
Understanding and sharing

Understanding and sharing

by Aliza Ahmed Khan -
Number of replies: 64

What is the difference between nucleutide and nucleoside??

What is central dogma ?

Why is  DNA semi conservative??

What is Codon?

Suppose your hair color is brown.Identify what is phenotype and genotype

In reply to Aliza Ahmed Khan

Re: Understanding and sharing

by Md.Muktar Ali -

1.The main difference between Nucleotide and Nucleoside is very crucial to understand the key differences between the two. They are building blocks of nucleic acid, as nucleotides consist of the same components such as a nitrogenous base, sugar and a phosphate group. The main difference lies in their molecular composition as Nucleosides contain only sugar and a base whereas Nucleotides contain sugar, base and a phosphate group as well. A nucleotide is what occurs before RNA and DNA, while the nucleoside occurs before the nucleotide itself.

2.The central dogma of biology describes just that. It provides the basic framework for how genetic information flows from a DNA sequence to a protein product inside cells. This process of genetic information flowing from DNA to RNA to protein is called gene expression.

3.DNA replication is said to be semi-conservative because of this process of replication, where the resulting double helix is composed of both an old strand and a new strand. ... Semiconservative replication would produce two copies that each contained one of the original strands and one new strand.

4.Codon is a sequence of three nucleotides which together form a unit of genetic code in a DNA or RNA molecule.

5.Genotype is the genetic makeup of an individual eg Bb. Phenotype is the physical appearance eg brown hair.

In reply to Aliza Ahmed Khan

Re: Understanding and sharing

by Tanvir Rahman -

1.The main difference between Nucleotide and Nucleoside is very crucial to understand the key differences between the two. They are building blocks of nucleic acid, as nucleotides consist of the same components such as a nitrogenous base, sugar and a phosphate group. The main difference lies in their molecular composition as Nucleosides contain only sugar and a base whereas Nucleotides contain sugar, base and a phosphate group as well. A nucleotide is what occurs before RNA and DNA, while the nucleoside occurs before the nucleotide itself.

2. central dogma is the process o making DNA from protein.

3.DNA replication is said to be semi-conservative because of this process of replication, where the resulting double helix is composed of both an old strand and a new strand. Semiconservative replication would produce two copies that each contained one of the original strands and one new strand.

4.A codon is a sequence of three DNA or RNA nucleotides that corresponds with a specific amino acid or stop signal during protein synthesis. DNA and RNA molecules are written in a language of four nucleotides; meanwhile, the language of proteins includes 20 amino acids.

5.Genotype refers to the genes responsible for a trait, phenotype is the visible result of those .

here brown hair is phenotype and the gene which makes the hair brown is called genotype.

In reply to Aliza Ahmed Khan

Re: Understanding and sharing

by Tanvir Rahman -

1.The main difference between Nucleotide and Nucleoside is very crucial to understand the key differences between the two. They are building blocks of nucleic acid, as nucleotides consist of the same components such as a nitrogenous base, sugar and a phosphate group. The main difference lies in their molecular composition as Nucleosides contain only sugar and a base whereas Nucleotides contain sugar, base and a phosphate group as well. A nucleotide is what occurs before RNA and DNA, while the nucleoside occurs before the nucleotide itself.

2. central dogma is the process o making DNA from protein.

3.DNA replication is said to be semi-conservative because of this process of replication, where the resulting double helix is composed of both an old strand and a new strand. Semiconservative replication would produce two copies that each contained one of the original strands and one new strand.

4.A codon is a sequence of three DNA or RNA nucleotides that corresponds with a specific amino acid or stop signal during protein synthesis. DNA and RNA molecules are written in a language of four nucleotides; meanwhile, the language of proteins includes 20 amino acids.

5.Genotype refers to the genes responsible for a trait, phenotype is the visible result of those .

here brown hair is phenotype and the gene which makes the hair brown is called genotype.

In reply to Aliza Ahmed Khan

Re: Understanding and sharing

by iftekhar jahan Soron -

1.The main difference between Nucleotide and Nucleoside is very crucial to understand the key differences between the two. They are building blocks of nucleic acid, as nucleotides consist of the same components such as a nitrogenous base, sugar and a phosphate group. The main difference lies in their molecular composition as Nucleosides contain only sugar and a base whereas Nucleotides contain sugar, base and a phosphate group as well. A nucleotide is what occurs before RNA and DNA, while the nucleoside occurs before the nucleotide itself.

2. central dogma is the process o making DNA from protein.

3.DNA replication is said to be semi-conservative because of this process of replication, where the resulting double helix is composed of both an old strand and a new strand. Semiconservative replication would produce two copies that each contained one of the original strands and one new strand.

4.A codon is a sequence of three DNA or RNA nucleotides that corresponds with a specific amino acid or stop signal during protein synthesis. DNA and RNA molecules are written in a language of four nucleotides; meanwhile, the language of proteins includes 20 amino acids.

5.Genotype refers to the genes responsible for a trait, phenotype is the visible result of those .

here brown hair is phenotype and the gene which makes the hair brown is called genotype.

In reply to Aliza Ahmed Khan

Re: Understanding and sharing

by S.M.Rashedul Islam Bhuiyan 183-15-2323 -

1.The difference between nucleutide and nucleoside is very crucial to understand the key differences between the two. They are building blocks of nucleic acid, as nucleotides consist of the same components such as a nitrogenous base, sugar and a phosphate group. The main difference lies in their molecular composition as Nucleosides contain only sugar and a base whereas Nucleotides contain sugar, base and a phosphate group as well. A nucleotide is what occurs before RNA and DNA, while the nucleoside occurs before the nucleotide itself.

2.The central dogma provides the basic framework for how genetic information flows from a DNA sequence to a protein product inside cells. This process of genetic information flowing from DNA to RNA to protein is called gene expression.

3.DNA replication is said to be semi-conservative because of this process of replication, where the resulting double helix is composed of both an old strand and a new strand. 

semi-conservative replication would produce two copies that each contained one of the original strands and one new strand.

4.Codon is a sequence of three nucleotides which together form a unit of genetic code in a DNA or RNA molecule.

5.Genotype is the genetic makeup of an individual eg Bb.phenotype  is the physical appearance eg brown hair.

In reply to Aliza Ahmed Khan

Re: Understanding and sharing

by Zobayda Akter -

Difference :

1.A nucleoside consists of a nitrogenous base covalently attached to a sugar (ribose or deoxyribose) but without the phosphate group.

on the other hands, A nucleotide consists of a nitrogenous base, a sugar (ribose or deoxyribose) and one to three phosphate groups.

2.Nucleoside = Sugar + Base. but 

Nucleotide = Sugar + Base + Phosphate.

2.Central dogma:  The 'Central Dogma' is the process by which the instructions in DNA are converted into a functional product.

3. DNA replication is said to be semi-conservative cobecause of this process of replication, where the resulting double helix is composed of both an old strand and a new strand. Semiconservative replication would produce two copies that each contained one of the original strands and one new strand.

4.Condon:          A codon is a trinucleotide sequence of DNA or RNA that corresponds to a specific amino acid.

5. Phenotype is the term used in genetics for the composite observable characteristics or traits of an organism. 

Brown color hair is a example of phenotype.

In reply to Zobayda Akter

Re: Understanding and sharing

by Shakil Ahmmed -


Difference between Nucleotide and Nucleoside


.The chemical composition of nucleotide consists of a phosphate group, a sugar and a nitrogenous base.

.They are one of the major causes for cancer causing agents to this very day.

.Some of the major examples of nucleotides are adenosine, guanosine etc


.A nucleoside has a chemical composition that consists of a sugar and a base without the phosphate group.

.They are used as agents in medicine that are primarily used against viruses and cancer causing agents.

.Some of the key examples of nucleosides are the same as nucleotides only with the addition of phosphate groups.


The Central Dogma is the process by which the instructions in DNA are converted into a functional product. 


DNA replication is said to be semi-conservative because of this process of replication,

 where the resulting double helix is composed of both an old strand and a new strand. 

Semiconservative replication would produce two copies that each contained one of the 

original strands and one new strand


A codon is a sequence of three DNA or RNA nucleotides that corresponds with a specific amino acid or stop signal during protein synthesis.

 DNA and RNA molecules are written in a language of four nucleotides;

 meanwhile, the language of proteins includes 20 amino acids.


 Phenotype is the term used in genetics for the composite observable characteristics or traits of an organism. 

Brown color hair is a example of phenotype.

In reply to Aliza Ahmed Khan

Re: Understanding and sharing

by Md. Tamjeed Monshi -

Difference between nucleoside and nucleotide:

nucleoside consists of a nitrogenous base covalently attached to a sugar (ribose or deoxyribose) but without the phosphate group. A nucleotide consists of a nitrogenous base, a sugar (ribose or deoxyribose) and one to three phosphate groups.

Nucleoside = Sugar + Base
Nucleotide = Sugar + Base + Phosphate

Central dogma:

The ‘Central Dogma’ is the process by which the instructions in DNA are converted into a functional product.


A codon is a trinucleotide sequence of DNA or RNA that corresponds to a specific amino acid. The genetic code describes the relationship between the sequence of DNA bases (A, C, G, and T) in a gene and the corresponding protein sequence that it encodes. The cell reads the sequence of the gene in groups of three bases.

DNA is semi conservative:

DNA replication is said to be semi-conservative because of this process of replication, where the resulting double helix is composed of both an old strand and a new strand.

5no question ans:

5.Genotype is the genetic makeup of an individual eg Bb.phenotype  is the physical appearance eg brown hair

In reply to Aliza Ahmed Khan

Re: Understanding and sharing

by Tanvir Hossen -


Made of sugar, nitrogenous bases and phosphate Made of sugar and nitrogenous.
A polynucleotide chain is a building block of DNA or RNA. Intermediate form in the construction of nucleotides. 
Also works as an energy source and in signal transduction pathway. Nucleoside rich diet is necessary for good health. 
Examples of nucleotides- deoxyguanosine 5’- triphosphate, deoxyadenosine 5’ triphosphate, deoxyuridine 5’ triphosphate.
Examples of nucleosides- inosine, guanosine, uridine and adenosine. 

2.The 'Central Dogma' is the process by which the instructions in DNA are converted into a functional product. It was first proposed in 1958 by Francis Crick, discoverer of the structure of DNA.

3.DNA replication is said to be semi-conservative because of this process of replication, where the resulting double helix is composed of both an old strand and a new strand. ... Semiconservative replication would produce two copies that each contained one of the original strands and one new strand.

