Discussion Forum for Lecture-03

What do you mean by the term Determinant? Write in your own language. 2. Please Enlist the Determinants of Health.

What do you mean by the term Determinant? Write in your own language. 2. Please Enlist the Determinants of Health.

by Minara Khatun -
Number of replies: 0

1What do you mean by the term Determinant? Write in your own language. 

Ans:A determinant is a factor or cause that makes something happen or leads directly to a decision. The word determinant hasn't strayed much from its roots in the Latin word for "determining." As a noun or adjective, it refers to determining or deciding something.

Please Enlist the Determinants of Health.

Ans:Enlist the Determinants of Health:

  1. Income and social status
  2. Social support networks
  3. Education and literacy
  4. Employment/working conditions
  5. Social environments
  6. Physical environments
  7. Personal health practices and coping skills
  8. Healthy child development
  9. Biology and genetic endowment
  10. Health services
  11. Gender
  12. Culture