Forum on Skewness



by Tapu Chandra Malo -
Number of replies: 1

We know that,

Coefficient of skewness (SKp) is lies between -3 to +3.


Positively Skewed is 0 to 3 and negatively skewed is 0 to -3

Positively skewed In case Mean>median

Negatively skewed in case Median> Mean

SKp=0; symmetric Distribution.

#SKp >(0 upto 1);Positive Skewed Distribution

# SKp >(1 upto 2);Positive moderately Skewed Distribution

#SKp>(2 upto 3);Positive Highly Skewed Distributio

SKp>(0 upto -1);Negative Skewed Distribution

# SKp>(-1 upto -2);Negative Moderately Skewed Distribution

#SKp>(-2 upto -3);Negative Highly Skewed Distribution