4.codon isa specific sequence of three consecutive nucleotides that is part of the genetic code and that specifies a particular amino acid in a protein or starts or stops protein synthesi.  

5.Genotype is the genetic makeup of an individual eg Bb.phenotype  is the physical appearance eg brown hair.
In reply to Aliza Ahmed Khan

Re: Understanding and sharing

by Md Rabiul Islam -

It is important to know the key differences between Nucleotides and Nucleosides as they are both building blocks in the process of creation. Another essential element that acts as a building block is the presence of Nucleic Acid and Genetic code that helps in the transfer of genetic information.

Difference between Nucleotide and Nucleoside
The chemical composition of nucleotide consists of a phosphate group, a sugar and a nitrogenous base.A nucleoside has a chemical composition that consists of a sugar and a base without the phosphate group.
They are one of the major causes for cancer causing agents to this very day.They are used as agents in medicine that are primarily used against viruses and cancer causing agents.
Some of the major examples of nucleotides are adenosine, guanosine etc.Some of the key examples of nucleosides are the same as nucleotides only with the addition of phosphate groups.

Thus, these are the key differences between Nucleotides and Nucleosides. If you liked this article and would like to read more, download the BYJU’s app today.  You may also want to check out:

What is the 'Central Dogma'?

The ‘Central Dogma’ is the process by which the instructions in DNA are converted into a functional product. It was first proposed in 1958 by Francis Crick, discoverer of the structure of DNA.

DNA replication is a semi-conservative process, because when a new double-stranded DNA molecule is formed:

  • One strand will be from the original template molecule
  • One strand will be newly synthesised

In reply to Aliza Ahmed Khan

Re: Understanding and sharing

by Nishat Sarker -

Question: What is the difference between nucleutide and nucleoside??
Answer: A nucleoside is insignificant for a cell and does not involve in construcing DNA. 

The nucleosides are only made up of nitrogenous bases and sugar. The nucleoside is formed by the hydrolysis of nucleotides. 

On the other side, during the process of phosphorylation, using the enzyme kinase, a phosphate group is attached to the sugar of the nucleic acid and constructs the nucleotide.
Thus through hydrolysis, the nucleotides converted into nucleosides while though the process of phosphorylation, the nucleosides are converted into nucleotides.

On the other hand,
The nucleoside is a single molecule and does not have other variants whereas based on the number of phosphate group the nucleotides can be divided into nucleotide monophosphate, nucleotide diphosphate and nucleotide triphosphate with one, two and three phosphate backbones, respectively.

Nucleotides are used to store and inherited information, signal transduction pathway and work as an energy source. 

However, the nucleoside is important constructing nucleotides thus a nucleoside rich diet is required for staying healthy.

Nucleoside = Sugar + Base. but 

Nucleotide = Sugar + Base + Phosphate.

Question: 02. What is central dogma ?

Answer: The ‘Central Dogma’ is the process by which the instructions in DNA are converted into a functional product.

Question: 03. Why is  DNA semi conservative??

Answer: DNA replication is said to be semi-conservative because of this process of replication, where the resulting double helix is composed of both an old strand and a new strand.

Question: 04. What is Codon?
Answer: A codon is a sequence of three DNA or RNA nucleotides that corresponds with a specific amino acid or stop signal during protein synthesis.

 Question: 05. Suppose your hair color is brown.Identify what is phenotype and genotype?

Answer: Phenotype is the physical appearance eg brown hair.

In reply to Aliza Ahmed Khan

Re: Understanding and sharing

by Ramim Hossain -

1.The difference between nucleutide and nucleoside is very crucial to understand the key differences between the two. They are building blocks of nucleic acid, as nucleotides consist of the same components such as a nitrogenous base, sugar and a phosphate group. The main difference lies in their molecular composition as Nucleosides contain only sugar and a base whereas Nucleotides contain sugar, base and a phosphate group as well. A nucleotide is what occurs before RNA and DNA, while the nucleoside occurs before the nucleotide itself.

2.The central dogma provides the basic framework for how genetic information flows from a DNA sequence to a protein product inside cells. This process of genetic information flowing from DNA to RNA to protein is called gene expression.

3.DNA replication is said to be semi-conservative because of this process of replication, where the resulting double helix is composed of both an old strand and a new strand. 

semi-conservative replication would produce two copies that each contained one of the original strands and one new strand.

4.Codon is a sequence of three nucleotides which together form a unit of genetic code in a DNA or RNA molecule.

5.Genotype is the genetic makeup of an individual eg Bb.phenotype  is the physical appearance eg brown hair.

In reply to Aliza Ahmed Khan

Re: Understanding and sharing

by Md.Habibur Rahman -

Understanding and sharing

What is the difference between nucleutide and nucleoside??

What is central dogma ?

Why is  DNA semi conservative??

What is Codon?

Suppose your hair color is brown.Identify what is phenotype and genotype

1.The main difference between Nucleotide and Nucleoside is very crucial to understand the key differences between the two. They are building blocks of nucleic acid, as nucleotides consist of the same components such as a nitrogenous base, sugar and a phosphate group. The main difference lies in their molecular composition as Nucleosides contain only sugar and a base whereas Nucleotides contain sugar, base and a phosphate group as well. A nucleotide is what occurs before RNA and DNA, while the nucleoside occurs before the nucleotide itself.

2.The central dogma of biology describes just that. It provides the basic framework for how genetic information flows from a DNA sequence to a protein product inside cells. This process of genetic information flowing from DNA to RNA to protein is called gene expression.

3.DNA replication is said to be semi-conservative because of this process of replication, where the resulting double helix is composed of both an old strand and a new strand. ... Semiconservative replication would produce two copies that each contained one of the original strands and one new strand.

4.Codon is a sequence of three nucleotides which together form a unit of genetic code in a DNA or RNA molecule.

5.Genotype is the genetic makeup of an individual eg Bb. Phenotype is the physical appearance eg brown hair.

In reply to Aliza Ahmed Khan

Re: Understanding and sharing

by Mohammad Al Mamun -
Difference : 1.A nucleoside consists of a nitrogenous base covalently attached to a sugar (ribose or deoxyribose) but without the phosphate group. on the other hands, A nucleotide consists of a nitrogenous base, a sugar (ribose or deoxyribose) and one to three phosphate groups. 2.Nucleoside = Sugar + Base. but Nucleotide = Sugar + Base + Phosphate. 2.Central dogma: The 'Central Dogma' is the process by which the instructions in DNA are converted into a functional product. 3. DNA replication is said to be semi-conservative cobecause of this process of replication, where the resulting double helix is composed of both an old strand and a new strand. Semiconservative replication would produce two copies that each contained one of the original strands and one new strand. 4.Condon: A codon is a trinucleotide sequence of DNA or RNA that corresponds to a specific amino acid. 5. Phenotype is the term used in genetics for the composite observable characteristics or traits of an organism. Brown color hair is a example of phenotype.
In reply to Aliza Ahmed Khan

Re: Understanding and sharing

by Moklasur Rahman -

1. “A building block of DNA or RNA- nucleotide is made up of the sugar, nitrogenous bases and phosphate while the nucleoside is made up of sugar and bases only.

2. The 'Central Dogma' is the process by which the instructions in DNA are converted into a functional product. It was first proposed in 1958 by Francis Crick, discoverer of the structure of DNA.

3.DNA replication is said to be semi-conservative because of this process of replication, where the resulting double helix is composed of both an old strand and a new strand. ... Semiconservative replication would produce two copies that each contained one of the original strands and one new strand.

4.a sequence of three nucleotides which together form a unit of genetic code in a DNA or RNA molecule.


Phenotype is the term used in genetics for the composite observable characteristics or traits of an organism. 

Brown color hair is an example of phenotype.

In reply to Aliza Ahmed Khan

Re: Understanding and sharing

by Mahfuzur Rahman -

1.The main difference between Nucleotide and Nucleoside is very crucial to understand the key differences between the two. They are building blocks of nucleic acid, as nucleotides consist of the same components such as a nitrogenous base, sugar and a phosphate group. The main difference lies in their molecular composition as Nucleosides contain only sugar and a base whereas Nucleotides contain sugar, base and a phosphate group as well. A nucleotide is what occurs before RNA and DNA, while the nucleoside occurs before the nucleotide itself.

2.The central dogma of biology describes just that. It provides the basic framework for how genetic information flows from a DNA sequence to a protein product inside cells. This process of genetic information flowing from DNA to RNA to protein is called gene expression.

3.DNA replication is said to be semi-conservative because of this process of replication, where the resulting double helix is composed of both an old strand and a new strand. ... Semiconservative replication would produce two copies that each contained one of the original strands and one new strand.

4.Codon is a sequence of three nucleotides which together form a unit of genetic code in a DNA or RNA molecule.

5.Genotype is the genetic makeup of an individual eg Bb. Phenotype is the physical appearance eg brown hair.

In reply to Aliza Ahmed Khan

Re: Understanding and sharing

by Md. Zahid Hasan -
1.The main difference between Nucleotide and Nucleoside is very crucial to understand the key differences between the two. They are building blocks of nucleic acid, as nucleotides consist of the same components such as a nitrogenous base, sugar and a phosphate group. The main difference lies in their molecular composition as Nucleosides contain only sugar and a base whereas Nucleotides contain sugar, base and a phosphate group as well. A nucleotide is what occurs before RNA and DNA, while the nucleoside occurs before the nucleotide itself. 2.The central dogma of biology describes just that. It provides the basic framework for how genetic information flows from a DNA sequence to a protein product inside cells. This process of genetic information flowing from DNA to RNA to protein is called gene expression. 3.DNA replication is said to be semi-conservative because of this process of replication, where the resulting double helix is composed of both an old strand and a new strand. ... Semiconservative replication would produce two copies that each contained one of the original strands and one new strand. 4.Codon is a sequence of three nucleotides which together form a unit of genetic code in a DNA or RNA molecule. 5.Genotype is the genetic makeup of an individual eg Bb. Phenotype is the physical appearance eg brown hair.
In reply to Aliza Ahmed Khan

Re: Understanding and sharing

by Arafat Hosaain -
1.The main difference between Nucleotide and Nucleoside is very crucial to understand the key differences between the two. They are building blocks of nucleic acid, as nucleotides consist of the same components such as a nitrogenous base, sugar and a phosphate group. The main difference lies in their molecular composition as Nucleosides contain only sugar and a base whereas Nucleotides contain sugar, base and a phosphate group as well. A nucleotide is what occurs before RNA and DNA, while the nucleoside occurs before the nucleotide itself. 2. central dogma is the process o making DNA from protein. 3.DNA replication is said to be semi-conservative because of this process of replication, where the resulting double helix is composed of both an old strand and a new strand. Semiconservative replication would produce two copies that each contained one of the original strands and one new strand. 4.A codon is a sequence of three DNA or RNA nucleotides that corresponds with a specific amino acid or stop signal during protein synthesis. DNA and RNA molecules are written in a language of four nucleotides; meanwhile, the language of proteins includes 20 amino acids. 5.Genotype refers to the genes responsible for a trait, phenotype is the visible result of those . here brown hair is phenotype and the gene which makes the hair brown is called genotype.
In reply to Aliza Ahmed Khan

Re: Understanding and sharing

by Rubayat Bari Anik -

1.The main difference between Nucleotide and Nucleoside is very crucial to understand the key differences between the two. They are building blocks of nucleic acid, as nucleotides consist of the same components such as a nitrogenous base, sugar and a phosphate group. The main difference lies in their molecular composition as Nucleosides contain only sugar and a base whereas Nucleotides contain sugar, base and a phosphate group as well. A nucleotide is what occurs before RNA and DNA, while the nucleoside occurs before the nucleotide itself.

