Discussion Forum on Nutrition & Health

#misconception about malnutrtion . #Are the people from poorest community only affected by malnutrition?

#misconception about malnutrtion . #Are the people from poorest community only affected by malnutrition?

by Baishakhi Pranthi Naidu -
Number of replies: 0

Misconception about Malnutrition:

There is so many misconception about malnutrition-

-Malnutrition is all aboit being  too thin.

-Nutrition starts when the child is born.

-the consequences of malnutrtion is only health related

-Malnutrtion only affects individual.

-Malnutrtion is all about starving children in Africa.so many misconception.

Are the people from poorest community only affected by malnutrition ? 

No,the answer is absolutely no.

poverty can worsen the malnutrition. actually malnutrtion happen due to low quality of food assumption.its not always true that ppor countries only will have malnutrtion. people from all ages all over the country can have that.
