node will then be added as a node at the end of the linked list and null will be assigned to the address

Answer No.2

There are three common types of Linked List:

Circular Linked List.

Singly or Chain Linked List.

Doubly or Two Way Linked List. section.

Answer No.3
1.They use more memory than arrays because of the storage used by their pointers.
2.Nodes in a linked list must be read in order from the beginning as linked lists are inherently sequential access.
3.Nodes are stored noncontiguous, greatly increasing the time periods required to access individual elements within the list, especially with a CPU cache.
4.Difficulties arise in linked lists when it comes to reverse traversing. For instance, singly-linked lists are cumbersome to navigate backward [1] and while doubly linked lists are somewhat easier to read, memory is consumed in allocating space for a back-pointer.
In reply to Md Assaduzzaman

Re: Answer the question and discuss if you have any confusion

by Zannatul Mawya Priya 201-15-3209 -
Answer to the Question no(1)

We realize that on the off chance that we need to include another hub toward the finish of a connected rundown, we need to include another hub through the last addition. I additionally realize that the location part of the last hub in a connected rundown is invalid.

Presently on the off chance that I need to embed another hub toward the finish of the connected rundown, I first need to make another hub and supplement information into the hub. At that point with the recently made hub, you need to interface the last hub with the invalid of the current connected rundown and invalid the location part of the new hub.

At that point another hub will be included as the last hub toward the finish of the connected rundown and invalid will be alloted to the location part.

Answer to the Question no (2)

There are three sorts of Linked List.

1.Singly Linked List

2.Doubly Linked List

3.Circular Linked List

Answer to the Question no (3)

A portion of the downsides in the connected rundown are referenced beneath:

1) It requires more space as pointers are additionally put away with data.

2) Different measure of time is needed to get to every component.

3) If we need to go to a specific component then we need to experience every one of those components that precede that component.

4) we can not navigate it from last and just from the earliest starting point.

5) It isn't anything but difficult to sort the components put away in the straight connected rundown.
In reply to Md Assaduzzaman

Re: Answer the question and discuss if you have any confusion

by Khatuna Jannat Sarnali -
Answer no 1:
We can insert a new node by using the last insert method in linked list. But the last node of a linked list is always null. So, we need to create a new node and insert data into it. Then the address of the new node need to be connected with the last node. Finally, the address part of the new node will become null and the new node will be linked with the linked list successfully at the end of the linked list.

Answer no 2:
Three types of Linked List exist. They are-
• Singly Linked List
• Doubly Linked List
• Circular Linked List

Answer no 3:
Some of the drawbacks of linked list are given below:
• It requires more space as pointers are also stored with information.
• Different amount of time is required to access each element.
• If we have to go to a particular element then we have to go through all those elements that come before that element.
• We can’t traverse it from last & only from the beginning.
• It is not easy to sort the elements stored in the linear linked list.
In reply to Md Assaduzzaman

Re: Answer the question and discuss if you have any confusion

by Md.Yeasin Chowdhury 201-15-3443 -

Answer -01

If I want to add a new node to the end of a linked list, i need to add a new node through the last insert. I know that the address portion of the last node in a linked list is drained. If I want to add a new node to the end of the linked list, I first need to create a new node and insert data into the node. Then with the newly created node i have to associate the last node with the zero of the existing linked list and cancel the address part of the new node. A new node will then be added as a node at the end of the linked list and null will be assigned to the address section.

Answer -02

There are three types of Linked List.
• Singly Linked List.
• 2.Doubly Linked List.
• 3.Circular Linked List.

Answer -03

Some drawbacks of linked list are mentioning:
1. Each component requires a different amount of time to access.
2. This requires more space because pointers are also stored with data.
3. It is difficult to remove elements in a straight connected rundown but nothing.
4. Without requiring us to go to a certain element, we have no feel for each of the elements that preceded   those elements.
5.  We can't steer it from the last and exactly the first direction.
In reply to Md Assaduzzaman

Re: Answer the question and discuss if you have any confusion

by Mohammad Ashikuzzaman 3438 -
Answer to the question no:-1

We know that if we want to add a new node at the end of a linked list, we have to add a new node through the last insert. I also know that the address part of the last node in a linked list is null.

Now if I want to insert a new node at the end of the linked list, I first need to create a new node and insert data into the node. Then with the newly created node, you have to link the last node with the null of the existing linked list and null the address part of the new node.
Then a new node will be added as the last node at the end of the linked list and null will be assigned to the address part.

Answer to the question no:-2

There are three types of Linked List.
1.Singly Linked List
2.Doubly Linked List
3.Circular Linked List

Answer to the question no:-3

Some of the drawbacks in the linked list are mentioned below:-

1) It requires more space as pointers are also stored with information.
2) Different amount of time is required to access each element.
3) If we have to go to a particular element then we have to go through all those elements that come before that element.
4) we can not traverse it from last & only from the beginning.
5) It is not easy to sort the elements stored in the linear linked list.
In reply to Md Assaduzzaman

Re: Answer the question and discuss if you have any confusion

by Md. Atikur Rahman -
#Answer to the Question Number - 1

To insert a node at the end of Linked List we have to follow the given procedure:
1) Dynamically create a new node using malloc function.
2)Set data field of new node.
3)Set next pointer of new node to NULL.
4)Traverse from head node till tail node.
5)Insert new after after tail node. Set next pointer of tail node to new node.

#Answer to the Question Number - 2

There are three types of Linked List.
1.Singly Linked List
2.Doubly Linked List
3.Circular Linked List

#Answer to the Question Number - 3

Some drawbacks of the linked list are given below :

* In single link list nodes are connected using a single pointer to point to the next node. If the link list is accidentally destroyed then the chances of data loss after the destruction point is maximum. Data recovery is not possible.
* In single link list every node contains a single pointer to represent next node So we can move only forwardly. Backward movement is not possible without recursion.
* In single link list any operations is performed sequentially and so for a huge no of data item any operation can be very slow.
* Link list can not contain detail description about its own as total number of node, Total no of deleted nodes, total number of updated nodes etc. Without any operation user can not display the detail description about the link list.
In reply to Md Assaduzzaman

Re: Answer the question and discuss if you have any confusion

by Akteruzzaman 201-15-3139 -
Firstly We have to Create a new node and make sure that the address part of the new node points to NULL ,
then Traverse to the last node of the linked list and connect the last node of the list with the new node.

