Student menagment system,

Student menagment system,

by Sharmin Mim -
Number of replies: 0

--database create

create database Restaurant

--table create

create table customers(

CUSTID int primary key,

custname varchar(44) not null,

addresses varchar(33),

nationality varchar(22) default 'Bangladeshi',

phone int unique


--data insert

insert into customers(CUSTID, custname, addresses, phone)

values(3, 'tanvin', 'bogra', 01678909764),

(4, 'Tahsin', 'norail', 0123456781),

(5, 'Mowna', 'Dhaka', 23456),

(6, 'Shahed', 'Bogra', 09876)

--data show

select * from customers

--particular column

select custid, custname, phone

from customers


--find out the customers information who lives in bogra

select *

from customers

where addresses='bogra'

--Find out customernmae who are from rajshahi.

create table orders(

orderid int not null,

orderdate date,

custid int foreign key references customers(custid),


select * from orders

select * from customers

insert into orders

values(14, '2021-02-07', 7)

--drop table

drop table orders

--alter table: add column

alter table orders add quantity varchar(22)

select * from orders

--alter table-drop column

alter table orders drop column quantity

--column data type modify

alter table orders alter column quantity int

create table items(

itemno varchar(22) primary key,

itemdes varchar(23) not null,

price float not null,

foodtypes varchar(21)


insert into items

values ('I-121', 'Lachi',  77 , 'drinks'),

('I-122', 'Coca-Cola',  30, 'drinks'),

('I-123', 'Fanta',  30 , 'drinks'),

('I-124', 'Beef Burger',  299 , 'Burger'),

('I-125', 'Chicken Burger',  255 , 'Burger')

select * from orders

alter table orders

add itemno varchar(22) foreign key references items(itemno)

insert into orders

values(16, '2021-02-05', 3, 6, 'I-122'),

(16, '2021-02-05', 3, 2, 'I-123'),

(16, '2021-02-05', 3, 1, 'I-124'),

(16, '2021-02-05', 3, 3, 'I-125')


update orders set quantity= 6, itemno='I-123' where orderid=11 and orderdate='2021-02-07'


--Find those orders Id which didn't specify itemno.

select orderid from orders where itemno is NULL

--Find those orders Id which specify itemno.

select orderid from orders where itemno is not NULL

select * from customers

select * from orders


select Top 1 * from customers where addresses='Bogra'


--inner join

select * from

customers join orders

on customers.CUSTID=orders.custid

--left outer join

select * from

customers left outer join orders 

on customers.CUSTID=orders.custid 

--right outer join

select * from

customers right outer join orders 

on customers.CUSTID=orders.custid 

--full outer join

select * from

customers full outer join orders 

on customers.CUSTID=orders.custid 

--self join

--find out the information of those customers who are from same city

select cr1.custid, cr1.custname, cr1. addresses

from customers cr1, customers cr2

where cr1.addresses=cr2.addresses

and cr1.custid <> cr2.custid

--order by

select * from customers order by addresses desc

--aggregate function

--min, max, sum, count, avg

select * from orders

select * from customers

select * from items

--Find out lowest price of items in you restaurant

select min(price) as prc from items

----Find out highest price of items in you restaurant

select max(price) as prc from items

--Find out average price of items in you restaurant

select avg(price) as average_price from items


select count(custid) from customers

--find out the number of area we cover from our restaurant.

select count(distinct addresses) from customers

--Find out total price for all items

select sum(price) from items

--find out the total quantity of items that is ordered by customer

select sum(quantity) from orders

--find out the number of items that is ordered by customer

select count(distinct itemno) from orders


--pattern matching

--find out the name of those customers whose name starts with a

select distinct custname from customers where custname like 'ma%'

--find out the name of those customers whose name starts with a

select distinct custname from customers where custname like '%a'

--find out the name of those customers whose contains a

select distinct custname from customers where custname like '%n%'

--2nd character a

select distinct custname from customers where custname like '__a%'

select * from orders

select * from customers