2.The central dogma of biology describes just that. It provides the basic framework for how genetic information flows from a DNA sequence to a protein product inside cells. This process of genetic information flowing from DNA to RNA to protein is called gene expression.

3.DNA replication is said to be semi-conservative because DNA is a double stranded molecule. When DNA is copied the two strand of DNA (old strands) separate and new nucleotides match up with the two separated strands.This process creates two identical double stranded DNA molecules are formed. Each DNA molecule contains one strand of the original DNA molecule and one newly synthesized (made) strand.

4.codon is a sequence of three nucleotides which together form a unit of genetic code in a DNA or RNA molecule.

5.Genotype refers to the genes responsible for a trait, phenotype is the visible result of those .ere brown hair is phenotype and the gene which makes the hair brown is called genotype.

In reply to Aliza Ahmed Khan

Re: Understanding and sharing

by Sheblu Khan -

1. Difference Between Nucleotide and Nucleoside

Chemical Composition

Nucleotide: Nucleotide is composed of a nitrogenous base, sugar and a phosphate group.

Nucleoside: Nucleoside is composed of only a nitrogenous base and a phosphate group.


Nucleotide: A nucleotide is the precursor of polynucleotides, DNA and RNA.

Nucleoside: A nucleoside is the precursor of nucleotide.


Nucleotide: Nucleotides are used in signal transduction pathways, sequencing and as an energy source.

Nucleoside: A diet which is rich in nucleosides would be important for optimal health.

Relevance in Medicine

Nucleotide: LNA, PNA, and morpholino are analogous for the sugar backbone in RNA, regulating the gene expression

2.What is the 'Central Dogma'?

The ‘Central Dogma’ is the process by which the instructions in DNA are converted into a functional product. It was first proposed in 1958 by Francis Crick, discoverer of the structure of DNA.

3. DNA replication is said to be semi-conservative because of this process of replication, where the resulting double helix is composed of both an old strand and a new strand. ... Semiconservative replication would produce two copies that each contained one of the original strands and one new strand.

4. What is codon?

codon. A codon is a sequence of three DNA or RNA nucleotides that corresponds with a specific amino acid or stop signal during protein synthesis. ... Of the 64 codons, 61 represent amino acids, and three are stop signals. For example, the codon CAG represents the amino acid glutamine, and TAA is a stop codon.

5.Genotype is the genetic makeup of an individual eg Bb.phenotype  is the physical appearance eg brown hair

In reply to Aliza Ahmed Khan

Re: Understanding and sharing

by Himanish Debnath.[Himu] -

1. The main difference between Nucleotide and Nucleoside is very crucial to understand the key differences between the two.  The difference is their molecular composition as Nucleosides contain only sugar and a base whereas Nucleotides contain sugar, base and a phosphate group as well. A nucleotide is what occurs before RNA and DNA, while the nucleoside occurs before the nucleotide itself.

2. The central dogma of biology describes just that. It provides the basic framework for how genetic information flows from a DNA sequence to a protein product inside cells. 

3DNA replication is said to be semi-conservative because of this process of replication, where the resulting double helix is composed of both an old strand and a new strand Semiconservative replication would produce two copies that each contained one of the original strands and one new strand.

4. Codon is a sequence of three nucleotides together form a unit of genetic code in a DNA or RNA molecule.

5. The genotype is the genetic makeup of an individual eg Bb. Phenotype is the physical appearance eg brown hair.

In reply to Aliza Ahmed Khan

Re: Understanding and sharing

by Sabith Hossain -
1.The main difference between Nucleotide and Nucleoside is very crucial to understand the key differences between the two. They are building blocks of nucleic acid, as nucleotides consist of the same components such as a nitrogenous base, sugar and a phosphate group. The main difference lies in their molecular composition as Nucleosides contain only sugar and a base whereas Nucleotides contain sugar, base and a phosphate group as well. A nucleotide is what occurs before RNA and DNA, while the nucleoside occurs before the nucleotide itself. 2.The central dogma of biology describes just that. It provides the basic framework for how genetic information flows from a DNA sequence to a protein product inside cells. This process of genetic information flowing from DNA to RNA to protein is called gene expression. 3.DNA replication is said to be semi-conservative because of this process of replication, where the resulting double helix is composed of both an old strand and a new strand. ... Semiconservative replication would produce two copies that each contained one of the original strands and one new strand. 4.Codon is a sequence of three nucleotides which together form a unit of genetic code in a DNA or RNA molecule. 5.Genotype is the genetic makeup of an individual eg Bb. Phenotype is the physical appearance eg brown hai
In reply to Aliza Ahmed Khan

Re: Understanding and sharing

by Reaz Uddin Rafi -

(1).The main difference between Nucleotide and Nucleoside is very crucial to understand the key differences between the two. They are building blocks of nucleic acid, as nucleotides consist of the same components such as a nitrogenous base, sugar and a phosphate group. The main difference lies in their molecular composition as Nucleosides contain only sugar and a base whereas Nucleotides contain sugar, base and a phosphate group as well. A nucleotide is what occurs before RNA and DNA, while the nucleoside occurs before the nucleotide itself.

(2). central dogma is the process o making DNA from protein.

(3).DNA replication is said to be semi-conservative because of this process of replication, where the resulting double helix is composed of both an old strand and a new strand. Semiconservative replication would produce two copies that each contained one of the original strands and one new strand.

(4.)A codon is a sequence of three DNA or RNA nucleotides that corresponds with a specific amino acid or stop signal during protein synthesis. DNA and RNA molecules are written in a language of four nucleotides; meanwhile, the language of proteins includes 20 amino acids.

(5.)Genotype refers to the genes responsible for a trait, phenotype  is the visible result of those .

here brown hair is phenotype and the gene which makes the hair brown is called genotype.

In reply to Aliza Ahmed Khan

Re: Understanding and sharing

by Anzamul Haque Akash -

Ans 1: Difference between Nucleotide and Nucleoside:


1.The chemical composition of nucleotide consists of a phosphate group, a sugar and a nitrogenous base.

2.They are one of the major causes for cancer causing agents to this very day.

3.Some of the major examples of nucleotides are adenosine, guanosine etc.


1.A nucleoside has a chemical composition that consists of a sugar and a base without the phosphate group.

2.They are used as agents in medicine that are primarily used against viruses and cancer causing agents.

3.Some of the key examples of nucleosides are the same as nucleotides only with the addition of phosphate groups.

Ans 2: The Central Dogma is the process by which the instructions in DNA are converted into a functional product. It was first proposed in 1958 by Francis Crick, discoverer of the structure of DNA.

Ans 3:  DNA replication is said to be semi-conservative because of this process of replication, where the resulting double helix is composed of both an old strand and a new strand. ... Semiconservative replication would produce two copies that each contained one of the original strands and one new strand.

Ans 4:  A codon is a sequence of three DNA or RNA nucleotides that corresponds with a specific amino acid or stop signal during protein synthesis. DNA and RNA molecules are written in a language of four nucleotides; meanwhile, the language of proteins includes 20 amino acids.

Ans 5: Genotype is the genetic makeup of an individual eg Bb. Phenotype is the physical appearance eg brown hair.

In reply to Aliza Ahmed Khan

Re: Understanding and sharing

by Sifat Ul Haque -

#What is the difference between nucleotide and nucleoside?

Nucleotide: The chemical composition of nucleotide consists of a phosphate group, a sugar and a nitrogenous base.Some of the major examples of nucleotide are adenine, guanine etc.                    

Nucleoside: A nucleoside has a chemical composition that consists of a sugar and a base without the phosphate group.Some of the key examples of nucleoside are the same as nucleotide only with the addition of phosphate groups.

#What is central dogma?

The Central Dogma is the process by which the instructions in DNA are converted into a functional product.

#Why is  DNA semi conservative?

DNA replication is said to be semi-conservative because of this process of replication, where the resulting double helix is composed of both an old strand and a new strand. One strand comes from the parent DNA and another is newly formed/created.

#What is Codon?

codon is a sequence of three DNA or RNA nucleotide that corresponds with a specific amino acid or stop signal during protein synthesis.

#Suppose your hair color is brown.Identify what is phenotype and genotype

The sets of genes responsible for the color brown is the genotype.

And the physical expression of color brown is the phenotype in this case.

In reply to Aliza Ahmed Khan

Re: Understanding and sharing

by Fahim Yusuf -

1. What is the difference between nucleotide and nucleoside?

Nucleotide: The chemical composition of nucleotide consists of a phosphate group, a sugar, and a nitrogenous base. Some of the major examples of nucleotide are adenine, guanine, etc.                    

Nucleoside: A nucleoside has a chemical composition that consists of a sugar and a base without the phosphate group. Some of the key examples of nucleoside are the same as nucleotide only with the addition of phosphate groups.

2. What is central dogma?

The Central Dogma is the process by which the instructions in DNA are converted into a functional product.

3. Why is  DNA semi-conservative?

DNA replication is said to be semi-conservative because of this process of replication, where the resulting double helix is composed of both an old strand and a new strand. One strand comes from the parent DNA and another is newly formed/created.

4. What is Codon?

A codon is a sequence of three DNA or RNA nucleotide that corresponds with a specific amino acid or stop signal during protein synthesis.

5. Suppose your hair color is brown. Identify what is phenotype and genotype

The set of genes responsible for the color brown is the genotype.