There are three types of Linked List.
1.Singly Linked List
2.Doubly Linked List
3.Circular Linked List

some drawbacks of the linked list ,They use more memory than arrays because of the storage used by their pointers. Nodes in a linked list must be read in order from the beginning as linked lists are inherently sequential access
In reply to Md Assaduzzaman

Re: Answer the question and discuss if you have any confusion

by Jannatul Ferdous Moon -
Ans to the question no : 1

If we wanna add a new node to the end of a linked list, we need to add a new node through the last insert. We know that the address portion of the last node in a linked list is drained.
If we wanna add a new node to the end of the linked list, I first need to create a new node and insert data into the node. Then with the newly created node you have to associate the last node with the zero of the existing linked list and cancel the address part of the new node. A new node will then be added as a node at the end of the linked list and null will be assigned to the address section.

Ans to the question no : 2

There are three types of Linked List.
1.Singly Linked List
2.Doubly Linked List
3.Circular Linked List

Ans to the question on : 3

Some drawbacks of linked list are mentioning:
1. We can't steer it from the last and exactly the first direction.
2. Each component requires a different amount of time to access.
3. This requires more space because pointers are also stored with data.
4. It is difficult to remove elements in a straight connected rundown but nothing.
5. Time Complexity Array can be randomly accessed , while the Linked list cannot be accessed Randomly.
6. Without requiring us to go to a certain element, we have no feel for each of the elements that preceded those elements.
In reply to Md Assaduzzaman

Re: Answer the question and discuss if you have any confusion

by Arnab Saha -
Answer to the question no(1)
We know that if we want to add a new node at the end of a linked list, we have to add a new node through the last insert. I also know that the address part of the last node in a linked list is null.
Now if I want to insert a new node at the end of the linked list, I first need to create a new node and insert data into the node. Then with the newly created node, you have to link the last node with the null of the existing linked list and null the address part of the new node.
Then a new node will be added as the last node at the end of the linked list and null will be assigned to the address part.
Answer to the Question Number - 2
There are three types of Linked List.
1.Singly Linked List
2.Doubly Linked List
3.Circular Linked List
Answer to the question no 3.
Some of the drawbacks in the linked list are mentioned below:
1. It requires more space as pointers are also stored with information.
2. Different amount of time is required to access each element.
3. If we have to go to a particular element then we have to go through all those elements that come before that element.
4. we can not traverse it from last & only from the beginning.
5. It is not easy to sort the elements stored in the linear linked list.
In reply to Md Assaduzzaman

Re: Answer the question and discuss if you have any confusion

by Sajib Bormon 201-15-3773 -
Ans Q: 1
First we must declare the last node then we have to allocate memory for the node, input the value and must set the pointer of the node as NULL. Now we have to traversed the linked list to find the last node. After this the last node of the linked list point the node that we have just created.

Ans Q: 2
Three type of linked list
1. Single linked list.(one data part and another is address part)
2. Double linked list.(First address part then data part and again in the last part is address part)
3. Circular linked list. (Like double linked list)

Ans Q3:

Some of the drawbacks in the linked list are mentioned below:
1) It requires more space as pointers are also stored with information.
2) Different amount of time is required to access each element.
3) If we have to go to a particular element then we have to go through all those elements that come before that element.
4) we can not traverse it from last & only from the beginning.
5) It is not easy to sort the elements stored in the linear linked list.
In reply to Md Assaduzzaman

Re: Answer the question and discuss if you have any confusion

by Amir Hamza Shuvo 201-15-3397 -
Answer to the question no(1)

We know that if we want to add a new node at the end of a linked list, we have to add a new node through the last insert. I also know that the address part of the last node in a linked list is null.
Now if I want to insert a new node at the end of the linked list, I first need to create a new node and insert data into the node. Then with the newly created node, you have to link the last node with the null of the existing linked list and null the address part of the new node.
Then a new node will be added as the last node at the end of the linked list and null will be assigned to the address part.
Answer to the question no (2)

There are three types of Linked List.
1.Singly Linked List
2.Doubly Linked List
3.Circular Linked List
#Answer for question:-03

Some drawbacks of linked list are mentioning:

We can't steer it from the last and exactly the first direction.

Each component requires a different amount of time to access.

This requires more space because pointers are also stored with data.

It is difficult to remove elements in a straight connected rundown but nothing.

Time Complexity Array can be randomly accessed , while the Linked list cannot be accessed Randomly.

Without requiring us to go to a certain element, we have no feel for each of the elements that preceded those elements.
In reply to Md Assaduzzaman

Re: Answer the question and discuss if you have any confusion

by Fiaj Rahman(201-15-3077) -
Answer to the Question Number - 1

To insert a node at the end of Linked List we have to follow the given procedure:
1) Dynamically create a new node using malloc function.
2)Set data field of new node.
3)Set next pointer of new node to NULL.
4)Traverse from head node till tail node.
5)Insert new after after tail node. Set next pointer of tail node to new node.

#Answer to the Question Number - 2

There are three types of Linked List.
1.Singly Linked List
2.Doubly Linked List
3.Circular Linked List

#Answer to the Question Number - 3

Some drawbacks of the linked list are given below :

* In single link list nodes are connected using a single pointer to point to the next node. If the link list is accidentally destroyed then the chances of data loss after the destruction point is maximum. Data recovery is not possible.
* In single link list every node contains a single pointer to represent next node So we can move only forwardly. Backward movement is not possible without recursion.
* In single link list any operations is performed sequentially and so for a huge no of data item any operation can be very slow.
* Link list can not contain detail description about its own as total number of node, Total no of deleted nodes, total number of updated nodes etc. Without any operation user can not display the detail description about the link list.
In reply to Md Assaduzzaman

Re: Answer the question and discuss if you have any confusion

by Tanmoy Komer (201-15-3439) -
ans to the q.n-1
We know that if we want to add a new node at the end of a linked list, we have to add a new node through the last insert. I also know that the address part of the last node in a linked list is null.
Now if I want to insert a new node at the end of the linked list, I first need to create a new node and insert data into the node. Then with the newly created node, you have to link the last node with the null of the existing linked list and null the address part of the new node.
Then a new node will be added as the last node at the end of the linked list and null will be assigned to the address part.

