Art of Living

Your intention to be in University

Your intention to be in University

by Muhammad Sajidul Islam -
Number of replies: 66

Write your intention to be in university within 200 words.  

In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Your intention to be in University

by Nayem Hasan -
An Assignment On: Why did you came University A study on Art Of Living
Submitted To: Mr. Muhammed Sajidul Islam- Senior Lecturer Department Of SWE Daffodil International University
Submitted By: Nayem Hasan ID: 22-35-1020
Sec: G
Date: 29-01-2022
Why Did I came to University

As salamualaikum. Im Nayem Hasan. By university we usually mean an educational institution where students are educated in higher education. I came to the university to be my bright future, well- educated, a scholar, and a human being. I want to work for my country, nation and people by getting higher education from this university. I want to make my country as developed and modern as the other 10 countries. And that can only be done by getting higher education from the university. That's why I enrolled myself in a university to educate myself. Hopefully I can reach my goal one day In sha allah.
In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Your intention to be in University

by Md sifat hossain -
Every one has a different reason to go to University. Some go to advance in their careers while others go to gain knowledge and some may have an altogether different reason.I came to the University to full fill my dream. Every one dreams of becoming a professional in some sphere or another .From childhood,My dream was to become an engineer.That’s why i was admitted to the University at software department. The main reason for me to go higher up on the education ladder and study at universities are better career opportunities,with a better qualification degree in my hand. Apart from selecting my choice of career, a university provides enhancement of career advancements as well.A higher qualification degree is essential to get a good job.In a word,I came to the University to fulfilling the goals of my life.
In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Your intention to be in University

by Foysal Khan -
An Assignment On: Why did you came University A study on Art Of Living
Submitted To: Mr. Muhammed Sajidul Islam- Senior Lecturer Department Of SWE Daffodil International University
Submitted By:Zahid Hasan Foysal (221-35-1071)
Sec: G
Date: 29-01-2022
Now a days freelancing sector is growing. So I think it is high time for choosing SWE for my career.Day by day we become modern.Truly i choose software engineering for my career purpose and also love it. So I was searching a good University for complete my SWE course and now am studying in Daffodil international University

Zahid Hasan Foysal (221-35-1071)
In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Your intention to be in University

by Md. Nazmus Shakib Khan -
From my early childhood I always want to be a doctor. In my admission season I was chasing for it. But almighty ALLAH doesn’t choose it for me. I didn’t crake it. Then I was mentally down. I didn’t know what to do. My elder brother who is an alumni of DIU, told me about DIU and Dept. of SWE. Then I looked it up. As a student I always believe that university is a place where I can explore myself. To find myself I need a place where I can take a deep breath, where I can run, where I can fly with my dreams. And I found Daffodil International University where I could do it all. Where I can start a new journey with new dreams. I don’t know what I will do in life. May I become successful or not. But I always thankful to almighty ALLAH for giving me the platform to explore myself.
In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Your intention to be in University

by Tasrif Nur Himel -
[Software Engineering]

Batch 37
Section G
Student name: Tasrif Nur Himel
Student id : 221-35-1078

"Why did I get admitted to the

Knowledge is power. University period is the key to
knowledge, which will contribute a lot to the future of an
individual. Going to university is a great way to expand our
knowledge. During university life we meet new people and
enjoy new experience.
University is about more than an education and also
university offers more than a pure knowledge. University
experience gives to the knowledge, skills, confidence and
experience to help us make our world better. An university
can help students to build their self-confidence and
independence. Living independently can make us more
mature and also increased level of responsibility. There
students will have a good opportunities to make new friends
from different background. A degree from a university gives
people certain identity that makes them more valuable.
When achieving a degree at a university we can get a better
understand of the society. There is no doubt that university
can be the turning point of one’s future. That’s the reason I
want to get admitted to the university.
Last but not least I strongly believe that everyone should
attend university.
In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Your intention to be in University

by Israt Jahan -

The first thing that anyone like me would think about going to university is to get a higher level of education. I have learned a lot at school, but that’s just the general knowledge that anyone should have.

I want to acquire an increased knowledge, especially the professional knowledge to become a Software Engineer. For which university would be the most appropriate place. So to me, I will get the best and proper training and education at university.

University education will expose me to new research and technology; will encourage my creative and independent thoughts. I can have the chance to travel and experience life overseas via student exchange programs.

Studying at university plays a huge role in uplifting my self confidence and responsibility. I will have plenty of opportunities to make new friends from various places of Bangladesh, with interesting backgrounds.

Although it’s not easy to get through the gate of university, but the benefit is so obvious. My advantage will be: a really good start in my career with all the knowledge, the experience and a university degree.

Thus, if anyone has a chance they should really consider entering university!

In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Your intention to be in University

by urmy jahan -

Assignment topic: why did you came to university

Course: Art of living

Submitted by: Urmy jahan satu 

Submitted to: Muhammad sajidul Islam 

ID: 221-35-1075

Why did you came to university?

Knowledge is power. University period is the key to
knowledge, which will contribute a lot to the future of an
individual. Going to university is a great way to expand our
knowledge. During university life we meet new people and
enjoy new experience.
University is about more than an education and also
university offers more than a pure knowledge. University
experience gives to the knowledge, skills, confidence and
experience to help us make our world better. An university
can help students to build their self-confidence and
independence. Living independently can make us more
mature and also increased level of responsibility. There
students will have a good opportunities to make new friends
from different background. A degree from a university gives
people certain identity that makes them more valuable.
When achieving a degree at a university we can get a better
understand of the society. There is no doubt that university
can be the turning point of one’s future. That’s the reason I
want to get admitted to the university.
Last but not least I strongly believe that everyone should
attend university.