And the physical expression of color brown is the phenotype in this case.

In reply to Aliza Ahmed Khan

Re: Understanding and sharing

by Md.Jalal Uddin Rumi (Polok) -

1. What is the difference between nucleotide and nucleoside?

Nucleotide: The chemical composition of nucleotide consists of a phosphate group, a sugar, and a nitrogenous base. Some of the major examples of nucleotide are adenine, guanine, etc.                    

Nucleoside: A nucleoside has a chemical composition that consists of a sugar and a base without the phosphate group. Some of the key examples of nucleoside are the same as nucleotide only with the addition of phosphate groups.

2. What is central dogma?

The Central Dogma is the process by which the instructions in DNA are converted into a functional product.

3. Why is  DNA semi-conservative?

DNA replication is said to be semi-conservative because of this process of replication, where the resulting double helix is composed of both an old strand and a new strand. One strand comes from the parent DNA and another is newly formed/created.

4. What is Codon?

A codon is a sequence of three DNA or RNA nucleotide that corresponds with a specific amino acid or stop signal during protein synthesis.

5. Suppose your hair color is brown. Identify what is phenotype and genotype

The set of genes responsible for the color brown is the genotype.

And the physical expression of color brown is the phenotype in this case.

In reply to Aliza Ahmed Khan

Re: Understanding and sharing

by rony bhuiyan -
Understanding and sharing

Understanding and sharing

What is the difference between nucleutide and nucleoside??

What is central dogma ?

Why is  DNA semi conservative??

What is Codon?

Suppose your hair color is brown.Identify what is phenotype and genotype


Answer No 1 :: The main difference between Nucleotide and Nucleoside is very crucial to understand the key differences between the two. They are building blocks of nucleic acid, as nucleotides consist of the same components such as a nitrogenous base, sugar and a phosphate group. The main difference lies in their molecular composition as Nucleosides contain only sugar and a base whereas Nucleotides contain sugar, base and a phosphate group as well. A nucleotide is what occurs before RNA and DNA, while the nucleoside occurs before the nucleotide itself.

Answer No 2:: .The central dogma of biology describes just that. It provides the basic framework for how genetic information flows from a DNA sequence to a protein product inside cells. This process of genetic information flowing from DNA to RNA to protein is called gene expression.

Answer No 3:: .DNA replication is said to be semi-conservative because of this process of replication, where the resulting double helix is composed of both an old strand and a new strand. ... Semiconservative replication would produce two copies that each contained one of the original strands and one new strand.

Answer No 4:: .Codon is a sequence of three nucleotides which together form a unit of genetic code in a DNA or RNA molecule.

Answer No 5:: .Genotype is the genetic makeup of an individual eg Bb. Phenotype is the physical appearance eg Brown  hair.


1.The main difference between Nucleotide and Nucleoside is very crucial to understand the key differences between the two. They are building blocks of nucleic acid, as nucleotides consist of the same components such as a nitrogenous base, sugar and a phosphate group. The main difference lies in their molecular composition as Nucleosides contain only sugar and a base whereas Nucleotides contain sugar, base and a phosphate group as well. A nucleotide is what occurs before RNA and DNA, while the nucleoside occurs before the nucleotide itself.

2. central dogma is the process o making DNA from protein.

3.DNA replication is said to be semi-conservative because of this process of replication, where the resulting double helix is composed of both an old strand and a new strand. Semiconservative replication would produce two copies that each contained one of the original strands and one new strand.

4.A codon is a sequence of three DNA or RNA nucleotides that corresponds with a specific amino acid or stop signal during protein synthesis. DNA and RNA molecules are written in a language of four nucleotides; meanwhile, the language of proteins includes 20 amino acids.

5.Genotype refers to the genes responsible for a trait, phenotype is the visible result of those .

here brown hair is phenotype and the gene which makes the hair brown is called genotype.

In reply to rony bhuiyan

Re: Understanding and sharing

by rony bhuiyan -

1.A nucleoside consists of a nitrogenous base covalently attached to a sugar (ribose or deoxyribose) but without the phosphate group.

on the other hands, A nucleotide consists of a nitrogenous base, a sugar (ribose or deoxyribose) and one to three phosphate groups.

2.Nucleoside = Sugar + Base. but 

Nucleotide = Sugar + Base + Phosphate.

2.Central dogma:  The 'Central Dogma' is the process by which the instructions in DNA are converted into a functional product.

3. DNA replication is said to be semi-conservative cobecause of this process of replication, where the resulting double helix is composed of both an old strand and a new strand. Semiconservative replication would produce two copies that each contained one of the original strands and one new strand.

4.Condon:          A codon is a trinucleotide sequence of DNA or RNA that corresponds to a specific amino acid.

5. Phenotype is the term used in genetics for the composite observable characteristics or traits of an organism. 

Brown color hair is a example of phenotype.

In reply to Aliza Ahmed Khan

Re: Understanding and sharing

by Umme Honey -

1.The main difference between Nucleotide and Nucleoside is very crucial to understand the key differences between the two. They are building blocks of nucleic acid, as nucleotides consist of the same components such as a nitrogenous base, sugar and a phosphate group. The main difference lies in their molecular composition as Nucleosides contain only sugar and a base whereas Nucleotides contain sugar, base and a phosphate group as well. A nucleotide is what occurs before RNA and DNA, while the nucleoside occurs before the nucleotide itself.

2. central dogma is the process o making DNA from protein.

3.DNA replication is said to be semi-conservative because of this process of replication, where the resulting double helix is composed of both an old strand and a new strand. Semiconservative replication would produce two copies that each contained one of the original strands and one new strand.

4.A codon is a sequence of three DNA or RNA nucleotides that corresponds with a specific amino acid or stop signal during protein synthesis. DNA and RNA molecules are written in a language of four nucleotides; meanwhile, the language of proteins includes 20 amino acids.

5.Genotype refers to the genes responsible for a trait, phenotype is the visible result of those .

here brown hair is phenotype and the gene which makes the hair brown is called genotype.

In reply to Aliza Ahmed Khan

Re: Understanding and sharing

by Toufiq Islam Swoad -

Nucleotide is made up of the sugar, nitrogenous bases and phosphate while the Nucleoside is made up of sugar and bases only.

The central dogma of molecular biology describes the two-step process, transcription and translation, by which the information in genes flows into proteins: DNA → RNA → protein.

DNA is semi conservative because the process of replication, where the resulting double helix is composed of both an old strand and a new strand.

codon is a sequence of three DNA or RNA nucleotides that corresponds with a specific amino acid or stop signal during protein synthesis.

Hair color is phenotype since an organism's genotype is the set of genes in its DNA responsible for a particular trait. An organism's phenotype is the physical expression of those genes.

In reply to Aliza Ahmed Khan

Re: Understanding and sharing

by Miah Mohammad Tamjid -

1. The difference between nucleutide and nucleoside is very crucial to understand the key differences between the two. They are building blocks of nucleic acid, as nucleotides consist of the same components such as a nitrogenous base, sugar and a phosphate group. The main difference lies in their molecular composition as Nucleosides contain only sugar and a base whereas Nucleotides contain sugar, base and a phosphate group as well. A nucleotide is what occurs before RNA and DNA, while the nucleoside occurs before the nucleotide itself.

2. The central dogma provides the basic framework for how genetic information flows from a DNA sequence to a protein product inside cells. This process of genetic information flowing from DNA to RNA to protein is called gene expression.

3. DNA replication is said to be semi-conservative because of this process of replication, where the resulting double helix is composed of both an old strand and a new strand. 

semi-conservative replication would produce two copies that each contained one of the original strands and one new strand.

4. Codon is a sequence of three nucleotides which together form a unit of genetic code in a DNA or RNA molecule.

5. Genotype is the genetic makeup of an individual eg Bb.phenotype  is the physical appearance eg brown hair.

In reply to Aliza Ahmed Khan

Re: Understanding and sharing

by Mahmudur Rahman Rifat -

A: Difference between Nucleotide and Nucleoside:


1.The chemical composition of nucleotide consists of a phosphate group, a sugar and a nitrogenous base.

2.They are one of the major causes for cancer causing agents to this very day.

3.Some of the major examples of nucleotides are adenosine, guanosine etc.


1.A nucleoside has a chemical composition that consists of a sugar and a base without the phosphate group.

2.They are used as agents in medicine that are primarily used against viruses and cancer causing agents.

3.Some of the key examples of nucleosides are the same as nucleotides only with the addition of phosphate groups.

B: The Central Dogma is the process by which the instructions in DNA are converted into a functional product. It was first proposed in 1958 by Francis Crick, discoverer of the structure of DNA.

C:  DNA replication is said to be semi-conservative because of this process of replication, where the resulting double helix is composed of both an old strand and a new strand. ... Semiconservative replication would produce two copies that each contained one of the original strands and one new strand.

D:  codon is a sequence of three DNA or RNA nucleotides that corresponds with a specific amino acid or stop signal during protein synthesis. DNA and RNA molecules are written in a language of four nucleotides; meanwhile, the language of proteins includes 20 amino acids.

E: Genotype is the genetic makeup of an individual eg Bb. Phenotype is the physical appearance eg brown hair.

In reply to Aliza Ahmed Khan

Re: Understanding and sharing

by Hridoy Chandra Karmakar -


The chemical composition of nucleotide consists of a phosphate group, a sugar and a nitrogenous base.A nucleoside has a chemical composition that consists of a sugar and a base without the phosphate group.
They are one of the major causes for cancer causing agents to this very day.They are used as agents in medicine that are primarily used against viruses and cancer causing agents.
Some of the major examples of nucleotides are adenosine, guanosine etc.Some of the key examples of nucleosides are the same as nucleotides only with the addition of phosphate groups
2.The 'Central Dogma' is the process by which the instructions in DNA are converted into a functional product.

3.DNA replication is said to be semi-conservative because of this process of replication, where the resulting double helix is composed of both an old strand and a new strand. Semiconservative replication would produce two copies that each contained one of the original strands and one new strand

4.A codon is a sequence of three DNA or RNA nucleotides that corresponds with a specific amino acid or stop signal during protein synthesis.

5.My phenotype is brown and genotype either black or brown.

In reply to Aliza Ahmed Khan

Re: Understanding and sharing

by Md Maruf Ibna Nasim Nishan -

Ans 1: Difference between Nucleotide and Nucleoside:

Nucleotide :

The chemical composition of nucleotide consists of a phosphate group, a sugar and a nitrogenous base.

They are one of the major causes for cancer causing agents to this very day.