Answer to the question no (2)

There are three types of Linked List.
1.Singly Linked List
2.Doubly Linked List
3.Circular Linked List

Answer to the question no (3)

Some of the drawbacks in the linked list are mentioned below:
1) It requires more space as pointers are also stored with information.
2) Different amount of time is required to access each element.
3) If we have to go to a particular element then we have to go through all those elements that come before that element.
4) we can not traverse it from last & only from the beginning.
5) It is not easy to sort the elements stored in the linear linked list.
In reply to Md Assaduzzaman

Re: Answer the question and discuss if you have any confusion

by 201-15-3532 Sumaiya Haider -
1) Ans- One can insert a node at the end of a linked list using last insert. First, we have to create a new node using malloc function. Suppose it is in a variable called 'temp'. We can call the 'head' as 'last'(another variable). Then it will continue through a loop until the 'next' of the 'last' variable is NULL. When it gets NULL, 'next' of the 'last' becomes 'temp'. Then we have to insert NULL in the 'next' of the 'temp' variable. In this way, we can insert a node at the end of the linked list.

2) Ans- There are three types of linked list:
1.Singly Linked List
2.Doubly Linked List
3.Circular Linked List

3) Ans- Some drawbacks of the linked list are mentioned below:
1.They use more memory than arrays because of the storage used by their pointers.
2. Array can be randomly accessed, while the Linked list cannot be accessed Randomly.
3.Each component requires a different amount of time to access.
In reply to Md Assaduzzaman

Re: Answer the question and discuss if you have any confusion

by Sazzad Hosain Sagor -
#Answer to the Question Number - 1

To insert a node at the end of Linked List we have to follow the given procedure:
1) Dynamically create a new node using malloc function.
2)Set data field of new node.
3)Set next pointer of new node to NULL.
4)Traverse from head node till tail node.
5)Insert new after after tail node. Set next pointer of tail node to new node.

#Answer to the Question Number - 2

There are three types of Linked List.
1.Singly Linked List
2.Doubly Linked List
3.Circular Linked List

#Answer to the Question Number - 3

Some drawbacks of the linked list are given below :

* In single link list nodes are connected using a single pointer to point to the next node. If the link list is accidentally destroyed then the chances of data loss after the destruction point is maximum. Data recovery is not possible.
* In single link list every node contains a single pointer to represent next node So we can move only forwardly. Backward movement is not possible without recursion.
* In single link list any operations is performed sequentially and so for a huge no of data item any operation can be very slow.
* Link list can not contain detail description about its own as total number of node, Total no of deleted nodes, total number of updated nodes etc. Without any operation user can not display the detail description about the link list.
In reply to Md Assaduzzaman

Re: Answer the question and discuss if you have any confusion

by 201-15-3596 sadia afrin satu -
Answer to the question no 1:
If we wanna add a new node to the end of a linked list, we need to add a new node through the last insert. We know that the address portion of the last node in a linked list is drained. If we wanna add a new node to the end of the linked list, I first need to create a new node and insert data into the node. Then with the newly created node you have to associate the last node with the zero of the existing linked list and cancel the address part of the new node. A new node will then be added as a node at the end of the linked list and null will be assigned to the address section.

Answer to the question no 2:
There are three types of Linked List.
1.Singly Linked List
2.Doubly Linked List
3.Circular Linked List

Answer to the question no 3:
1.They use more memory than arrays because of the storage used by their pointers.
2.Nodes in a linked list must be read in order from the beginning as linked lists are inherently sequential access.
3.Array can be randomly accessed, while the Linked list cannot be accessed Randomly.
In reply to Md Assaduzzaman

Re: Answer the question and discuss if you have any confusion

by Arpita Ghosh 201-15-3422 -
Answer to the Question Number :1

To insert a node at the end of Linked List we have to follow the given procedure:
1) Dynamically create a new node using malloc function.
2)Set data field of new node.
3)Set next pointer of new node to NULL.
4)Traverse from head node till tail node.
5)Insert new after after tail node. Set next pointer of tail node to new node.

Answer to the Question Number:2

There are three types of Linked List.
1.Singly Linked List
2.Doubly Linked List
3.Circular Linked List

Answer to the Question Number:3

Some drawbacks of the linked list are given below :

* In single link list nodes are connected using a single pointer to point to the next node. If the link list is accidentally destroyed then the chances of data loss after the destruction point is maximum. Data recovery is not possible.
* In single link list every node contains a single pointer to represent next node So we can move only forwardly. Backward movement is not possible without recursion.
* In single link list any operations is performed sequentially and so for a huge no of data item any operation can be very slow.
* Link list can not contain detail description about its own as total number of node, Total no of deleted nodes, total number of updated nodes etc. Without any operation user can not display the detail description about the link list.
In reply to Md Assaduzzaman

Re: Answer the question and discuss if you have any confusion

by Arif Hosen -
Answer to the Question No. 1
Firstly, we have to declare the last node then we have to allocate memory for the node, input the value and must set the pointer of the node as null. Now we have to traversed the linked list to find the last node. After this the last node of the linked list point the node that we have just created.

Answer to the Question No. 2
Three type of linked list
1. Single linked list. (One data part and another is address part)
2. Double linked list. (First address part then data part and again in the last part is address part)
3. Circular linked list. (Like double linked list)

Answer to the Question No. 3
Some of the drawbacks in the linked list are mentioned below:
1) It requires more space as pointers are also stored with information.
2) Different amount of time is required to access each element.
3) If we have to go to a particular element then we have to go through all those elements that come before that element.
4) we cannot traverse it from last & only from the beginning.
5) It is not easy to sort the elements stored in the linear linked list.
In reply to Md Assaduzzaman

Re: Answer the question and discuss if you have any confusion

by Md. Sakibuzzaman Alif -
#Answer to the Question Number - 1

To insert a node at the end of Linked List we have to follow the given procedure:
1) Dynamically create a new node using malloc function.
2)Set data field of new node.
3)Set next pointer of new node to NULL.
4)Traverse from head node till tail node.
5)Insert new after after tail node. Set next pointer of tail node to new node.

#Answer to the Question Number - 2

There are three types of Linked List.
1.Singly Linked List
2.Doubly Linked List
3.Circular Linked List

#Answer to the Question Number - 3

Some drawbacks of the linked list are given below :

* In single link list nodes are connected using a single pointer to point to the next node. If the link list is accidentally destroyed then the chances of data loss after the destruction point is maximum. Data recovery is not possible.
* In single link list every node contains a single pointer to represent next node So we can move only forwardly. Backward movement is not possible without recursion.
* In single link list any operations is performed sequentially and so for a huge no of data item any operation can be very slow.
* Link list can not contain detail description about its own as total number of node, Total no of deleted nodes, total number of updated nodes etc. Without any operation user can not display the detail description about the link list.
In reply to Md Assaduzzaman

Re: Answer the question and discuss if you have any confusion

by Juwel Rana Jony -
#Answer to the Question Number - 1

To insert a node at the end of Linked List we have to follow the given procedure:
1) Dynamically create a new node using malloc function.
2)Set data field of new node.
3)Set the next pointer of the new node to NULL.
4)Traverse from head node till the tail node.
5)Insert new after the tail node. Set the next pointer of the tail node to a new node.