In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Your intention to be in University

by Samya Jahan -
An assignment on:
[Why I came to university]
University can help students to build their self-confidence and independence. Every year hundreds of
thousands prospective students choose higher education as their next step after school or college.
university is at the same time a so much promising step into a world of opportunities as long as it is
accompanied by a strong will and desire for distinction. unemployment crisis is troubling not only the
poor countries but the developed western countries as well, so that the ease of finding a job may play an
important role in the decisions people are making. If we want to acquire an increased knowledge,
especially the professional knowledge for a particular job or a specialist field of work, university and
college would be the most appropriate place. I have chosen daffodil university for my SWE degree cause
Daffodil International University (DIU) is recognized in independent government assessments as one of
top graded universities in Bangladesh. The University today combines impressive modern facilities and a
dynamic approach to teaching and research with its proud heritage of service and achievement.
Graduate programs offer students opportunities for specialized advanced education in their chosen field
and are important components of the services of the university. In fact , That is the reason for I'm
studying at Daffodil International University.
In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Your intention to be in University

by Sadia Tasnim Prema -
Assignment Topic: Why I Came to University? Submitted by:Sadia Tasnim Prema Dept. Of SWE Section:G ID:221-35-1073 Course:Art of Living Submitted to: Muhammad Sajidul Islam Submission date:30th January 2022 University is a high-level institution where students’ study for degrees and academic research. Universities typically offer both undergraduate and postgraduate programs. Though this is an educational institution, there is a lot of difference between a university and general educational institutions. University helps us to build self-confidence, teaches us to be independent and responsible. Moreover, It’s a new journey for all students. As a student I also wanted to experience plenty of opportunities provided by University which will help me grow more and make me prepare for the future. University gave me the opportunity to pursue my desired subject. Along with that, this new phase of my life will give me the chance to be successful in future . Because, the surrounding environment of university will influence me to become more open minded and knowledgeable. This knowledge will be very helpful for my career. Other than that, in my view, University life is the most important and enjoyable time of our life. So to experience these wonderful memories, learning sessions and to improve myself, I became determined to get into University.
In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Your intention to be in University

by Jubaer Islam Nahin -
Coming into the university graduating from school and college is a very important part of a student life.School helps us to built a good mentality whereas in college we don't have that much time to learn.But university is a place were we can enhance our capacity of thinking.We can widen our store of knowledge and gather a lots of experiences.University is a place to explore myself with more and more details.It is a place to put my capabilities into work.And also university life is a very enjoyable life.We can learn many knowledge while having conversations with our friends,our honourable teachers and our senior brothers and sisters.University is the pathway to our glory,to our success.I came to the university because I want to be a complete person in life.I want to widen my knowledge and ofcourse ba a successful person in life so that I can take care of my family as they have done to me.That's why I came into the university with a good intent to become a successful person in life.
In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Your intention to be in University

by Zahidul Islam -
Md. Zahidul Islam

Why I came to the University
Every student has a dream. They will study at university, they will be human beings. I am one of those students who have been growing up with this dream since childhood. You have to get a job when you grow up and if you want to get a job, you have to know good education to be admitted to the university with this will power. However, it is necessary to decide in advance which department he will be admitted in, because what subject he will be good at will leave a student thinking in advance and then it is time to study about that subject. My dream was to study software engineering, and today I was able to successfully enroll in the software engineering department at Daffodil International University. Hopefully from here I will be able to become an expert software engineer after 4 years with my best efforts and be able to gift the country my success.

Previous class results:

Uttara High School and College SSC / 2018 4.39
Uttara High School and College HSC / 2020 4.58
In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Your intention to be in University

by ummya lucky -
Title : Arts Of Living

University is a place where I can study with those subjects which I need to practice for my career. I have a seriousness with my career. From Primary Education to College, we all have some dreams. If a student wants to be a psychologist, he or she studies psychology related subjects in University. After completing University stage, we can make ourselves prepared for doing something for the career & profession. I will not be able to build my career in varsity but I will strengthen the foundation of my future life by studying varsity. I will now learn at university what I did not learn in the past. The qualities that a human being needs to know, I can practice well in university.

That's why I came to the University.

Ummya Habiba Lucky (221-35-1077)
In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Your intention to be in University

by MD Waliul Islam Nohan -
An Assignment On: Why did you came University A study on Art Of Living
Submitted To: Mr. Muhammed Sajidul Islam- Senior Lecturer Department Of SWE Daffodil International University
Submitted By: MD Waliul Islam Nohan ID: 221-35-988
Sec: B
Date: 30-01-2022

Why did I come to varsity?

Hello, I am MD Waliul Islam Nohan I like to introduce myself as a self-learned, self-motivated tech-enthusiast. From a young age, I wanted to do something that would affect mankind for this I had to explore my interested field so I started learning new stuff for hard skills and taking part in co-curricular activities for soft skills. To be honest from this self-exploration journey many times I fix my goals but at last, I settled down at coding. Its been about three and half years since I started coding. In this short period of time, I have learned a lot from the micro-controller to development also worked with many teams and many projects.
So besides being a computer geek, I am a student at Daffodil International University. I have been admitted to the software engineering department as I planned for my higher studies. So as I told I am a self-learner, then why do I need to go to an institution for my higher studies, because it may help me to chase my goals indirectly it may connect me with people who living my dream life, who does my dream job, some people who are as enthusiastic as me also I can find mentor who can give me better-personalized guidance about that field and that's why I came to the varsity. And why did I choose DIU because it has a great software engineering department and awesome professors who can shape me as a better software developer also DIU is the one and only university which gives us the opportunity to take cyber security as a major. So as I can say I am a proud student of Daffodil International University and I hope this will be an amazing journey.
In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Your intention to be in University

by Munzurul Islam -
An Assignment On:   Your  intention to be in University A study on Art Of Living
Submitted To: Mr. Muhammed Sajidul Islam- Senior Lecturer Department Of SWE Daffodil International University
Submitted By : Munzurul Islam
Student id :221-35-921 (Sec-B)
Submitted date : 30 jan , 10.11 pm

My intention to be in university : 

My purpose in coming to the university is to examine myself and to develop my own humanity, to try to understand the reality, to educate myself in higher education while rolling myself.
We've been aiming for how to build our lives for a long time, but we have to fight for it.

Unscrupulous friendship, self-acquired freedom
Misappropriation is a major cause of failure in our lives.

Sir, I want to improve my life,
I want to fulfill the free dream of my parents about me, I want to build myself in a good way with it. Keep praying sir.

