Art of Living

My intention to come to university.

My intention to come to university.

by Mohammad Ashadul Islam Roni -
Number of replies: 0

First of all university is the highest educational institution.I come here to explore my knowledge and develop my skills.University is the place where teachers will guide and help me to reach my goal. I have some other explanations, such as I believe that Universities are collections of some of the brightest scholars. Being around other incredible mentalities can spark new ideas and encourage interest in new areas.
Students come here from many different backgrounds. For some students, especially students from small towns, like me, going to a higher institution of learning such as a university may provide them with the first opportunity that they’ve had to meet people from another culture. Learning about other people is a valuable part of life experience. I'm also the kind of person who loves to meet new friends as well as many people. And I also have so many friends though I never meet them in person as the pandemic situation.
And we all know that University research benefits everyone – creating businesses and jobs, enriching society, and stimulating culture.

Name: Mohammad Ashadul Islam Roni

Id: 201-15-3182