#Answer to the Question Number - 2

There are three types of Linked List.
1.Singly Linked List
2.Doubly Linked List
3.Circular Linked List

#Answer to the Question Number - 3

Some drawbacks of the linked list are given below :

* In single link list nodes are connected using a single pointer to point to the next node. If the link list is accidentally destroyed then the chances of data loss after the destruction point is maximum. Data recovery is not possible.
* In a single link list every node contains a single pointer to represent the next node So we can move only forwardly. Backward movement is not possible without recursion.
* In a single link list any operations are performed sequentially and so for a huge no of data items any operation can be very slow.
* Link list can not contain detailed description about its own as the total number of nodes, Total no of deleted nodes, the total number of updated nodes, etc. Without any operation, the user can not display the detailed description of the link list.
In reply to Md Assaduzzaman

Re: Answer the question and discuss if you have any confusion

by Md.Majedul Haque Tanin -
Answer to the question no 1:

We know that if we want to add a new node at the end of a linked list, we have to add a new node through the last insert. I also know that the address part of the last node in a linked list is null.
Now if I want to insert a new node at the end of the linked list, I first need to create a new node and insert data into the node. Then with the newly created node, you have to link the lastm node with the null of the existing linked list and null the address part of the new node.

Answer to the question no :2

There are three types of Linked List.
1.Singly Linked List
2.Doubly Linked List
3.Circular Linked List

Answer to the question no 3.

Some of the drawbacks in the linked list are mentioned below:
1. It requires more space as pointers are also stored with information.
2. Different amount of time is required to access each element.
3. If we have to go to a particular element then we have to go through all those elements that come before that element.
4. we can not traverse it from last & only from the beginning.
5. It is not easy to sort the elements stored in the linear linked list.
In reply to Md Assaduzzaman

Re: Answer the question and discuss if you have any confusion

by Sabbir Hossain Antar -
Answer to the question no(1)

We know that if we want to add a new node at the end of a linked list, we have to add a new node through the last insert. I also know that the address part of the last node in a linked list is null.
Now if I want to insert a new node at the end of the linked list, I first need to create a new node and insert data into the node. Then with the newly created node, you have to link the last node with the null of the existing linked list and null the address part of the new node.
Then a new node will be added as the last node at the end of the linked list and null will be assigned to the address part.

Answer for question:-02

There are three common types of Linked List:

Circular Linked List.

Singly or Chain Linked List.

Doubly or Two Way Linked List.

Answer No.3
1.They use more memory than arrays because of the storage used by their pointers.
2.Nodes in a linked list must be read in order from the beginning as linked lists are inherently sequential access.
3.Nodes are stored noncontiguous, greatly increasing the time periods required to access individual elements within the list, especially with a CPU cache.
4.Difficulties arise in linked lists when it comes to reverse traversing. For instance, singly-linked lists are cumbersome to navigate backward [1] and while doubly linked lists are somewhat easier to read, memory is consumed in allocating space for a back-
In reply to Md Assaduzzaman

Re: Answer the question and discuss if you have any confusion

by RIFAT JAHAN ZIM 201-15-3611 -

Answer to the question no 1:
If we wanna add a new node to the end of a linked list, we need to add a new node through the last insert. We know that the address portion of the last node in a linked list is drained. If we wanna add a new node to the end of the linked list, I first need to create a new node and insert data into the node. Then with the newly created node you have to associate the last node with the zero of the existing linked list and cancel the address part of the new node. A new node will then be added as a node at the end of the linked list and null will be assigned to the address section.

Answer to the question no 2:
There are three types of Linked List.
1.Singly Linked List
2.Doubly Linked List
3.Circular Linked List

Answer to the question no 3:
1.They use more memory than arrays because of the storage used by their pointers.
2.Nodes in a linked list must be read in order from the beginning as linked lists are inherently sequential access.
3.Array can be randomly accessed, while the Linked list cannot be accessed Randomly.

In reply to Md Assaduzzaman

Re: Answer the question and discuss if you have any confusion

by Md.Habibur Rahman -
ANSWER (1):-

To insert a node at the end of Linked List we have to follow the given procedure:

1) Dynamically create a new node using malloc function.

2)Set data field of new node.

3)Set next pointer of new node to NULL.

4)Traverse from head node till tail node.

5)Insert new after after tail node. Set next pointer of tail node to new node.

ANSWER (2):-

There are three types of Linked List.
1.Singly Linked List
2.Doubly Linked List
3.Circular Linked List

ANSWER (3):-
Some drawbacks of linked list are mentioning:
1. Each component requires a different amount of time to access.
2. This requires more space because pointers are also stored with data.
3. It is difficult to remove elements in a straight connected rundown but nothing.
4. Without requiring us to go to a certain element, we have no feel for each of the elements that preceded those elements.
5. We can't steer it from the last and exactly the first direction.
In reply to Md Assaduzzaman

Re: Answer the question and discuss if you have any confusion

Answer to the question no (1)
We know that if we want to add a new node at the end of a linked list, we have to add a new node through the last insert. I also know that the address part of the last node in a linked list is null.
Now if I want to insert a new node at the end of the linked list, I first need to create a new node and insert data into the node. Then with the newly created node, you have to link the last node with the null of the existing linked list and null the address part of the new node.
Then a new node will be added as the last node at the end of the linked list and null will be assigned to the address part.

Answer to the question no (2)

There are three types of Linked List.
1.Singly Linked List
2.Doubly Linked List
3.Circular Linked List

Answer to the question no (3)

Some of the drawbacks in the linked list are mentioned below:
1) It requires more space as pointers are also stored with information.
2) Different amount of time is required to access each element.
3) If we have to go to a particular element then we have to go through all those elements that come before that element.
4) we can not traverse it from last & only from the beginning.
5) It is not easy to sort the elements stored in the linear linked list.
In reply to Md Assaduzzaman

Re: Answer the question and discuss if you have any confusion

by Tapu Chandra Malo -
Answer for question:-01

To insert a node at the end of Linked List we have to follow the given procedure:
1) Dynamically create a new node using malloc function.
2)Set data field of new node.
3)Set next pointer of new node to NULL.
4)Traverse from head node till tail node.
5)Insert new after after tail node. Set next pointer of tail node to new node.