Take my salute.

I am finishing my speech by saying this, sir..
In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Your intention to be in University

by Dipu Ghosh -
Section B
Student name:Dipu Ghosh
Student id : 221-35-873

Assignment on: Your intention to be in university.

 The more a country can utilize its talents, the more it will reach the pinnacle of development. The university is a suitable place for those who have the dream to take themselves and the country forward.
For any student, a university is a place where a student has the opportunity to develop himself. Students get the opportunity to acquire knowledge in the company of scholars in the university. The university is the perfect place to create myself. I enrolled in university to secure my future and to present my country to the world, thinking to the Fourth Industrial Revolution.
In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Your intention to be in University

by Jafrin Alam Prima -
Name: Jafrin Alam Prima
 Id : 221-35-889 
Section : B

                               My Intention to be in University

Obviously, I need a degree, a job like everyone. But my intention for get in the
university is not only to obtain a degree but also make myself capable enough to a
certain point where I can make a difference. I have to make my life impactful. I can't
just born & die. I want to make myself productive for the world. University is the
place which will pave my ways to reach my destination.
I believe university is not only beneficial for the educational aspect but it also helps
to build networking, opportunities, and it also helps to culture myself. I got myself
admitted to a reputed university where I hope, I will have the opportunity to meet so
many new and different people who are coming from different places. Not only I
will be able to meet them but also learn about their different cultures and customs
which I think is very beneficial for me. It’s Important to become aware of different
cultures. It will prepare me to be more successful in this world because I will meet
a lot of different people throughout my life. Another amazing thing I think is great
about university is all the opportunities! There are so many different clubs, sports,
internships, job opportunities to be discovered throughout the university. University
is my time to explore! I will meet so many people with different majors and ideas
for their lives, which I can learn and build that of. The clubs and organizations of
university will help me to create social connections and enhance my networking
skills and also create amazing friendships for my whole life.
So, I think university is an amazing opportunity to build a dream life for myself
because I will have been introduced to all of these different things and career paths
that I have never heard of before. This will allow me to explore and choose the
perfect major and career path for myself so that one day I will enjoy what I am doing
with the rest of my life. Lastly, I think university is an amazing place to really figure
out who I am and what I want to do with my life. Overall it will help me to discover
my identity and contribute effectively to the society.
In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Your intention to be in University

by Mist Fabia Akter Barsha (221-35-1052) -
Daffodil International University
Assignment – 1
intention on coming to university

Submitted by:
Mist. Fabia Akter Barsha
Student ID: 221-35-1052

Submitted to:
Mr.Muhammad Sajidul Islam
Senior Lecture, Department of General Educational Development, DIU.

In my opinion University is about more than education. University experience gives us the knowledge, skills, confidence and experience to help us make my world better.whether You’re a school level or mature students,University opens up a host of new opportunities and let us take control of future.
I think University will give me :
• A higher education qualification
• Better carrier prospects
• Valuable employability skills
• Personal development time
• A world of opportunity
• Work experience with honorable Teachers
• Flexible learning options
• Better experience in co-curricular activities

University will help me as a student to build their self-confidence and independence. And most importantly I have plenty of opportunities to make new friends from different district and different countries and backgrounds. Living independently can also nurture an increased level of responsibility. In my case I am studying Software Engineering because I love this and my University level gives me the wings to choose my subject. In Unversity there are always dozens of extracurricular opportunities to get involved with at University, which will boost both enjoyment and employability throughout the higher education experience.
Finally University is a place where I can find my freedom, my passion full activities, my loving friends and my respected teachers.
In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Your intention to be in University

by Arpita Arpi -
Assignment topic: Why I come to University?
Course title : Art of living

We come to the university to make my beautiful life. Here we can learn a lot. All the teachers here would want us to all go to a stage. When we come to university, we got a lot of friends.

At one time it was seen that we were Very busy. Many have come here to read from many places. At first it is a difficult to get long with everyone, gets together. But university is a place where the goal of our life beings. From this place everyone goes to a stage and stands. But we have to keep our goal right. At this stage parents have brought a lot of labor. If we can do something good from here then the face of parents will be bright. If you want to make life better, you have to study well in university.

Because parents are putting a lot of Labor behind us. One day parents will be proud of this child. So we should make our own life in the university. If we can do something good than a few more people around us can learn something. While

studying in university, many good and bad thing will come, but we have to focus on the good.

Submitted by: Arpita Rani Ball
Department of SWE
Section: G
ID: 221-35-1006
Course: Art of living
Submitted to: Muhammad Sajidul Islam
Submission Date: 30th January 2022
In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Your intention to be in University

by Jannatul Ferdousi Lipa -
Name:Jannatul Ferdousi Lipa
Student ID:221-35-1074
Section :G
Department :SWE


University life is the most beautiful period in every student's life.A University life is full of opportunities. Students can enhance their knowledge and skills in this platform. A University is not just the place of pursuing our bachelor and master degree. It’s a place of embrace the new things and explore the world. When we enroll in a University, we start to learn how to think of our own way,how to manage ourselves, our family and also our society. We start to think out of the box.A University student learn how to communicate all classes of people globally.
My intention in University is to learn all of those things which will help me to be a good person. I want to pursue my bachelor and Master’s degree and enhance my knowledge. As a student i believe,a university is the place where i can achieve my future goal.I'll be able to learn how to live and lead my life independently,how to nurture ethics and integrity so that i can become the person whom i want to be cause University life teaches us the real meaning of our life and i hope i'll be able to find out the meaning of my life.
In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Your intention to be in University

by Mashruba Sultana Zerin (221-35-885) -
An Assignment On: Your Intention to be in University a Study on Art Of Living
Submitted To: Mr. Muhammed Sajidul Islam- Senior Lecturer Department Of SWE Daffodil International University

Submitted By: Mashruba Sultana Zerin
Student ID: 221-35-885
Sec: B
Date: 29-01-2022

"My Intention to be in University"