Some of the major examples of nucleotides are adenosine, guanosine etc.


A nucleoside has a chemical composition that consists of a sugar and a base without the phosphate group.

They are used as agents in medicine that are primarily used against viruses and cancer causing agents.

Some of the key examples of nucleosides are the same as nucleotides only with the addition of phosphate groups.

Ans 2: The Central Dogma is the process by which the instructions in DNA are converted into a functional product. It was first proposed in 1958 by Francis Crick, discoverer of the structure of DNA.

Ans 3:  DNA replication is said to be semi-conservative because of this process of replication, where the resulting double helix is composed of both an old strand and a new strand. ... Semiconservative replication would produce two copies that each contained one of the original strands and one new strand.

Ans 4:  codon is a sequence of three DNA or RNA nucleotides that corresponds with a specific amino acid or stop signal during protein synthesis. DNA and RNA molecules are written in a language of four nucleotides; meanwhile, the language of proteins includes 20 amino acids.

Ans 5: Genotype is the genetic makeup of an individual eg Bb. Phenotype is the physical appearance eg brown hair.

In reply to Aliza Ahmed Khan

Re: Understanding and sharing

by Sk Taherul Islam -

Ans 1: Difference between Nucleotide and Nucleoside:


1.The chemical composition of nucleotide consists of a phosphate group, a sugar and a nitrogenous base.

2.They are one of the major causes for cancer causing agents to this very day.

3.Some of the major examples of nucleotides are adenosine, guanosine etc.


1.A nucleoside has a chemical composition that consists of a sugar and a base without the phosphate group.

2.They are used as agents in medicine that are primarily used against viruses and cancer causing agents.

3.Some of the key examples of nucleosides are the same as nucleotides only with the addition of phosphate groups.

Ans 2: The Central Dogma is the process by which the instructions in DNA are converted into a functional product. It was first proposed in 1958 by Francis Crick, discoverer of the structure of DNA.

Ans 3:  DNA replication is said to be semi-conservative because of this process of replication, where the resulting double helix is composed of both an old strand and a new strand. ... Semiconservative replication would produce two copies that each contained one of the original strands and one new strand.

Ans 4:  A codon is a sequence of three DNA or RNA nucleotides that corresponds with a specific amino acid or  stop signal during protein synthesis. DNA and RNA molecules are written in a language of four nucleotides; meanwhile, the language of proteins includes 20 amino acids.

Ans 5: Genotype is the genetic makeup of an individual eg Bb. Phenotype is the physical appearance eg brown hair.

In reply to Aliza Ahmed Khan

Re: Understanding and sharing

by Sanzida Tahsin -

1.nucleoside consists of a nitrogenous base covalently attached to a sugar (ribose or deoxyribose) but without the phosphate group. A nucleotide consists of a nitrogenous base, a sugar (ribose or deoxyribose) and one to three phosphate groups.

Nucleoside = Sugar + Base
Nucleotide = Sugar + Base + Phosphate

2.The 'Central Dogma' is the process by which the instructions in DNA are converted into a functional product.

3.DNA replication is said to be semi-conservative because of this process of replication, where the resulting double helix is composed of both an old strand and a new strand. Semiconservative replication would produce two copies that each contained one of the original strands and one new strand

4.A codon is a sequence of three DNA or RNA nucleotides that corresponds with a specific amino acid or stop signal during protein synthesis.

5.My phenotype is brown and genotype either black or brown.

In reply to Aliza Ahmed Khan

Re: Understanding and sharing

by Md Shahadat Hossain -

1. Nucleotide : The chemical composition of nucleotide consists of a phosphate group, a sugar and a nitrogenous base.

Nucleoside : A nucleoside has a chemical composition that consists of a sugar and a base without the phosphate group.

2. The Central Dogma is the process by which the instructions in DNA are converted into a functional product.

3. DNA replication is said to be semi-conservative because of this process of replication, where the resulting double helix is composed of both an old strand and a new strand. ... Semiconservative replication would produce two copies that each contained one of the original strands and one new strand. 

4. A codon is a sequence of three DNA or RNA nucleotides that corresponds with a specific amino acid or stop signal during protein synthesis. DNA and RNA molecules are written in a language of four nucleotides; meanwhile, the language of proteins includes 20 amino acids.

5. Phenotype is the term used in genetics for the composite observable characteristics or traits of an organism.

In reply to Aliza Ahmed Khan

Re: Understanding and sharing

by Salma Akter -

Ans 1: Difference between Nucleotide and Nucleoside:


A.The chemical composition of nucleotide consists of a phosphate group, a sugar and a nitrogenous base.

B.They are one of the major causes for cancer causing agents to this very day.

C.Some of the major examples of nucleotides are adenosine, guanosine etc.


A.A nucleoside has a chemical composition that consists of a sugar and a base without the phosphate group.

2.They are used as agents in medicine that are primarily used against viruses and cancer causing agents.

3.Some of the key examples of nucleosides are the same as nucleotides only with the addition of phosphate groups.

Ans 2: The Central Dogma is the process by which the instructions in DNA are converted into a functional product. It was first proposed in 1958 by Francis Crick, discoverer of the structure of DNA.

Ans 3:  DNA replication is said to be semi-conservative because of this process of replication, where the resulting double helix is composed of both an old strand and a new strand. ... Semiconservative replication would produce two copies that each contained one of the original strands and one new strand.

Ans 4:  A codon is a sequence of three DNA or RNA nucleotides that corresponds with a specific amino acid or stop signal during protein synthesis. DNA and RNA molecules are written in a language of four nucleotides; meanwhile, the language of proteins includes 20 amino acids.

Ans 5: Genotype is the genetic makeup of an individual eg Bb. Phenotype is the physical appearance eg brown hair.

In reply to Aliza Ahmed Khan

Re: Understanding and sharing

by Mithon Ahamed Redoy -

1 : What is the difference between nucleutide and nucleoside?

Ans: The chemical composition of nucleotide consists of a phosphate group, a sugar and a nitrogenous base.

A nucleoside has a chemical composition that consists of a sugar and a base without the phosphate group.

2: What is central dogma ?

Ans: The ‘Central Dogma’ is the process by which the instructions in DNA are converted into a functional product. It was first proposed in 1958 by Francis Crick, discoverer of the structure of DNA.

3: Why is  DNA semi conservative?

Ans: DNA replication is said to be semi-conservative because of this process of replication, where the resulting double helix is composed of both an old strand and a new strand. ... Semiconservative replication would produce two copies that each contained one of the original strands and one new strand

4: What is Codon?

Ans:A codon is a sequence of three DNA or RNA nucleotides that corresponds with a specific amino acid or stop signal during protein synthesis. DNA and RNA molecules are written in a language of four nucleotides; meanwhile, the language of proteins includes 20 amino acids.

5:   Suppose your hair color is brown.Identify what is phenotype and genotype.

Ans: A phenotype is your version of a trait. Blue eyes vs brown eyes and curly hair vs straight hair are examples of phenotypes. A genotype is your combination of genes that produce your phenotype. ... The curly hair allele and the straight hair allele are just two of several alleles that help to determine your hair texture

In reply to Aliza Ahmed Khan

Re: Understanding and sharing

by Fatema Tuz Jahura Dina -

1.A nucleoside consists of a nitrogenous base covalently attached to a sugar (ribose or deoxyribose) but without the phosphate group.on the other hands, A nucleotide consists of a nitrogenous base, a sugar (ribose or deoxyribose) and one to three phosphate groups.

2 The 'Central Dogma' is the process by which the instructions in DNA are converted into a functional product. It was first proposed in 1958 by Francis Crick, discoverer of the structure of DNA.

 3.DNA replication is said to be semi-conservative because of this process of replication, where the resulting double helix is composed of both an old strand and a new strand. Semiconservative replication would produce two copies that each contained one of the original strands and one new strand.

4.Condon: A codon is a trinucleotide sequence of DNA or RNA that corresponds to a specific amino acid.

5.The genotype–phenotype distinction is drawn in genetics. "Genotype" is an organism's full hereditary information. "Phenotype" is an organism's actual observed properties, such as morphology, development, or behavior

In reply to Aliza Ahmed Khan

Re: Understanding and sharing

by Murad Kabir -

What is the difference between nucleotide and nucleoside?

Ans:  The Nucleotides are organic molecules consisting of a nucleoside and a phosphate. The nucleosides are only made up of nitrogenous bases and sugar. The nucleoside is formed by the hydrolysis of nucleotides. The main difference between Nucleotide and A nucleoside is very crucial to understand the key differences between the two. They are building blocks of nucleic acid, as nucleotides consist of the same components such as a nitrogenous base, sugar, and a phosphate group.

What is the central dogma?

Ans: The Central Dogma is the process by which the instructions in DNA are converted into a functional product. It was first proposed in 1958 by Francis Crick, discoverer of the structure of DNA. It provides the basic framework for how genetic information flows from a DNA sequence to a protein produced inside cells.

Why is DNA semi-conservative?

Ans: Semi-conservative replication describes the mechanism of DNA replication in all known cells. DNA replication occurs on multiple origins of replication along the DNA template strand. As the DNA double helix is unwound by helicase, replication occurs separately on each template strand in antiparallel directions. This process is known as semi-conservative replication because two copies of the original DNA molecule are produced. It was not known how newly synthesized strands combined with template strands to form two double-helical DNA molecules.

What is Codon?

Ans: A codon is a sequence of three DNA or RNA nucleotides that corresponds with a specific amino acid or stop signal during protein synthesis. DNA and RNA molecules are written in a language of four nucleotides; meanwhile, the language of proteins includes 20 amino acids. 

Suppose your hair color is brown. Identify what is phenotype and genotype?

Ans: Genotype refers to the genes responsible for a trait, Phenotype is the visible result of those. So here brown hair is phenotype and the gene which makes the hair brown is called a genotype.


In reply to Aliza Ahmed Khan

Re: Understanding and sharing

by Obaidul Islam -

1 : What is the difference between nucleutide and nucleoside?

Ans: The chemical composition of nucleotide consists of a phosphate group, a sugar and a nitrogenous base.A nucleoside has a chemical composition that consists of a sugar and a base without the phosphate group

2: What is central dogma ?

Ans: The ‘Central Dogma’ is the process by which the instructions in DNA are converted into a functional product. It was first proposed in 1958 by Francis Crick, discoverer of the structure of DNA.

3: Why is  DNA semi conservative?