Answer for question:-02

There are three common types of Linked List:

Singly Linked List.
Doubly or Two Way Linked List.
Circular Linked List

Answer for question:-03

Some drawbacks of linked list are mentioning:
1.We can't steer it from the last and exactly the first direction.
2.Each component requires a different amount of time to access.
3.This requires more space because pointers are also stored with data.
4.It is difficult to remove elements in a straight connected rundown but nothing.
5.Time Complexity Array can be randomly accessed , while the Linked list cannot be accessed Randomly.

Without requiring us to go to a certain element, we have no feel for each of the elements that preceded those elements.
In reply to Md Assaduzzaman

Re: Answer the question and discuss if you have any confusion

by Md. Seyam Ali Biswas -
Answer to the question no (1)
We know that if we want to add a new node at the end of a linked list, we have to add a new node through the last insert. I also know that the address part of the last node in a linked list is null.
Now if I want to insert a new node at the end of the linked list, I first need to create a new node and insert data into the node. Then with the newly created node, you have to link the last node with the null of the existing linked list and null the address part of the new node.
Then a new node will be added as the last node at the end of the linked list and null will be assigned to the address part.

Answer for question:-02

There are three common types of Linked List:
Circular Linked List.
Singly or Chain Linked List.
Doubly or Two Way Linked List.

Answer to the Question no (3)

A portion of the downsides in the connected rundown are referenced beneath:

1) It requires more space as pointers are additionally put away with data.
2) Different measure of time is needed to get to every component.
3) If we need to go to a specific component then we need to experience every one of those components that precede that component.
4) we can not navigate it from last and just from the earliest starting point.
5) It isn't anything but difficult to sort the components put away in the straight connected rundown.
In reply to Md Assaduzzaman

Re: Answer the question and discuss if you have any confusion

by Nabid Anjum Ome 201-15-3308 -
Answer to the question no:01

To insert a node at the end of Linked List we have to follow the given procedure:

1) Dynamically create a new node using malloc function.

2)Set data field of new node.

3)Set next pointer of new node to NULL.

4)Traverse from head node till tail node.

5)Insert new after after tail node. Set next pointer of tail node to new node.

Answer to the question no:02

There are three types of Linked List.

1.Singly Linked List

2.Doubly Linked List

3.Circular Linked List

Answer to the question no:03

Some drawbacks of the linked list are given below :

* In single link list nodes are connected using a single pointer to point to the next node. If the link list is accidentally destroyed then the chances of data loss after the destruction point is maximum. Data recovery is not possible.

* In single link list every node contains a single pointer to represent next node So we can move only forwardly. Backward movement is not possible without recursion.

* In single link list any operations is performed sequentially and so for a huge no of data item any operation can be very slow.

* Link list can not contain detail description about its own as total number of node, Total no of deleted nodes, total number of updated nodes etc. Without any operation user can not display the detail description about the link list.
In reply to Md Assaduzzaman

Re: Answer the question and discuss if you have any confusion

by Ibrahim Tasin -

Answer to the question no. 1

If we wanna add a new node to the end of a linked list, we need to add a new node through the last insert. We know that the address portion of the last node in a linked list is drained. If we wanna add a new node to the end of the linked list, I first need to create a new node and insert data into the node. Then with the newly created node you have to associate the last node with the zero of the existing linked list and cancel the address part of the new node. A new node will then be added as a node at the end of the linked list and null will be assigned to the address section.

Answer to the question no. 2

There are three common types of Linked List:

Circular Linked List.

Singly or Chain Linked List.

Doubly or Two Way Linked List.

Answer to the question no. 3

Some drawbacks of linked list are mentioning:

We can't steer it from the last and exactly the first direction.

Each component requires a different amount of time to access.

This requires more space because pointers are also stored with data.

It is difficult to remove elements in a straight connected rundown but nothing.

Time Complexity Array can be randomly accessed , while the Linked list cannot be accessed Randomly.

Without requiring us to go to a certain element, we have no feel for each of the elements that preceded those elements.
In reply to Md Assaduzzaman

Re: Answer the question and discuss if you have any confusion

by Wahid Tausif -
If we wanna add a new node to the end of a linked list, we need to add a new node through the last insert. We know that the address portion of the last node in a linked list is drained. If we wanna add a new node to the end of the linked list, I first need to create a new node and insert data into the node. Then with the newly created node you have to associate the last node with the zero of the existing linked list and cancel the address part of the new node. A new node will then be added as a node at the end of the linked list and null will be assigned to the address section.

#Answer for question:-02

There are three common types of Linked List:

Circular Linked List.

Singly or Chain Linked List.

Doubly or Two Way Linked List.

#Answer for question:-03

Some drawbacks of linked list are mentioning:

We can't steer it from the last and exactly the first direction.

Each component requires a different amount of time to access.

This requires more space because pointers are also stored with data.

It is difficult to remove elements in a straight connected rundown but nothing.

Time Complexity Array can be randomly accessed , while the Linked list cannot be accessed Randomly.

Without requiring us to go to a certain element, we have no feel for each of the elements that preceded those elements.
In reply to Md Assaduzzaman

Re: Answer the question and discuss if you have any confusion

by 201-15-3194 Asif Rahman Pranto -
If we wanna add a new node to the end of a linked list, we need to add a new node through the last insert. We know that the address portion of the last node in a linked list is drained. If we wanna add a new node to the end of the linked list, I first need to create a new node and insert data into the node. Then with the newly created node you have to associate the last node with the zero of the existing linked list and cancel the address part of the new node. A new node will then be added as a node at the end of the linked list and null will be assigned to the address section.
#Answer for question:-02
There are three common types of Linked List:
Circular Linked List.
Singly or Chain Linked List.
Doubly or Two Way Linked List.
#Answer for question:-03
Some drawbacks of linked list are mentioning:
We can't steer it from the last and exactly the first direction.
Each component requires a different amount of time to access.
This requires more space because pointers are also stored with data.
It is difficult to remove elements in a straight connected rundown but nothing.
Time Complexity Array can be randomly accessed , while the Linked list cannot be accessed Randomly.
Without requiring us to go to a certain element, we have no feel for each of the elements that preceded those elements.
In reply to Md Assaduzzaman

Re: Answer the question and discuss if you have any confusion

by 201-15-3311 Mehedi -
Ans to question 1.
We know that if we want to add a new node at the end of a linked list, we have to add a new node through the last insert. I also know that the address part of the last node in a linked list is null.