University is a place, where people can swim in the Ocean of knowledge. A University gives Students the oppurtunity to gain an in - depth knowledge of their chosen subject and developes Skills.
My intentions to be in University are - building the foundation of my career, learning new things, acquiring knowledge & getting a degree.
To build a career higher study is important & Also a degree. But developing communication Skills, Self - confidence, presentation and problem - solving skills are subsequently important to build a career, which Univensities provide.
University offers much more than just a career path and degree.
In future, want to be a succesful software engineer & the best version of myself. So I need to learn and gather skills to survive in this competitive world & get a job with good salary. Universities help us to gather skills in our chosen subjects.They develop the essential skills I’ll need in my career and working life.
In University we'll meet new people. Having a good connection with Faculty members,Alumni & seniors is a Part of networking, Which is really important for our future.
It's not just all about learning. There are dozens of extra curricular opportunities to get involved with at University, which will boost both enjoyment and employability throughout the higher education experience in my life.Also I'll have plenty of opportunities to make new friends from different places at University. Which is really exciting.
Also Teachers of University are so friendly. They show us right path for our career. University is a Place Where i can expand my knowledge, make new friends, meet new people and enjoy new experiences. “An investment in knowledge pays the best interest” – Benjamin Franklin. That's why I got admitted to the University.
In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Your intention to be in University

by Farah Ulfat Athoi -
Submitted By: Farah Ulfat Athoi 
ID: 221-35-1040
Sec: B
Date: 31-01-2022

Assalamualaikum.I'm Farah Ulfat Athoi. There are many reasons for coming to the university.The main reason is to take higher education and acquire knowledge.When I take higher education I will be qualified for job.A good job is important for our career.I also want to learn many thing such as-good behaviour,manners etc here.In university there are many students of different culture.I can be familiar to their cultures.If I will be well educated I can be a great human being.I can understand what is humanity.The most important reason to come here is to fulfill my dream.Actually I want to do research work.It is possible when I will complete my undergraduate programme efficiently.I have heard that varsity life is very enjoyable and teachers are very friendly.This made me interested to come here.Actually these are the reasons for coming to the university.
In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Your intention to be in University

by Nishat Anjum Purna(221-35-827) -
Nishat Anjum Purna
Student id- 221-35-827
Section :-B
Dept.of Software engineering Date:-30january,2022
Assignment no:-01
Topic:-Your intention to be in University

◾The more a country is able to utilize its talents,the more it is reaching the pinnacle of
The university is the perfect place to give something to the country and develop oneself.
Universities have a wealth of specialised knowledge, business, trade and science. Its taught us
by theoretical and practical lessons. This vast amount of knowledge is open to all..
Anyone can go to the university with a subject of their interest and develop themselves well in
that subject through theoretical and practical education.
Universities help students to develop their creativity. In addition to making the student creative,
the association of scholars encourage him to acquire knowledge and he finds a field to make a
growth of their knowledge. There is a favourable environment for students to develop all the
Also, The university teaches students to be independent, to stand on their own two feet. The
university also teaches them how to prepare themselves for the ups and down of life.
Actually, one can prepare oneself for the race of life by the help of university..
My intention is to develop myself,my knowledge, to know how to face the ups and down and
to develop myself in SWE subject by the help of practical
and theoretical lessons.For this, I came to the university..
In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Your intention to be in University

by Md.Mahmudur Rahman 221-35-948 -
Name : Md.Mahmudur Rahman
Student Id : 221-35-948
Section B
Department of Software Engineering
Assingment on-"My intention to be in university. "

The reason of my will to study in a university might not be described in a few little sentences.
It all began when i was in college. There is a subject called Information and Communication Technology. I never got bored studying this subject at all. The reason is, everything I was learning from the subject was greatly related to our modern technology and its contribution to our daily life. Alhamdulillah the more I was learning from the book the more I was willing to learn and it helped me chose my aim in life. And it was to become a software engineer in future. And my desire to become a software engineer motivated me to study in university on Software Engineering. In sha allah, I will try my best to become a software engineer in future.
In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Your intention to be in University

by Rokib Hasan -
An Assignment On: Why did you came to University? A study on Art Of Living
Submitted To: Mr. Muhammed Sajidul Islam- Senior Lecturer Department Of SWE Daffodil International University
Submitted By:Rokib Hasan Student id: 221-35-923
Sec: B
Date: 31-01-2022                    Why did I came to University?                    I came to University to fulfill my dream.I came to University to improve my unprofessional life.To develop my skills.To make myself confident and responsible. To get freedom in my life.I came to University with pleasure to study the subject of my choice.I came to University to gain experience in extracurricular activities. I came to University to establish a lifelong relationships with friends. I came to University to get a bachelor degree.Above all,I came to University to achieve success in life.
In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Your intention to be in University

by Nusrat Farzana Choudhury (221-35-990) -

Submitted to: Mr. Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Submitted by: Nusrat Farzana Choudhury

ID: 221-35-990

Section- B (SWE)

My intention to be in university:

'University is a place of learning where persons with skills, strong moral values are built up by some inspiring minds.' - this is the most significant reason why I have come to university.

Other potential intentions are given below-

  • To Achieve My Career goals:

    • After 4 years from now, I wanna see myself as a software engineer. University has offered me the subject which I wanted to study.

    • Definitely a graduation degree along with skills will have a great impact on my career prospects.

    • University helps one to build up employable skills like organizing, time management, problem solving, working as a part of a team, getting fit into a system, communication through talking & writing.

  • For Developing Soft Skills:

    • University is a great place to be introduced with people from different places, races & cultures. Different minds can be observed closely which helps to increase moral values like tolerance, being respectful to others' opinions & cultures.

    • Trying new things and ideas builds self-confidence.

    • University helps one to be engaged in self-learning as there is no concise syllabus like school or college. It teaches how to learn.

    • University teaches one to be responsible & independent.

    • Engaging in different extracurricular activities through various clubs of university, helps a student to build soft skills & provides a lot of sweet memories to be remembered throughout the life.

    • 'Help others & get helped' - probably the most important rule of varsity life. Without help from batchmates/ seniors/ juniors, varsity life would be a lot tougher. Varsity life offers one to build up a helping mentality & to be grateful to others.

