Discussion on Week 13 Topics

How a Neural Network Works?

How a Neural Network Works?

by kapil deb [181-15-2028] -
Number of replies: 0

A neural network has many layers. Each layer performs a specific function, and the complex the network is, the more the layers are. That’s why a neural network is also called a multi-layer perceptron.

The purest form of a neural network has three layers:

  1. The input layer
  2. The hidden layer
  3. The output layer

As the names suggest, each of these layers has a specific purpose. These layers are made up of nodes. There can be multiple hidden layers in a neural network according to the requirements. The input layer picks up the input signals and transfers them to the next layer. It gathers the data from the outside world. 

The hidden layer performs all the back-end tasks of calculation. A network can even have zero hidden layers. However, a neural network has at least one hidden layer. The output layer transmits the final result of the hidden layer’s calculation.