Now if I want to insert a new node at the end of the linked list, I first need to create a new node and insert data into the node. Then with the newly created node, you have to link the last node with the null of the existing linked list and null the address part of the new node.
Then a new node will be added as the last node at the end of the linked list and null will be assigned to the address part.

Ans to question no 2.

There are three common types of Linked List:
Circular Linked List.
Singly or Chain Linked List.
Doubly or Two Way Linked List.

Ans to question no 3.

1.They use more memory than arrays because of the storage used by their pointers.

2.Nodes in a linked list must be read in order from the beginning as linked lists are inherently sequential access.

3.Nodes are stored noncontiguous, greatly increasing the time periods required to access individual elements within the list, especially with a CPU cache.

4.Difficulties arise in linked lists when it comes to reverse traversing. For instance, singly-linked lists are cumbersome to navigate backward [1] and while doubly linked lists are somewhat easier to read, memory is consumed in allocating space for a back-
In reply to Md Assaduzzaman

Re: Answer the question and discuss if you have any confusion

by Md Taufiq ali -

Answer the question and discuss if you have any confusion

Answer the question and discuss if you have any confusion

1. How can someone insert a node at the end of Linked List?

2. How many types of Linked List exist?

3. Mention some drawbacks of the linked list.

Answer to the question no(1)

We know that if we want to add a new node at the end of a linked list, we have to add a new node through the last insert. I also know that the address part of the last node in a linked list is null.

Now if I want to insert a new node at the end of the linked list, I first need to create a new node and insert data into the node. Then with the newly created node, you have to link the last node with the null of the existing linked list and null the address part of the new node.

Then a new node will be added as the last node at the end of the linked list and null will be assigned to the address part.

Answer to the question no (2)

There are three types of Linked List.

1.Singly Linked List

2.Doubly Linked List

3.Circular Linked List

Answer to the question no (3)

Some of the drawbacks in the linked list are mentioned below:

1) It requires more space as pointers are also stored with information.

2) Different amount of time is required to access each element.

3) If we have to go to a particular element then we have to go through all those elements that come before that element.

4) we can not traverse it from last & only from the beginning.

5) It is not easy to sort the elements stored in the linear linked list.

#Answer for question:-01

If we wanna add a new node to the end of a linked list, we need to add a new node through the last insert. We know that the address portion of the last node in a linked list is drained. If we wanna add a new node to the end of the linked list, I first need to create a new node and insert data into the node. Then with the newly created node you have to associate the last node with the zero of the existing linked list and cancel the address part of the new node. A new node will then be added as a node at the end of the linked list and null will be assigned to the address section.

#Answer for question:-02

There are three common types of Linked List:

Circular Linked List.

Singly or Chain Linked List.

Doubly or Two Way Linked List.

#Answer for question:-03

Some drawbacks of linked list are mentioning:

We can't steer it from the last and exactly the first direction.

Each component requires a different amount of time to access.

This requires more space because pointers are also stored with data.

It is difficult to remove elements in a straight connected rundown but nothing.

Time Complexity Array can be randomly accessed , while the Linked list cannot be accessed Randomly.

Without requiring us to go to a certain element, we have no feel for each of the elements that preceded those elements.

In reply to Md Assaduzzaman

Re: Answer the question and discuss if you have any confusion

by 201-15-3255 Al Imran Alvy -
We know that if we want to add a new node at the end of a linked list, we have to add a new node through the last insert. I also know that the address part of the last node in a linked list is null.
Now if I want to insert a new node at the end of the linked list, I first need to create a new node and insert data into the node. Then with the newly created node, you have to link the last node with the null of the existing linked list and null the address part of the new node.
Then a new node will be added as the last node at the end of the linked list and null will be assigned to the address part.

Answer to the question no (2)

There are three types of Linked List.
1.Singly Linked List
2.Doubly Linked List
3.Circular Linked List

Answer to the question no (3)

Some of the drawbacks in the linked list are mentioned below:
1) It requires more space as pointers are also stored with information.
2) Different amount of time is required to access each element.
3) If we have to go to a particular element then we have to go through all those elements that come before that element.
In reply to Md Assaduzzaman

Re: Answer the question and discuss if you have any confusion

by Abdullah Al Noman 201-15-3646 -
Answer to the question no-1:

We know that if we want to add a new node at the end of a linked list, we have to add a new node through the last insert. I also know that the address part of the last node in a linked list is null.
Now if I want to insert a new node at the end of the linked list, I first need to create a new node and insert data into the node. Then with the newly created node, you have to link the last node with the null of the existing linked list and null the address part of the new node.
Then a new node will be added as the last node at the end of the linked list and null will be assigned to the address part.

Answer to the question no -2:

There are three types of Linked List.
1.Singly Linked List
2.Doubly Linked List
3.Circular Linked List
#Answer for question:-03
Some drawbacks of the linked list are mentioning:
• We can't steer it from the last and exactly the first direction.
• Each component requires a different amount of time to access.
• This requires more space because pointers are also stored with data.
• It is difficult to remove elements in a straight connected rundown but nothing.
• Time Complexity Array can be randomly accessed, while the Linked list cannot be accessed Randomly.
• Without requiring us to go to a certain element, we have no feel for each of the elements that preceded those elements.
In reply to Md Assaduzzaman

Re: Answer the question and discuss if you have any confusion

by Tania Ahmed Nipa (201-15-3282) -
Answer to the Question No: 1

To insert a node at the end of Linked List we have to follow the given procedure:
1) Dynamically create a new node using malloc function.
2)Set data field of new node.
3)Set next pointer of new node to NULL.
4)Traverse from head node till tail node.
5)Insert new after after tail node. Set next pointer of tail node to new node.