Ans: DNA replication is said to be semi-conservative because of this process of replication, where the resulting double helix is composed of both an old strand and a new strand. ... Semiconservative replication would produce two copies that each contained one of the original strands and one new strand

4: What is Codon?

Ans:A codon is a sequence of three DNA or RNA nucleotides that corresponds with a specific amino acid or stop signal during protein synthesis. DNA and RNA molecules are written in a language of four nucleotides; meanwhile, the language of proteins includes 20 amino acids.

5:   Suppose your hair color is brown.Identify what is phenotype and genotype.

Ans: A phenotype is your version of a trait. Blue eyes vs brown eyes and curly hair vs straight hair are examples of phenotypes. A genotype is your combination of genes that produce your phenotype. ... The curly hair allele and the straight hair allele are just two of several alleles that help to determine your hair texture

In reply to Obaidul Islam

Re: Understanding and sharing

by Al Jubaer Rahman -

1 : What is the difference between nucleutide and nucleoside?

The nucleic acid is a genetic material involved in the inheritance of information and present in the nucleus of a cell. The nucleic acid is made up of the three important ingredients- nitrogenous bases, sugar and phosphate. hese three’s are collectively called a nucleotide. A long chain of different nucleotides called a polynucleotide chain- forms a DNA molecule. The sugar present on it either deoxyribose or ribose makes it DNA or RNA, respectively

2: What is central dogma ?

The 'Central Dogma' is the process by which the instructions in DNA are converted into a functional product. It was first proposed in 1958 by Francis Crick, discoverer of the structure of DNA.

3: Why is  DNA semi conservative?

DNA replication is said to be semi-conservative because of this process of replication, where the resulting double helix is composed of both an old strand and a new strand.Semiconservative replication would produce two copies that each contained one of the original strands and one new strand.

4: What is Codon?

codon is a sequence of three DNA or RNA nucleotides that corresponds with a specific amino acid or stop signal during protein synthesis. DNA and RNA molecules are written in a language of four nucleotides; meanwhile, the language of proteins includes 20 amino acids.

Here brown hair is called  phenotype and the gene which makes the hair brown is called genotype.

In reply to Aliza Ahmed Khan

Re: Understanding and sharing

by Shoriful Hasan Sakib -

Answer of the question 1.

Difference between  nucleotide and nucleoside are:


  1. Nucleotide contains a nitrogenous base, sugar and a phosphate group.
  2. Nucleotide is the precursor of both DNA and RNA.
  3. Nucleotide are attached to pyrimidines.
  4. Examples of nucleotide are adenine monophosphate, adenine diphosphate, and adenine triphosphate.
  1. Nucleoside contains only a nitrogenous base and a phosphate group.
  2. Nucleoside is the precursor of nucleotide.
  3. Nucleoside are attached to purines.
  4. Examples of nucleoside are adenosine, uridine, and cytidine.

Answer of the question 2.

The central dogma of biology describes the flow of information from gene sequence to protein product.It provides the basic framework for how genetic information flows from a DNA sequence to a protein product inside cells. This process of genetic information flowing from DNA to RNA to protein is called gene expression.

Answer of the question 3.

DNA replication is called semiconservative because an existing DNA strand is used to create a new strand. As DNA is a double stranded molecule. So when DNA is copied the two strand of DNA (old strands) separate and new nucleotide match up with the two separated strands.

Answer of the question 4.

A codon is a trinucleotide sequence of DNA or RNA that corresponds to a specific amino acid. The genetic code describes the relationship between the sequence of DNA bases (A, C, G, and T) in a gene and the corresponding protein sequence that it encodes.

Answer of the question 5.

Genotype: Genotype is the collection of genes responsible for the various genetic traits of a given organism. Genotype refers specifically to the genes, not the traits; that is, the raw information in an organism's DNA.
Phenotype: Phenotype is what you see - the visible or observable expression of the results of genes, combined with the environmental influence on an organism's appearance or behavior.

Phenotype cause brown hair color.

In reply to Aliza Ahmed Khan

Re: Understanding and sharing

by Md. Zayed Hassan Bhuiyan -
Nucleotide is made up of the sugar, nitrogenous bases and phosphate while the Nucleoside is made up of sugar and bases only.

The 'Central Dogma' is the process by which the instructions in DNA are converted into a functional product.

DNA replication is the process in which a cell’s entire DNA is copied, or replicated.

A codon is a sequence of three DNA or RNA nucleotides that corresponds with a specific amino acid or stop signal during protein synthesis.

Genotype is the genetic makeup of an individual eg Bb. Phenotype is the physical appearance eg brown hair.
In reply to Aliza Ahmed Khan

Re: Understanding and sharing

by Tanvir Rahman -

1.Difference between Nucleotide and Nucleoside


.The chemical composition of nucleotide consists of a phosphate group, a sugar and a nitrogenous base.

.They are one of the major causes for cancer causing agents to this very day.

.Some of the major examples of nucleotides are adenosine, guanosine etc.


.A nucleoside has a chemical composition that consists of a sugar and a base without the phosphate group.

.They are used as agents in medicine that are primarily used against viruses and cancer causing agents.

.Some of the key examples of nucleosides are the same as nucleotides only with the addition of phosphate groups.

2.The process of making DNA from protein is called central dogma.

3.DNA replication is said to be semi-conservative because in new sets of DNA,one strand is newly oreated but the other strand comes from the ancestor.  

4.A codon is a sequence of three DNA or RNA nucleotides that corresponds with a specific amino acid or stop signal during protein synthesis

5.An organism's genotype is the set of genes that it carries. An organism's phenotype is all of its observable characteristics  which are influenced both by its genotype.

Here brown hair is called  phenotype and the gene which makes the hair brown is called genotype.

In reply to Aliza Ahmed Khan

Re: Understanding and sharing

by Marupa Akter -

Difference :

A nucleoside consists of a nitrogenous base covalently attached to a sugar (ribose or deoxyribose) but without the phosphate group.

on the other hands, A nucleotide consists of a nitrogenous base, a sugar (ribose or deoxyribose) and one to three phosphate groups.

Nucleoside = Sugar + Base. but 

Nucleotide = Sugar + Base + Phosphate.

2.Central dogma:  The 'Central Dogma' is the process by which the instructions in DNA are converted into a functional product.

3. DNA replication is said to be semi-conservative cobecause of this process of replication, where the resulting double helix is composed of both an old strand and a new strand. Semiconservative replication would produce two copies that each contained one of the original strands and one new strand.

4.Condon:          A codon is a trinucleotide sequence of DNA or RNA that corresponds to a specific amino acid.

5. Phenotype is the term used in genetics for the composite observable characteristics or traits of an organism. 

Brown color hair is a example of phenotype.

In reply to Aliza Ahmed Khan

Re: Understanding and sharing

by Md. Sabbir Hasan -

What is the difference between nucleutide and nucleoside??

Ans: A building block of DNA or RNA- nucleotide is made up of the sugar, nitrogenous bases and phosphate while the nucleoside is made up of sugar and bases only.

What is central dogma ?

Ans: The central dogma of biology describes just that. It provides the basic framework for how genetic information flows from a DNA sequence to a protein product inside cells. This process of genetic information flowing from DNA to RNA to protein is called gene expression.

Why is  DNA semi conservative?

Ans: DNA replication is said to be semi-conservative because of this process of replication, where the resulting double helix is composed of both an old strand and a new strand. Semi conservative replication would produce two copies that each contained one of the original strands and one new strand.

What is Codon?

Ans: A codon is a sequence of three DNA or RNA nucleotides that corresponds with a specific amino acid or stop signal during protein synthesis. DNA and RNA molecules are written in a language of four nucleotides.

Suppose your hair color is brown.Identify what is phenotype and genotype?

Ans: Genotype refers to the genes responsible for a trait, phenotype is the visible result of those ... For example, if you met someone with albinism you would know they most likely have a ... Or suppose you have brown eyes. ... Just a few of the countless examples of the phenotypes of living things follow. Eye color and Hair color.

In reply to Aliza Ahmed Khan

Re: Understanding and sharing

by Masud Rana 171-15-1370 -
Difference : 1.A nucleoside consists of a nitrogenous base covalently attached to a sugar (ribose or deoxyribose) but without the phosphate group. on the other hands, A nucleotide consists of a nitrogenous base, a sugar (ribose or deoxyribose) and one to three phosphate groups. 2.Nucleoside = Sugar + Base. but Nucleotide = Sugar + Base + Phosphate. 2.Central dogma: The 'Central Dogma' is the process by which the instructions in DNA are converted into a functional product. 3. DNA replication is said to be semi-conservative cobecause of this process of replication, where the resulting double helix is composed of both an old strand and a new strand. Semiconservative replication would produce two copies that each contained one of the original strands and one new strand. 4.Condon: A codon is a trinucleotide sequence of DNA or RNA that corresponds to a specific amino acid. 5. Phenotype is the term used in genetics for the composite observable characteristics or traits of an organism. Brown color hair is a example of phenotype.

In reply to Aliza Ahmed Khan

Re: Understanding and sharing

by Arafat Hosaain -

1.The difference between nucleutide and nucleoside is very crucial to understand the key differences between the two. They are building blocks of nucleic acid, as nucleotides consist of the same components such as a nitrogenous base, sugar and a phosphate group. The main difference lies in their molecular composition as Nucleosides contain only sugar and a base whereas Nucleotides contain sugar, base and a phosphate group as well. A nucleotide is what occurs before RNA and DNA, while the nucleoside occurs before the nucleotide itself.

2.The central dogma provides the basic framework for how genetic information flows from a DNA sequence to a protein product inside cells. This process of genetic information flowing from DNA to RNA to protein is called gene expression.

3.DNA replication is said to be semi-conservative because of this process of replication, where the resulting double helix is composed of both an old strand and a new strand. 

semi-conservative replication would produce two copies that each contained one of the original strands and one new strand.

4.Codon is a sequence of three nucleotides which together form a unit of genetic code in a DNA or RNA molecule.

5.Genotype is the genetic makeup of an individual eg Bb.phenotype  is the physical appearance eg brown hair.

In reply to Aliza Ahmed Khan

Re: Understanding and sharing

by Md. Al Rahat Khan -

Difference between nucleotide and nucleoside

1. A nucleoside consists of a nitrogenous base covalently attached to a sugar (ribose or deoxyribose) but without the phosphate group.1. A nucleotide consists of a nitrogenous base, a sugar (ribose or deoxyribose) and one to three phosphate groups.
2. Several nucleoside analogues are used as antiviral or anticancer agents.2. Malfunctioning nucleotides are one of the main causes of all cancers known of today.
3. Nucleoside = Sugar + Base3. Nucleotide = Sugar + Base + Phosphate
4.Examples of nucleosides include cytidine, uridine, adenosine, guanosine, thymidine and inosine.4. Nucleotides follow the same names as nucleosides, but with the indication of phosphate groups. For example, 5'-uridine monophosphate.