    • University provides the opportunity for making lifelong connections with some beautiful minded people, it may be with teachers/ seniors/ classmates/ juniors.

    • The faculties of most of the universities are highly educated, humble & have strong moral values & charming personalities. This fact consciously/ subconsciously inspires students to be someone great like them in future.

In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Your intention to be in University

by Asif Khan -
An Assignment On: Your intention to be in University A study on Art Of Living
Submitted To: Mr. Muhammed Sajidul Islam- Senior Lecturer Department Of SWE Daffodil International University
Submitted By : MD. Asif Khan
Student id :221-35-1036 (Sec-B)

My intention to be in university :

University can help students to build their self-confidence and independence. Students will have plenty of opportunities to make new friends from different countries and backgrounds. Living independently can also nurture an increased level of responsibility.
A university qualification makes me more attractive in the eyes of future employers and increases my earning potential. It shows that i have the ability and self-motivation to learn at a higher level, and the dedication to see my course through to the end.
In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Your intention to be in University

by Tabassum Anwar 969 -
I think university can offer so much more than just a career path at the end.
A person can build self-confidence and be independent while graduating from an university. living independently can also help a person to build his personality.

However I always wanted to be an university student. I wanted to study something I enjoy. So now I'm studying in Software Engineering department at Daffodil International University. After my graduation I'll become an expert in software engineering field. It'll also give me a great career of my dream. For me,graduating and finally getting my degree certificate will be one of the best days of my life.I'm looking forward for the day aready!

I want to develop new skills during my time at university as much as I can.The skills would basically based on our everyday professional work life,social and also personal life.

Besides that I also want to gain new experiences by joining different clubs which are usually run by the student union of the university. By that I can also meet new people and make new friends as friends are very important in our life. So when a person living and studying together with fellow students, it's not unusual to make lifelong friends at university.

Finally! the main intention is getting a job. I think getting paid by my dream company is my type of success in life.

I strongly believe that everyone should attend university. the purpose of university is to harvest knowledge and being educated. So it is obvious that everyone can find a reason for attending university.
In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Your intention to be in University

by Kawsar 987 -
Submitted to: Mr. Muhammad Sajidul Islam
Submitted by: Md. Kawsar Uddin
ID: 221-35-987
Dep. of Software Engineering.

Let's start with my introduction. I'm Md. Kawsar Uddin. I have completed my secondary school certificate from Monipur High School & College in 2018. I have completed my higher secondary certificate from Bir Shreshtha Munshi Abdur Rouf Public College in 2020. In present I'm a student of Daffodil International University in Software Engineering department.
For me University is not a place for only learn .University is a place where we can find every kind of facilities to get higher education. In University we find many friends from different areas . We can understand many mentalities. We can grow our character traits by experienced new thing.
Like other students, I also wanted to complete my higher education from a good University. I want to learn from everything I will experience in my University career. I want to make friends. Want to join in clubs.
As a student of Software Engineering Department, I want be a expert Software Engineer. Be a Software Engineer is my childhood dream. I want to join a best software farm after complete my graduation. I want to expend my skills during my university time.
In the end, I think every student should join university to learn higher things and morality. University teach us independence, self-confidence, responsibility.
In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Your intention to be in University

by Md Asaduzzaman -
বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ে কেন এসেছি?

বিসমিল্লাহির রাহমানির রাহিম। আমি মোঃ আছাদুজ্জামান। আমার স্বপ্ন ছিলো একজন সৎ ডাক্তার হিসেবে নিজেকে প্রতিষ্ঠিত করা কিন্তু সৃষ্টিকর্তার ইচ্ছাতে হয়তো সে স্বপ্ন আর পূরণ করা হবে না। তাই ঠাই হয়েছে ড্যাফ্ফোডিল ইন্টারন্যাশনাল ইউনিভার্সিটিতে নতুন স্বপ্ন বুনতে এবং সুযোগ পেয়েছি নিজেকে অন্যভাবে তুলে ধরতে।

সততার সহিত খুব ছোট করে দুটি কারন বলতে চাই যে, কেন আমি বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ে এসেছি।

প্রথমত, বাইরের জীবনকে উপলব্ধি করতে, নতুন নতুন মানুষের সাথে পরিচিতি লাভ করতে, এবং নতুন পরিবেশের সাথে নিজেকে মানিয়ে নেওয়ার অভিজ্ঞতা বাড়াতে।

দ্বিতীয়ত, আমরা এত পড়াশোনা করছি শুধুমাএ শেখার জন্য নয়। তাই বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ে শুধু শিখতেই আসিনি, এসেছি নিজের ক্যারিয়ারকে সুন্দর করতে এবং নিজের মানসিকতাকে আরও সুন্দর করতে। এবং যেন সঠিক সময়ের মধ্যে গ্রাজুয়েশন শেষ করে পরিবারের হাল ধরতে পারি এবং বাবা মায়ের ছোট ছোট স্বপ্ন গুলো পূরন করতে পারি।

আল্লাহ হাফেজ।

নামঃ- মোঃ আছাদুজ্জামান

আইডিঃ- ২২১-৩৫-৮৫৮

সফটওয়্যার ইন্জিনিয়ারিং / ব্যাচ ৩৭
In reply to Md Asaduzzaman

Re: Your intention to be in University

by Iffat Ara Nowshin -
বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ে কেনো এসেছি?

বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ে মূলত আমরা উচ্চশিক্ষার উদ্দেশ্যে এসে থাকি। তবে এই শিক্ষার উদ্দেশ্য বিভিন্ন মানুষ এর বিভিন্ন হয়ে থাকে।
আমার আইটি সেক্টর এর দিকে ছোট থেকেই খুব আগ্রহ কাজ করতো, সেখান থেকেই সফটওয়্যার ইঞ্জিনিয়ারিং সাবজেক্ট টি বেছে নেয়া। ড্যাফোডিল ইউনিভা্সিটি তে স্নাতক ডিগ্রি নেয়ার সিদ্ধান্ত আমার বাবার ছিল কারণ এটি মানসম্মত শিক্ষা প্রদান করে এবং মেধাবী শিক্ষার্থী দের বিভিন্ন সুযোগ দিয়ে তাদের মেধার বিকাশ ঘটাতে সাহায্য করে।
তবে এসব ছাড়াও আমার নিজের ব্যক্তিগত উদ্দেশ্য হলো, আমার মা বাবা কে তাদের ত্যাগ এবং পরিশ্রমের প্রতিদান দেয়া, তারা যেনো গর্ব বোধ করতে পারে তাদের সন্তানের উপর। ইনশাল্লাহ একদিন এই স্বপ্ন সত্যি করবো এবং এই স্বপ্ন বাস্তবায়নের একটি ধাপ হলো বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ে আসা।

ইফ্ফাত আর নওশিন
ডিপার্টমেন্ট অফ সটওয়্যার ইঞ্জিনিয়ারিং
In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Your intention to be in University

by Nure Jannat -
স্টুডেন্ট আইডি নং: ২২১-৩৫-৮১২
সফটওয়্যার ইঞ্জিনিয়ারিং ডিপার্টমেন্ট
ব্যাচ নং:৩৭
এসাইনমেন্ট: বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ে কেনো

আসসালামুয়ালাইকুম, সকল প্রশংসা আল্লাহর যিনি আমাকে সৃষ্টি করেছেন এবং তাঁর অসংখ্য নি'য়ামতের মধ্য থেকে একটি নি'য়ামতের কিছু অংশ লিখার তৌফিক দান করেছেন।
বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ে কেনো এসেছি? আমার বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ে আসার প্রধান কারণই হলো জ্ঞান অর্জন করা। শিক্ষাটাকে আরও গভীরভাবে জানা,বোঝা,উপলদ্ধি করা এবং বাস্তব জীবনে সেই শিক্ষাকে সঠিকভাবে প্রয়োগ করা। আমি একজন নারী। নারীদের জন্য উচ্চস্তরের শিক্ষা গ্ৰহণ অনেক বেশি জরুরী।কারণ একজন সুশিক্ষিত নারীই পারে একটি সুশিক্ষিত জাতি গঠন করতে।উচ্চস্তরের জ্ঞান অর্জনের মাধ্যমে একজন সুশিক্ষিত মা হতে চাই,যে তার সন্তান এবং পরিবারকে সঠিক এবং বাস্তবিক শিক্ষা দিতে পারে। আমার মতো যারা পর্দানশীল নারী আছেন তাদের মাঝে যেনো নিজের অর্জিত জ্ঞানের সবটুকু বিলিয়ে দিতে পারি,যেনো তাদের পর্দা লঙ্ঘন করে জ্ঞান অর্জন করতে না হয়। এমনকি কণ্ঠের পর্দারও হিফাজত হয়। বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় হলো জ্ঞানের ভান্ডার। আল্লাহ তা'লা যেন এই ভাণ্ডার থেকে সঠিক এবং উপকারী জ্ঞান অর্জন করার এবং সঠিক পথ প্রদর্শনের মাধ্যমে ব্যক্ত প্রত্যাশাগুলো পূরণ করেন। এতোটুকুই কামনা।
In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Your intention to be in University

by Masuk A Alahi -
Mashuk A Alahi 221-35-989 SEC:B
My Intention To Be In University:
In ancient times people were measured by their wealth or family status and they contributed to society accordingly. Although nowadays this practice isn’t totally foregone but now people equally puts emphasis on a persons educational achievements. And the world around us is developing so fast we all need to update our skills everyday. And the first step of being a valued member of our society is being educated. And the highest level of education can only be achieved in a University. In University we take all the knowledge We've gathered all our life and apply them to something useful that benefits everyone. Only in University can our educational achievements can be properly measured and valued so that we can make proper carrier in our life. And by doing so we contribute to our society to further its improvement. That is why i came to Daffodil international University, so that i can be a valued and important member of my community.
In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Your intention to be in University

by Shahriar Arefin -
Why Did I get admitted to a university?

A university is an institution that provides facilities for higher learning and has the authorization to grant
higher academic degrees that we call Bachelor degrees. In university, I get to choose a particular subject
to acquire knowledge on a higher basis. University is not just about learning and all about getting
degrees, it has much more to offer in our future or daily life. We get to choose a particular career while
getting admission to a university. We meet new people and create opportunities for us. To study in a
university we need to adapt to a new place and the people around us. With this one, we gather
experience about new things.

For me getting myself admitted to a university is to apply myself to new challenges. And for the
challenge, I had chosen Software Engineering as my career. Before choosing this subject I thought for
many days will that be okay, or will I face any issues If I can not become successful and these things.

I always admire new people around me and my classmates are persons that I need to experience what
they think and what they want to do in the future. I want to acquire knowledge as much as I can while
studying at this university. I want to make myself independent. Gathering knowledge and acquiring skills
is one of the most obvious reasons for me to get myself admitted to a university.

To make a good person out of me I have chosen to study at a university. To make myself smart and
create upcoming opportunities good for me I want to make myself able to do something great.
In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Your intention to be in University

by Tuhin sheikh -

ID: 221-35-1017
=>Some reasons to go to university,
Sometimes you just need a fresh start in life. You need to put away your old
habits and your old self, and become the person you were meant to be. I
met many of my best friends while I was at univesity. These people have
shaped my life tremendously and have helped me grow as a person. It is
true that many degrees do not prepare you for the real world in terms of
what you learn. However, a versity education is an opportunity to learn what
you love. Take the time to enjoy learning what you are truly passionate
about. Along with gaining financial responsibility, there is the need for kids
to mature in their decision-making. While parents may worry over their
child’s new-found freedom, teens are generally pretty excited about it.Many
people cames university improve their skills improve their ability .They walk
in right way to shine their life to make him proud to their perents
In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Your intention to be in University

