Exclusive breastfeeding is defined as feeding infants only breast milk, be it directly from breast or expressed, except drops or
syrups consisting of vitamins, mineral supplements or medicine. Exclusive
breastfeeding is one of the essential actions for infant development and
Importance of Exclusive Breastfeeding:
Breast milk helps keep baby healthy. It protects against allergies, sickness, and
obesity. It protects against diseases, like diabetes and
cancer. It protects against infections, like ear infections. For infants to survive, grow and develop
properly they require the right proportion of nutrients. Breast milk is rich in
nutrients and anti-bodies and contains the right quantities of fat, sugar,
water and protein. These nutrients are major pre-requisites to the health and survival
of the baby. When a child is exclusively breast fed, their immune system is
strengthened, enabling it to life-threatening illnesses like pneumonia and
diarrhoea amongst other infections. In fact, reports indicate that babies who
are not breast fed for the first six months of life are 15 times more likely to
die from Pneumonia compared to newborns that are breast fed exclusively for six
months after birth.