Answer to the Question No:2

There are three types of Linked List.
1.Singly Linked List
2.Doubly Linked List
3.Circular Linked List

Answer to the Question No: 3

Some drawbacks of the linked list are given below :

* In single link list nodes are connected using a single pointer to point to the next node. If the link list is accidentally destroyed then the chances of data loss after the destruction point is maximum. Data recovery is not possible.
* In single link list every node contains a single pointer to represent next node So we can move only forwardly. Backward movement is not possible without recursion.
* In single link list any operations is performed sequentially and so for a huge no of data item any operation can be very slow.
* Link list can not contain detail description about its own as total number of node, Total no of deleted nodes, total number of updated nodes etc. Without any operation user can not display the detail description about the link list.
In reply to Md Assaduzzaman

Re: Answer the question and discuss if you have any confusion

by Ordha Nafiz Akbar -
Answer for question :-01

If we want to add a new node to the end of a linked list, we need to add a new node through the last insert. We know that the address portion of the last node in a linked list is drained.
If we wanna add a new node to the end of the linked list, I first need to create a new node and insert data into the node. Then with the newly created node you have to associate the last node with the zero of the existing linked list and cancel the address part of the new node. A new node will then be added as a node at the end of the linked list and null will be assigned to the address section.

Answer for question :-02

There are three common types of Linked List:

- Circular Linked List.

- Singly or Chain Linked List.

- Doubly or Two Way Linked List.

Answer for question:-03

Some drawbacks of linked list are mentioning:

- We can't steer it from the last and exactly the first direction.
- Each component requires a different amount of time to access.
- This requires more space because pointers are also stored with data.
- It is difficult to remove elements in a straight connected rundown but nothing.
- Time Complexity Array can be randomly accessed , while the Linked list cannot be accessed Randomly.
- Without requiring us to go to a certain element, we have no feel for each of the elements that preceded those elements.
In reply to Md Assaduzzaman

Re: Answer the question and discuss if you have any confusion

by Rimon Rimon -
Answer No.01 : To insert a node at the end of Linked List we have to follow the given procedure:
1) Dynamically create a new node using malloc function.
2)Set data field of new node.
3)Set next pointer of new node to NULL.
4)Traverse from head node till tail node.
5)Insert new after after tail node. Set next pointer of tail node to new node

Answer No.2

There are three common types of Linked List:

Circular Linked List.

Singly or Chain Linked List.

Doubly or Two Way Linked List. section.

Answer No.3
1.They use more memory than arrays because of the storage used by their pointers.
2.Nodes in a linked list must be read in order from the beginning as linked lists are inherently sequential access.
3.Nodes are stored noncontiguous, greatly increasing the time periods required to access individual elements within the list, especially with a CPU cache.
4.Difficulties arise in linked lists when it comes to reverse traversing. For instance, singly-linked lists are cumbersome to navigate backward [1] and while doubly linked lists are somewhat easier to read, memory is consumed in allocating space for a back-pointer.
In reply to Md Assaduzzaman

Re: Answer the question and discuss if you have any confusion

by Nujhat Tabassum(201-15-3363) -

Ans. to the question no-1

How someone can insert a node at the end of Linked List:
1. Declare head pointer and make it as NULL.
2. Create a new node with the given data. And make the new node => next as NULL.
(Because the new node is going to be the last node.)
3. If the head node is NULL (Empty Linked List), make the new node as the head.
4. If the head node is not null, (Linked list already has some elements), find the last node.
make the last node => next as the new node.

Ans. to the question no-2

Types of Linked List:
                1. Singly linked list
                2. Doubly linked list
                3. Circular linked last

Ans. to the question no-3

Drawbacks of Linked List:
Memory Usage: More memory is required to store elements in linked list as compared to array. Because in linked list each node contains a pointer and it requires extra memory for itself.
Traversal: Elements or nodes traversal is difficult in linked list. We cannot randomly access any element as we do in array by index. For example if we want to access a node at position n then we have to traverse all the nodes before it. So, time required to access a node is large.
Reverse Traversing: In linked list reverse traversing is really difficult. In case of doubly linked list its easier but extra memory is required for back pointer hence wastage of memory.
In reply to Md Assaduzzaman

Re: Answer the question and discuss if you have any confusion

by Sazzad Hosen khan -
Answer to the question no 1.

We know that if we want to add a new node at the end of a linked list, we have to add a new node through the last insert. I also know that the address part of the last node in a linked list is null.
Now if I want to insert a new node at the end of the linked list, I first need to create a new node and insert data into the node. Then with the newly created node, you have to link the last node with the null of the existing linked list and null the address part of the new node.
Then a new node will be added as the last node at the end of the linked list and null will be assigned to the address part.

Answer to the question no 2.

There are three types of Linked List.
1.Singly Linked List
2.Doubly Linked List
3.Circular Linked List

Answer to the question no 3.

Some of the drawbacks in the linked list are mentioned below:
1. It requires more space as pointers are also stored with information.
2. Different amount of time is required to access each element.
3. If we have to go to a particular element then we have to go through all those elements that come before that element.
4. we can not traverse it from last & only from the beginning.
5. It is not easy to sort the elements stored in the linear linked list.
In reply to Md Assaduzzaman

Re: Answer the question and discuss if you have any confusion

by 201-15-3165 MD.HASIBUL HASAN SHANTO -
Answer to the question no(1)

We know that if we want to add a new node at the end of a linked list, we have to add a new node through the last insert. I also know that the address part of the last node in a linked list is null.
Now if I want to insert a new node at the end of the linked list, I first need to create a new node and insert data into the node. Then with the newly created node, you have to link the last node with the null of the existing linked list and null the address part of the new node.
Then a new node will be added as the last node at the end of the linked list and null will be assigned to the address part.

Answer to the question no (2)

There are three types of Linked List.
1.Singly Linked List
2.Doubly Linked List
3.Circular Linked List

Answer to the question no (3)

Some of the drawbacks in the linked list are mentioned below:
1) It requires more space as pointers are also stored with information.
2) Different amount of time is required to access each element.
3) If we have to go to a particular element then we have to go through all those elements that come before that element.
4) we can not traverse it from last & only from the beginning.
5) It is not easy to sort the elements stored in the linear linked list.
In reply to Md Assaduzzaman

Re: Answer the question and discuss if you have any confusion

by Mehedi Hasan (201-15-3144 ) -
We know that if we want to add a new node at the end of a linked list, we have to add a new node through the last insert. I also know that the address part of the last node in a linked list is null.
Now if I want to insert a new node at the end of the linked list, I first need to create a new node and insert data into the node. Then with the newly created node, you have to link the last node with the null of the existing linked list and null the address part of the new node.
Then a new node will be added as the last node at the end of the linked list and null will be assigned to the address part.