by Abid Hossen Saad -
Name: Abid Hossen Saad
ID: 221-35-1086
In this modern world knowledge is becoming the most important thing. Universitys transform students life through education. University is a place where we not only go for academic studies, a University helps us with many things.
Generally in school college we study in our native places with native people but in university we can get to know all kinds people and different types of mentality, which is a big thing living a life, how we can communicate with others, how to respect others. We can get ideas how to set a career and many others things.
In University we can build knowledge in a specific sector which helps us to reach our goals. Whereas i have curiosity in software and it related things, so i choose software engineering. Without a university i won't fulfill my goal, University gives us a proper guidelines.
University graduates gain professional qualification which is recognised and respected by all world the world.
In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Your intention to be in University

by Asfia Haquue Arpi -
Name: Asfia Haque Arpi
Id: 221-35-972
I'm the first child of my parents. So they have dreams from which I want to full fill. They want to see me on a position with success.
Even though I also want to build up a career where I can treat my parents as like they are treating me since my childhood. Also I want to work for myself. I want to live independently where I don't have to depend on somebody else. For this kind of reason I should have a graduation degree for a better future. For this kind of reason I'm studying in a university
In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

My intention to be in University

by Ebnul Hasan Efte -

We are in the competative world now. From the beginning ofe ducation to job sector, we have to compete others to gain our position in a particular place. To survive in this world, we have to get our best selves out. University is a place, where people can swim in the ocean of knowledge. University is no longer a fresh word to the people nowadays. First of all, students can only learn fundamental knowledge during high school while they are able to focus on their own interest in the university. This period is the key to knowledge accumulation. Which will contribute a lot to the future of an individual. Moreover university is no doubt the symbol of high education. It’s offer more then pure knowledge. It can be seen from the fact that most of the international companies will only hire those who at least have a bachelor’s degree in study. University helps us to get that degree for our desire jobs. Finally I cannot oversee the fact that many times studying at a university also means living in a city far from home . New responsibilities always appear but they do not become serious drawbacks . In contrast, the new sense of freedom and independence a young man can experience or things he will through of as something of great importance. One thing is for sure though, there is a chance for everyone in the community of a university to meet people , make new friends and know individuals of great importance. Last but not least I wish to say that the purpose of university is to harvest knowledge and to being educated . So it is obvious that everyone can find a reason for attending university and so i am

In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Your intention to be in University

by Tanvir Shawon(212-15-4162) -

নামঃমোঃ তানভীর শাওন




বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ে কেন এসেছি?🤔

In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Your intention to be in University

by Md. Abdullah Al Mahmud -

Course:- Art of living (AOL 101)

Md. Abdullah Al Mahmud (221-35-913)

>Assignment on my intention of coming to Univercity.

   As my goal, I wish to impart the right education refined qualities among young minds. A dream is a kind of plan or goal whice we want to achieve in the future and it is the vision of our life. So I wish that a university can give me all of those opportunity.

   Different people find happiness in different things. So they choose different aim in their life. I want to be a software engineer. Because I satisfied with IT sector. After finishing my HSC I started looking for a good university to study Software Engineering and I found out about Daffodil International University. I have learned that this university is very good for software engineering.  I come here to receive higher education. To be a good quality software engineering and to become a good person. 

    My main goal is to fulfill my purpose and become a good person.

In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Your intention to be in University

by Arif Khan -
My Intentions to be in University

Today, we live in a world, where there is competition everywhere. From school, college to job sector, we have to compete others to gain our position in a particular place. To survive in this world, we have to get our best selves out.
University is a place, where people can swim in the ocean of knowledge. A university gives students the opportunity to gain an in-depth knowledge of their chosen Subject and develop skills. My intentions to be in university are building the foundation of my career, learning new things and acquiring knowledge.
To build a career higher study is important. But developing soft skills like communication skills, self-confidence, presentation and problem-solving skills are equally important, which universities provide. In future, I want to be successful, be the best version of myself and lead a life up to my expectations. So I need to learn and gather skills to survive in this competitive world. University prepares us for the competitive world and helps us to get jobs which gradually helps us to earn money. Earning money is a very crucial part of our life, without money we can’t survive.
It's not just all about learning. There are dozens of extracurricular opportunities to get involved with at university, which will boost both enjoyment and employability throughout the higher education experience in my life. That's why I got admitted to the University.

Software Engineering
In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Your intention to be in University

by Ashraful Alam -

My Intentions to be in University

University is a place, where people can swim in the ocean of knowledge. A University gives students the opportunity to gain an in-depth knowledge of their chosen Subject and develop skills. My intentions to be in University one the foundation of my career, learning building foundation of things and acquiring knowledge. To build a career higher study is important. But developing communication skills, self-confidence, presentation and problem-solving skills are subsequently important to build a career, which Universities provide. University offers much more than just a career path and degree. In future, I want to be a successful software engineer and the best version of myself. So I need to learn and gather skills to survive in this competitive world. It's not just all about learning. There are dozens of extracurricular opportunities to get involved with at University, which will boost both enjoyment and employability throughout the higher education experience in my life. That's why I got admitted to the University.

MD. Ashraful Alam

Student ID: 221-35-833

Section- C

In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Your intention to be in University

by Sadid Sabbir -

Today, we live in a world, where there is competition everywhere. From school, colleges to job sectors, we have to compete others to gain our position in a particular place. To survive in this world, we have to get our best selves out. Since childhood, we are taught that barely surviving isn’t enough for us. Surviving isn’t the only motive of humans. We have to cope up with the evolving world. To do so, we are sent to schools and colleges where we are taught how to read and write, we are taught how to acquire knowledge. Acquiring knowledge is something that prepares us for the world. In schools and colleges, we are taught the primary aspects of education. But education isn’t just confined to a single subject or a particular part of it. Education is as vast as an ocean. And to get access to it, getting admitted into a university is a must. A university is an institute of higher education and research which awards academic degrees in several academic disciplines. University typically offer both undergraduate and postgraduate programs in different faculties of learning. University basically prepares us for the competitive world and also helps us get jobs which gradually helps us earn money. Earning money is a very crucial part of our life, without money we can’t survive. So, I can say I joined university to acquire knowledge, implement the higher education in my life and lead a life up to my expectations.
Department Of Software Engineering
In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Your intention to be in University

by Emon Khan -
[Software Engineering]

