Forum Discussion

Forum Work

Forum Work

by Anne Pervin -
Number of replies: 1

I've tried to write whatever I've learned from my class discussion.

A. New Criticism : New criticism is getting a deeper layer meaning by reading a literary text without even knowing the author's biography or historical background of the text. Here the reader can explore the meaning by himself without any outsidal help.

B. Structuralism : This theory is in work when we read a text or want to know about a particular thing but that relates and connected with a larger factor. When we try to understand something we have to concern about the context. Mainly the history, political view, about tha era everything like these. I think this theory apply on Sociology, Anthropology etc.

For example we can say I'm reading the Holy Quran. I can't just read it without knowing the larger factor like Islam as a religion and Muslims as the people who abide.

C. Post Structuralism : This theory was brought in existence to challenge, protest and demolish the traditional opinions in Structuralism. Post structuralism says that you don't need to understand a whole scenario, you just read the literary text and explore in it. No outsidal knowledge or larger factor is needed to understand it better. You explore what it says, even the littlest part would be the biggest field to visit. Post structuralism believes in it.

For example if you're reading "Oil", the Author Upton Sinclair quoted that, 

"It appeared as if the whole world was one elaborate system, opposed to justice and kindness, and set to making cruelty and pain."

Here he told about the nature of world. In Post Structuralism theory, we must explore among his words. We don't need to know or have a concept of how the world actually was.

D. Modernism : In old tradition, the writers were very strict about the tone, culture and flow of their writings. They never mixed cultures or change the tone of it. But then comes the modern writers know as the Modernists. They forced literature to be broken into easy parts. They said that a literary text can share different cultures and go through different tones. It depends on author and demand of the story. This was a breakthrough. From then on, the literature tradition got changed.

E. Reader Response Theory : A literary piece means nothing unless a reader reads it and gets what it says. In this theory, a reader reads a literary text and understands it. Then s/he responses about the meaning of the text. This theory deals with how a reader responses to a literary piece.

As example we can point to Adolf Hitler's autobiography "Mein Kampf" or "My Struggle". Here Hitler has given a clarification behind his mass murder and told us about his view. After reading this autobiography book, one can declare Hitler guilty and another can say he's a hero. This is the response of readers.

Anne Pervin

Section A

ID 191-10-1917 

Thank you🌼

484 words