Central Dogma - It provides the basic framework for how genetic information flows from a DNA sequence to a protein product inside cells. This process of genetic information flowing from DNA to RNA to protein is called gene expression.

Conservative DNA - One hypothesis, called the dispersive model, suggested that DNA only copied itself for short chunks at a time, producing new strands that alternated parent and daughter DNA. Another idea, called the conservative model, argued that DNA didn't split open at all, but somehow kept the parent strands intact while creating an entirely new and separate copy.

Semi-conservative DNA -  DNA replication is said to be semi-conservative because of this process of replication, where the resulting double helix is composed of both an old strand and a new strand. 

Condon - It is a sequence of three nucleotides which together form a unit of genetic code in a DNA or RNA molecule.

Brown color -  It is an example of phenotype.

In reply to Aliza Ahmed Khan

Re: Understanding and sharing

by Shekh Abdullah Al Mobin -

1.The difference between nucleutide and nucleoside is very crucial to understand the key differences between the two. They are building blocks of nucleic acid, as nucleotides consist of the same components such as a nitrogenous base, sugar and a phosphate group. The main difference lies in their molecular composition as Nucleosides contain only sugar and a base whereas Nucleotides contain sugar, base and a phosphate group as well. A nucleotide is what occurs before RNA and DNA, while the nucleoside occurs before the nucleotide itself.

2.The central dogma provides the basic framework for how genetic information flows from a DNA sequence to a protein product inside cells. This process of genetic information flowing from DNA to RNA to protein is called gene expression.

3.DNA replication is said to be semi-conservative because of this process of replication, where the resulting double helix is composed of both an old strand and a new strand. 

semi-conservative replication would produce two copies that each contained one of the original strands and one new strand.

4.Codon is a sequence of three nucleotides which together form a unit of genetic code in a DNA or RNA molecule.

5.Genotype is the genetic makeup of an individual eg Bb.phenotype  is the physical appearance eg brown hair.

In reply to Aliza Ahmed Khan

Re: Understanding and sharing

by Tariqul Islam -

1. The main difference lies in their molecular composition as Nucleosides contain only sugar and a base whereas Nucleotides contain sugar, base, and a phosphate group as well. A nucleotide is what occurs before RNA and DNA, while the nucleoside occurs before the nucleotide itself.

2. The central dogma is the process o making DNA from protein.

3.DNA replication is said to be semi-conservative because of this process of replication, where the resulting double helix is composed of both an old strand and a new strand. Semiconservative replication would produce two copies that each contained one of the original strands and one new strand.

4. A codon is a sequence of three DNA or RNA nucleotides that corresponds with a specific amino acid or stop signal during protein synthesis. DNA and RNA molecules are written in a language of four nucleotides; meanwhile, the language of proteins includes 20 amino acids.

5. Genotype refers to the genes responsible for a trait, phenotype is the visible result of those.

In reply to Aliza Ahmed Khan

Re: Understanding and sharing

by Mohammad ullah -

1. What is the difference between nucleotide and nucleoside?

Nucleotide: The chemical composition of nucleotide consists of a phosphate group, a sugar, and a nitrogenous base. Some of the major examples of nucleotide are adenine, guanine, etc.                    

Nucleoside: A nucleoside has a chemical composition that consists of a sugar and a base without the phosphate group. Some of the key examples of nucleoside are the same as nucleotide only with the addition of phosphate groups.

2. What is central dogma?

The Central Dogma is the process by which the instructions in DNA are converted into a functional product.

3. Why is  DNA semi-conservative?

DNA replication is said to be semi-conservative because of this process of replication, where the resulting double helix is composed of both an old strand and a new strand. One strand comes from the parent DNA and another is newly formed/created.

4. What is Codon?

A codon is a sequence of three DNA or RNA nucleotide that corresponds with a specific amino acid or stop signal during protein synthesis.

5. Suppose your hair color is brown. Identify what is phenotype and genotype

The set of genes responsible for the color brown is the genotype.

And the physical expression of color brown is the phenotype in this case.

In reply to Aliza Ahmed Khan

Re: Understanding and sharing

by Amit Biswas -

1.The main difference between Nucleotide and Nucleoside is very crucial to understand the key differences between the two. They are building blocks of nucleic acid, as nucleotides consist of the same components such as a nitrogenous base, sugar and a phosphate group. The main difference lies in their molecular composition as Nucleosides contain only sugar and a base whereas Nucleotides contain sugar, base and a phosphate group as well. A nucleotide is what occurs before RNA and DNA, while the nucleoside occurs before the nucleotide itself.

2. central dogma is the process o making DNA from protein.

3.DNA replication is said to be semi-conservative because of this process of replication, where the resulting double helix is composed of both an old strand and a new strand. Semiconservative replication would produce two copies that each contained one of the original strands and one new strand.

4.A codon is a sequence of three DNA or RNA nucleotides that corresponds with a specific amino acid or stop signal during protein synthesis. DNA and RNA molecules are written in a language of four nucleotides; meanwhile, the language of proteins includes 20 amino acids.

5.Genotype refers to the genes responsible for a trait, phenotype is the visible result of those .

here brown hair is phenotype and the gene which makes the hair brown is called genotype.

In reply to Aliza Ahmed Khan

Re: Understanding and sharing

by Md.Jalal Uddin Rumi (Polok) -

1. What is the difference between nucleotide and nucleoside?

Nucleotide: The chemical composition of nucleotide consists of a phosphate group, a sugar, and a nitrogenous base. Some of the major examples of nucleotide are adenine, guanine, etc.                    

Nucleoside: A nucleoside has a chemical composition that consists of a sugar and a base without the phosphate group. Some of the key examples of nucleoside are the same as nucleotide only with the addition of phosphate groups.

2. What is central dogma?

The Central Dogma is the process by which the instructions in DNA are converted into a functional product.

3. Why is  DNA semi-conservative?

DNA replication is said to be semi-conservative because of this process of replication, where the resulting double helix is composed of both an old strand and a new strand. One strand comes from the parent DNA and another is newly formed/created.

4. What is Codon?

A codon is a sequence of three DNA or RNA nucleotide that corresponds with a specific amino acid or stop signal during protein synthesis.

5. Suppose your hair color is brown. Identify what is phenotype and genotype

The set of genes responsible for the color brown is the genotype.

And the physical expression of color brown is the phenotype in this case.

In reply to Aliza Ahmed Khan

Re: Understanding and sharing

by Md. Khobayer Khan -

Difference between Nucleotide and Nucleoside



Made of sugar and nitrogenous.
A polynucleotide chain is a building block of DNA or RNA.  Intermediate form in the construction of nucleotides. 
It also works as an energy source and in the signal transduction pathway. Nucleoside rich diet is necessary for good health. 
Examples of nucleotides- deoxyguanosine 5’- triphosphate, deoxyadenosine 5’ triphosphate, deoxyuridine 5’ triphosphate. Examples of nucleosides- inosine, guanosine, uridine and adenosine. 

What is central dogma ?

The ‘Central Dogma’ is the process by which the instructions in DNA are converted into a functional product. It was first proposed in 1958 by Francis Crick, discoverer of the structure of DNA.

Why is DNA semi-conservative?

The semi-conservative mechanism of replication was one of three models originally proposed for DNA replication:

  1. Semi-conservative replication would produce two copies that each contained one of the original strands and one new strand.
  2. Conservative replication would leave the two original template DNA strands together in a double helix, with the new DNA composed entirely of two new strands.
  3. Dispersive replication would produce two copies of the DNA, both containing a mixture of old and new material.

Of these three models, the semi-conservative model seemed most reasonable since it would allow each new daughter strand to remain associated with its template strand. The semi-conservative model was confirmed by the Meselson-Stahl experiment.

What is Codon?

A codon is a sequence of three DNA or RNA nucleotides that corresponds with a specific amino acid or stop signal during protein synthesis. DNA and RNA molecules are written in a language of four nucleotides; meanwhile, the language of proteins includes 20 amino acids.

Suppose your hair color is brown.Identify what is phenotype and genotype?

Genotype is the genetic makeup of an individual eg Bb. Phenotype is the physical appearance eg brown hair.

In reply to Aliza Ahmed Khan

Re: Understanding and sharing

by dijodduti talukder -
Understanding and sharing

Understanding and sharing

What is the difference between nucleutide and nucleoside??

What is central dogma ?

Why is  DNA semi conservative??

What is Codon?

Suppose your hair color is brown.Identify what is phenotype and genotype


1.The main difference between Nucleotide and Nucleoside is very crucial to understand the key differences between the two. They are building blocks of nucleic acid, as nucleotides consist of the same components such as a nitrogenous base, sugar and a phosphate group. The main difference lies in their molecular composition as Nucleosides contain only sugar and a base whereas Nucleotides contain sugar, base and a phosphate group as well. A nucleotide is what occurs before RNA and DNA, while the nucleoside occurs before the nucleotide itself.

2.The central dogma of biology describes just that. It provides the basic framework for how genetic information flows from a DNA sequence to a protein product inside cells. This process of genetic information flowing from DNA to RNA to protein is called gene expression.

3.DNA replication is said to be semi-conservative because of this process of replication, where the resulting double helix is composed of both an old strand and a new strand. ... Semiconservative replication would produce two copies that each contained one of the original strands and one new strand.

4.Codon is a sequence of three nucleotides which together form a unit of genetic code in a DNA or RNA molecule.

5.Genotype is the genetic makeup of an individual eg Bb. Phenotype is the physical appearance eg brown hair.


1.The main difference between Nucleotide and Nucleoside is very crucial to understand the key differences between the two. They are building blocks of nucleic acid, as nucleotides consist of the same components such as a nitrogenous base, sugar and a phosphate group. The main difference lies in their molecular composition as Nucleosides contain only sugar and a base whereas Nucleotides contain sugar, base and a phosphate group as well. A nucleotide is what occurs before RNA and DNA, while the nucleoside occurs before the nucleotide itself.

2. central dogma is the process o making DNA from protein.

3.DNA replication is said to be semi-conservative because of this process of replication, where the resulting double helix is composed of both an old strand and a new strand. Semiconservative replication would produce two copies that each contained one of the original strands and one new strand.