Answer to the question no (2)

There are three types of Linked List.
1.Singly Linked List
2.Doubly Linked List
3.Circular Linked List

Answer to the question no (3)

Some of the drawbacks in the linked list are mentioned below:
1) It requires more space as pointers are also stored with information.
2) Different amount of time is required to access each element.
3) If we have to go to a particular element then we have to go through all those elements that come before that element.
In reply to Md Assaduzzaman

Re: Answer the question and discuss if you have any confusion

by Rayhanul Amin Nafis (201-15-3164) -
#Answer for question:-01

If we wanna add a new node to the end of a linked list, we need to add a new node through the last insert. We know that the address portion of the last node in a linked list is drained. If we wanna add a new node to the end of the linked list, I first need to create a new node and insert data into the node. Then with the newly created node you have to associate the last node with the zero of the existing linked list and cancel the address part of the new node. A new node will then be added as a node at the end of the linked list and null will be assigned to the address section.

#Answer for question:-02

There are three common types of Linked List:

Circular Linked List.

Singly or Chain Linked List.

Doubly or Two Way Linked List.

#Answer for question:-03

Some drawbacks of linked list are mentioning:

We can't steer it from the last and exactly the first direction.

Each component requires a different amount of time to access.

This requires more space because pointers are also stored with data.

It is difficult to remove elements in a straight connected rundown but nothing.

Time Complexity Array can be randomly accessed , while the Linked list cannot be accessed Randomly.

Without requiring us to go to a certain element, we have no feel for each of the elements that preceded those elements.
In reply to Md Assaduzzaman

Re: Answer the question and discuss if you have any confusion

by Shraboni Rahman Jui 201-15-3089 -
Answer to the question no(1)

We know that if we want to add a new node at the end of a linked list, we have to add a new node through the last insert. I also know that the address part of the last node in a linked list is null.
Now if I want to insert a new node at the end of the linked list, I first need to create a new node and insert data into the node. Then with the newly created node, you have to link the last node with the null of the existing linked list and null the address part of the new node.
Then a new node will be added as the last node at the end of the linked list and null will be assigned to the address part.

Answer to the question no (2)

There are three types of Linked List.
1.Singly Linked List
2.Doubly Linked List
3.Circular Linked List

Answer to the question no (3)

Some of the drawbacks in the linked list are mentioned below:
1) It requires more space as pointers are also stored with information.
2) Different amount of time is required to access each element.
3) If we have to go to a particular element then we have to go through all those elements that come before that element.
4) we can not traverse it from last & only from the beginning.
5) It is not easy to sort the elements stored in the linear linked list.
In reply to Md Assaduzzaman

Re: Answer the question and discuss if you have any confusion

by Mohammad Nadiatul Islam Sakib -
We know that if we want to add a new node at the end of a linked list, we have to add a new node through the last insert. I also know that the address part of the last node in a linked list is null.
Now if I want to insert a new node at the end of the linked list, I first need to create a new node and insert data into the node. Then with the newly created node, you have to link the last node with the null of the existing linked list and null the address part of the new node.
Then a new node will be added as the last node at the end of the linked list and null will be assigned to the address part.

Answer to the question no (2)

There are three types of Linked List.
1.Singly Linked List
2.Doubly Linked List
3.Circular Linked List

Answer to the question no (3)

Some of the drawbacks in the linked list are mentioned below:
1) It requires more space as pointers are also stored with information.
2) Different amount of time is required to access each element.
3) If we have to go to a particular element then we have to go through all those elements that come before that element.
4) we can not traverse it from last & only from the beginning.
5) It is not easy to sort the elements stored in the linear linked list.
In reply to Md Assaduzzaman

Re: Answer the question and discuss if you have any confusion

by Atikur Mithun -

Answer to the question number :1

If we wanna add a new node to the end of a linked list, we need to add a new node through the last insert. We know that the address portion of the last node in a linked list is drained. If we wanna add a new node to the end of the linked list, I first need to create a new node and insert data into the node. Then with the newly created node you have to associate the last node with the zero of the existing linked list and cancel the address part of the new node.

Then a new node will be added as the last node at the end of the linked list and null will be assigned to the address part.

Answer to the question number :2

There are three common types of Linked List:

1.Circular Linked List.

2.Singly or Chain Linked List.

3.Doubly or Two Way Linked List.

Answer to the question number :3

Some of the drawbacks in the linked list are mentioned below:
1) It requires more space as pointers are also stored with information.
2) Different amount of time is required to access each element.

3.Time Complexity Array can be randomly accessed , while the Linked list cannot be accessed Randomly.

4.Without requiring us to go to a certain element, we have no feel for each of the elements that preceded those elements.

In reply to Md Assaduzzaman

Re: Answer the question and discuss if you have any confusion

by Md. Farhatul Haider -
1) Ans- One can insert a node at the end of a linked list using last insert. First, we have to create a new node using malloc function. Suppose it is in a variable called 'temp'. We can call the 'head' as 'last'(another variable). Then it will continue through a loop until the 'next' of the 'last' variable is NULL. When it gets NULL, 'next' of the 'last' becomes 'temp'. Then we have to insert NULL in the 'next' of the 'temp' variable. In this way, we can insert a node at the end of the linked list.

2) Ans- There are three types of linked list:
1.Singly Linked List
2.Doubly Linked List
3.Circular Linked List

3) Ans- Some drawbacks of the linked list are mentioned below:
1.They use more memory than arrays because of the storage used by their pointers.
2. Array can be randomly accessed, while the Linked list cannot be accessed Randomly.
3.Each component requires a different amount of time to access.
In reply to Md Assaduzzaman

Re: Answer the question and discuss if you have any confusion

by Mafujul Haque Plabon -
Answer to the question no(1)

We know that if we want to add a new node at the end of a linked list, we have to add a new node through the last insert. I also know that the address part of the last node in a linked list is null.
Now if I want to insert a new node at the end of the linked list, I first need to create a new node and insert data into the node. Then with the newly created node, you have to link the last node with the null of the existing linked list and null the address part of the new node.
Then a new node will be added as the last node at the end of the linked list and null will be assigned to the address part.

Answer to the question no (2)

There are three types of Linked List.
1.Singly Linked List
2.Doubly Linked List
3.Circular Linked List

Answer to the question no (3)

Some of the drawbacks in the linked list are mentioned below:
1) It requires more space as pointers are also stored with information.
2) Different amount of time is required to access each element.
3) If we have to go to a particular element then we have to go through all those elements that come before that element.
4) we can not traverse it from last & only from the beginning.
5) It is not easy to sort the elements stored in the linear linked list.