Discussion Forum for Chapter 7

National Plan for Disaster Management

National Plan for Disaster Management

by Rimi Akter -
Number of replies: 0


Maintaining the overall goal of building a resilient Bangladesh, the major objectives of the plan are to:

 ** Identify the priority actions to guide the implementation of DM acts, policies and programmes in terms of action plans.

 ** Provide a roadmap for progress and implementation of at least 35 core investments.

** Incorporate DM aspects in the plan and programmes of the sectoral ministries and agencies to ensure risk informed development plans.

 ** Explore the investment areas both in public and private sectors and also in hazard-prone regions, communities.

 ** Ensure inclusion of disability, class, ethnicity, religious minority and address gender responsiveness in all plans and programmes.

 ** Include emerging disaster risks (earthquake), emphasize urban disaster risk (fire, building collapse) and align those in the plan.

 ** Promote risk governance in the DM programmes, compliance including oversight and accountability and monitoring.