4.A codon is a sequence of three DNA or RNA nucleotides that corresponds with a specific amino acid or stop signal during protein synthesis. DNA and RNA molecules are written in a language of four nucleotides; meanwhile, the language of proteins includes 20 amino acids.

5.Genotype refers to the genes responsible for a trait, phenotype is the visible result of those .

here brown hair is phenotype and the gene which makes the hair brown is called genotype.


1.The main difference between Nucleotide and Nucleoside is very crucial to understand the key differences between the two. They are building blocks of nucleic acid, as nucleotides consist of the same components such as a nitrogenous base, sugar and a phosphate group. The main difference lies in their molecular composition as Nucleosides contain only sugar and a base whereas Nucleotides contain sugar, base and a phosphate group as well. A nucleotide is what occurs before RNA and DNA, while the nucleoside occurs before the nucleotide itself.

2. central dogma is the process o making DNA from protein.

3.DNA replication is said to be semi-conservative because of this process of replication, where the resulting double helix is composed of both an old strand and a new strand. Semiconservative replication would produce two copies that each contained one of the original strands and one new strand.

4.A codon is a sequence of three DNA or RNA nucleotides that corresponds with a specific amino acid or stop signal during protein synthesis. DNA and RNA molecules are written in a language of four nucleotides; meanwhile, the language of proteins includes 20 amino acids.

5.Genotype refers to the genes responsible for a trait, phenotype is the visible result of those .

here brown hair is phenotype and the gene which makes the hair brown is called genotype.


1.The main difference between Nucleotide and Nucleoside is very crucial to understand the key differences between the two. They are building blocks of nucleic acid, as nucleotides consist of the same components such as a nitrogenous base, sugar and a phosphate group. The main difference lies in their molecular composition as Nucleosides contain only sugar and a base whereas Nucleotides contain sugar, base and a phosphate group as well. A nucleotide is what occurs before RNA and DNA, while the nucleoside occurs before the nucleotide itself.

2. central dogma is the process o making DNA from protein.

3.DNA replication is said to be semi-conservative because of this process of replication, where the resulting double helix is composed of both an old strand and a new strand. Semiconservative replication would produce two copies that each contained one of the original strands and one new strand.

4.A codon is a sequence of three DNA or RNA nucleotides that corresponds with a specific amino acid or stop signal during protein synthesis. DNA and RNA molecules are written in a language of four nucleotides; meanwhile, the language of proteins includes 20 amino acids.

5.Genotype refers to the genes responsible for a trait, phenotype is the visible result of those .

here brown hair is phenotype and the gene which makes the hair brown is called genotype.


1.The difference between nucleutide and nucleoside is very crucial to understand the key differences between the two. They are building blocks of nucleic acid, as nucleotides consist of the same components such as a nitrogenous base, sugar and a phosphate group. The main difference lies in their molecular composition as Nucleosides contain only sugar and a base whereas Nucleotides contain sugar, base and a phosphate group as well. A nucleotide is what occurs before RNA and DNA, while the nucleoside occurs before the nucleotide itself.

2.The central dogma provides the basic framework for how genetic information flows from a DNA sequence to a protein product inside cells. This process of genetic information flowing from DNA to RNA to protein is called gene expression.

3.DNA replication is said to be semi-conservative because of this process of replication, where the resulting double helix is composed of both an old strand and a new strand. 

semi-conservative replication would produce two copies that each contained one of the original strands and one new strand.

4.Codon is a sequence of three nucleotides which together form a unit of genetic code in a DNA or RNA molecule.

5.Genotype is the genetic makeup of an individual eg Bb.phenotype  is the physical appearance eg brown hair.


Difference :

1.A nucleoside consists of a nitrogenous base covalently attached to a sugar (ribose or deoxyribose) but without the phosphate group.

on the other hands, A nucleotide consists of a nitrogenous base, a sugar (ribose or deoxyribose) and one to three phosphate groups.

2.Nucleoside = Sugar + Base. but 

Nucleotide = Sugar + Base + Phosphate.

2.Central dogma:  The 'Central Dogma' is the process by which the instructions in DNA are converted into a functional product.

3. DNA replication is said to be semi-conservative cobecause of this process of replication, where the resulting double helix is composed of both an old strand and a new strand. Semiconservative replication would produce two copies that each contained one of the original strands and one new strand.

4.Condon:          A codon is a trinucleotide sequence of DNA or RNA that corresponds to a specific amino acid.

5. Phenotype is the term used in genetics for the composite observable characteristics or traits of an organism. 

Brown color hair is a example of phenotype.


Difference between nucleoside and nucleotide:

nucleoside consists of a nitrogenous base covalently attached to a sugar (ribose or deoxyribose) but without the phosphate group. A nucleotide consists of a nitrogenous base, a sugar (ribose or deoxyribose) and one to three phosphate groups.

Nucleoside = Sugar + Base
Nucleotide = Sugar + Base + Phosphate

Central dogma:

The ‘Central Dogma’ is the process by which the instructions in DNA are converted into a functional product.


A codon is a trinucleotide sequence of DNA or RNA that corresponds to a specific amino acid. The genetic code describes the relationship between the sequence of DNA bases (A, C, G, and T) in a gene and the corresponding protein sequence that it encodes. The cell reads the sequence of the gene in groups of three bases.

DNA is semi conservative:

DNA replication is said to be semi-conservative because of this process of replication, where the resulting double helix is composed of both an old strand and a new strand.

5no question ans:

5.Genotype is the genetic makeup of an individual eg Bb.phenotype  is the physical appearance eg brown hair



Made of sugar, nitrogenous bases and phosphate Made of sugar and nitrogenous.
A polynucleotide chain is a building block of DNA or RNA. Intermediate form in the construction of nucleotides. 
Also works as an energy source and in signal transduction pathway. Nucleoside rich diet is necessary for good health. 
Examples of nucleotides- deoxyguanosine 5’- triphosphate, deoxyadenosine 5’ triphosphate, deoxyuridine 5’ triphosphate.
Examples of nucleosides- inosine, guanosine, uridine and adenosine. 

2.The 'Central Dogma' is the process by which the instructions in DNA are converted into a functional product. It was first proposed in 1958 by Francis Crick, discoverer of the structure of DNA.

3.DNA replication is said to be semi-conservative because of this process of replication, where the resulting double helix is composed of both an old strand and a new strand. ... Semiconservative replication would produce two copies that each contained one of the original strands and one new strand.

4.codon isa specific sequence of three consecutive nucleotides that is part of the genetic code and that specifies a particular amino acid in a protein or starts or stops protein synthesi.  

5.Genotype is the genetic makeup of an individual eg Bb.phenotype  is the physical appearance eg brown hair.

It is important to know the key differences between Nucleotides and Nucleosides as they are both building blocks in the process of creation. Another essential element that acts as a building block is the presence of Nucleic Acid and Genetic code that helps in the transfer of genetic information.

Difference between Nucleotide and Nucleoside
The chemical composition of nucleotide consists of a phosphate group, a sugar and a nitrogenous base.A nucleoside has a chemical composition that consists of a sugar and a base without the phosphate group.
They are one of the major causes for cancer causing agents to this very day.They are used as agents in medicine that are primarily used against viruses and cancer causing agents.
Some of the major examples of nucleotides are adenosine, guanosine etc.Some of the key examples of nucleosides are the same as nucleotides only with the addition of phosphate groups.

Thus, these are the key differences between Nucleotides and Nucleosides. If you liked this article and would like to read more, download the BYJU’s app today.  You may also want to check out:

What is the 'Central Dogma'?

The ‘Central Dogma’ is the process by which the instructions in DNA are converted into a functional product. It was first proposed in 1958 by Francis Crick, discoverer of the structure of DNA.

DNA replication is a semi-conservative process, because when a new double-stranded DNA molecule is formed:

  • One strand will be from the original template molecule
  • One strand will be newly synthesised


Question: What is the difference between nucleutide and nucleoside??
Answer: A nucleoside is insignificant for a cell and does not involve in construcing DNA. 

The nucleosides are only made up of nitrogenous bases and sugar. The nucleoside is formed by the hydrolysis of nucleotides. 

On the other side, during the process of phosphorylation, using the enzyme kinase, a phosphate group is attached to the sugar of the nucleic acid and constructs the nucleotide.
Thus through hydrolysis, the nucleotides converted into nucleosides while though the process of phosphorylation, the nucleosides are converted into nucleotides.

On the other hand,
The nucleoside is a single molecule and does not have other variants whereas based on the number of phosphate group the nucleotides can be divided into nucleotide monophosphate, nucleotide diphosphate and nucleotide triphosphate with one, two and three phosphate backbones, respectively.

Nucleotides are used to store and inherited information, signal transduction pathway and work as an energy source. 

However, the nucleoside is important constructing nucleotides thus a nucleoside rich diet is required for staying healthy.

Nucleoside = Sugar + Base. but 

Nucleotide = Sugar + Base + Phosphate.

Question: 02. What is central dogma ?

Answer: The ‘Central Dogma’ is the process by which the instructions in DNA are converted into a functional product.

Question: 03. Why is  DNA semi conservative??

Answer: DNA replication is said to be semi-conservative because of this process of replication, where the resulting double helix is composed of both an old strand and a new strand.

Question: 04. What is Codon?
Answer: A codon is a sequence of three DNA or RNA nucleotides that corresponds with a specific amino acid or stop signal during protein synthesis.

 Question: 05. Suppose your hair color is brown.Identify what is phenotype and genotype?

Answer: Phenotype is the physical appearance eg brown hair.


1.The difference between nucleutide and nucleoside is very crucial to understand the key differences between the two. They are building blocks of nucleic acid, as nucleotides consist of the same components such as a nitrogenous base, sugar and a phosphate group. The main difference lies in their molecular composition as Nucleosides contain only sugar and a base whereas Nucleotides contain sugar, base and a phosphate group as well. A nucleotide is what occurs before RNA and DNA, while the nucleoside occurs before the nucleotide itself.

2.The central dogma provides the basic framework for how genetic information flows from a DNA sequence to a protein product inside cells. This process of genetic information flowing from DNA to RNA to protein is called gene expression.

3.DNA replication is said to be semi-conservative because of this process of replication, where the resulting double helix is composed of both an old strand and a new strand. 

semi-conservative replication would produce two copies that each contained one of the original strands and one new strand.

4.Codon is a sequence of three nucleotides which together form a unit of genetic code in a DNA or RNA molecule.

5.Genotype is the genetic makeup of an individual eg Bb.phenotype  is the physical appearance eg brown hair.