Discussion Forum on pointer, dynamic memory allocation(PC-F)(Week 1)

Week 1 Forum

Week 1 Forum

by Jessica Hasneen -
Number of replies: 0

Ans: 1)=      In this class i have learned Data Structure< Data Structure applications, Linked list, Queue and importance of data structure in computer science.  

Ans: 2)=      Summary of data structure,

                    # Data Structure is a heart of computer science. 

                    # Data Structure is a foundation.

                    # Applications of data structure is divertive.

Ans: 3)=       Tree - A tree is a nonlinear hierarchical data structure that consists of nodes connected by edges. The real life applications of the tree in data structure are - Folders in operating system, HTML document object model, Network routing, Syntax tree in compiler.

                     Graph - A graph data structure is a data structure where data is stored in a collection of interconnected vertices (nodes) and edges (paths). The real life applications of the graph in data structure are - Social graph, Knowledge graph, Path optimization algorithm.

                     Stack: A stack is a data structure which uses LIFO order. Some Applications of a stack are:
1.Converting infix to postfix expressions. Undo operation is also carried out through stacks. 2.Syntaxes in languages are parsed using stacks. 3.It is used in many virtual machines like JVM.
                     Queue: A queue is a data structure which uses FIFO order. Some applications of a queue are:
1.Operating System uses queue for job scheduling. 2.To handle congestion in networking queue can be used. 3.Data packets in communication are arranged in queue format.