Batch 37
Section C
Student name: Md. Emon Khan
Student id : 221-35-830


University is no longer a fresh word to the people nowadays . First of all , students can only learn fundamental knowledge during high school while they are able to focus on their own interest in the university . This period is the key to knowledge accumulation. Which will contribute a lot to the future of an individual . Moreover university is no doubt the symbol of high education . It’s offer more then pure knowledge . It can be seen from the fact that most of the international companies will only hire those who at least have a bachelor’s degree in study . University helps us to get that degree for our desire jobs.
Finally I cannot oversee the fact that many times studying at a university also means living in a city far from home . New responsibilities always appear but they do not become serious drawbacks . In contrast , the new sense of freedom and independence a young man can experience or things he will through of as something of great importance .
One thing is for sure though, there is a chance for everyone in the community of a university to meet people , make new friends and know individuals of great importance .
Last but not least I wish to say that the purpose of university is ti harvest knowledge and to being educated . So it is obvious that everyone can find a reason for attending university .
In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Your intention to be in University

by Fahmid Khalid -

University is about more than an education. university experience gives me the knowledge, skills, confidence and experience to help me make my world better., university opens up a host of new opportunities and lets me take control of my future.
A university qualification makes me more attractive in the eyes of future employers and increases my earning potential.It shows that i have the ability and self-motivation to learn at a higher level, and the dedication to see my course through to the end.
If i know what you want to do after graduating, a vocational degree can significantly improve my job prospects at the same time as giving my professional skills and knowledge relevant to my future a higher level, and the dedication to see my course through to the end.
University lets me develop as an individual. It gives me the time and opportunity to develop new interests, learn new skills and meet new people. Especially if i first time away from home, it’ll become more independent and self-reliant.
University doesn’t necessarily involve several years of full-time study in one place. Flexible study options let me choose how and when i learn. These include part-time study, distance and online learning, work-based learning and study abroad options

Fahmid Khalid Shanto
In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Your intention to be in University

by Shah Nawaz(221-35-874) -

SHAH NAWAZ(221-35-874)


My Intentions to be in University:-SHAH NAWAZ(221-35-874)


University is a place, where people can swim in the Ocean of knowledge. A University gives students the oppurtunity to gain an in-depth knowledge of their chosen Subject and developes Skills. My intentions to be in University one the foundation of my career, learning building foundation of things and acquiring knowledge


To build a career higher study is important. But developing communication skills, self-confidence, presentation and problem-solving skills are subsequently important to build a career, which Universities provide. University offers much more than just a career path and degree. In future, I want to be a succesful software engineen.


and the best version of myself. So I need to learn and gather skills to survive in this competitive world It's not just all about learning. There are dozens of extracurricular opportunities to get involved with at University, which will boost both enjoyment and employability throughout the higher education experience in my life. That's why I got admitted to the University.

In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Your intention to be in University

by Busra Islam -
My first intention to come to the university is to explore and enrich my skill, gather and know new things, because without the knowledge or knowing anything can't give me what I want.
Lastly, for continuing my higher study abroad, also get a successful career for establishing myself, I need a degree as well as great skills. Because workplaces recognize a standard of learning based on a degree, It can be easier to get a job when one has a university degree because university graduates tend to make more money than those without qualifications
Higher salaries can lead to a better quality of life and more ease at affording the life one wants.
Further, I have some other explanations, such as I believe that Universities are collections of some of the brightest scholars. Being around other incredible mentalities can spark new ideas and encourage interest in new areas.
Students come from many backgrounds come together. For some students, especially students from small towns, like me, going to a higher institution of learning such as a university may provide them with the first opportunity that they’ve had to meet people from another culture. Learning about other people is a valuable part of life experience. I'm also the kind of person who loves to meet new friends as well as many people. And I also have so many friends though I never meet them in person as the pandemic situation.
And we all know that University research benefits everyone – creating businesses and jobs, enriching society, and stimulating culture.
Even though I have been reluctant many times to follow this combination of my study course about computer science and engineering, as it is regarded as having the largest workload, also some personal issues But I'll keep pushing myself to learn and I believe that I will make it possible with my passion, commitment, and hard work in my field.
Name: Busra Islam
ID :221-35-928
Semester : spring -2022
Department of Software Engineering
Daffodil International University.
In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Your intention to be in University

by Tarikur rahman -
Assignment AOL (101)
Name: Tarikur Rahman
My Intention to be in university
University is place, where people can swim in the ocean of knowledge. Different people find happiness in different things. So they choice different aim in there life. I want to be a software engineer. After finishing my HSC exam I started looking for a good university to study software engineering and I found out about Daffodil International University. My intention to be in university are building the foundation of my career learning new thing and acquiring knowledge. To build a career higher study is important. But developing communication skills, self-confidence, presentation and problem-solving skills are important to build a career, which university provide. I have learned that this university is very good for software engineering. I come here to receive higher education. To be a good quality software engineer and to become a good person. My main goal is to fulfill my purpose and become a good person.
In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Your intention to be in University

by MD Abu Sayed -
In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Your intention to be in University

by Shrabanti Dash -
An assignment on: My intention of coming to university .
Submitted to : Mr. Muhammad Sajidul Islam- Senior lecturer department of SWE Daffodil International University
Submitted by :Shrabanti Dash Kana Id : 221-35-853
Sec : C
Date :4-02-2022
My intention of coming to university .

Different people find happiness in different things. So they choose different aim in there life. I want to be a software engineer. After finishing my HSC I started looking for a good university to study Software Engineering and I found out about Daffodil International University. I have learned that this university is very good for Software Engineering.I come here to receive higher education. To be a good quality Software Engineer and to become a good person .My main goal is to fulfill my purpose and become a good person. I want to work for my country.I want to make my country developed and modern.
In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Your intention to be in University

by Refatun Nahar Reya -
An Assignment On: Your intention to be in University A study on Art Of Living
Submitted To: Mr. Muhammed Sajidul Islam- Senior Lecturer Department Of SWE Daffodil International University
Submitted By : Refatun Nahar Reya
Student id :221-35-884 (Sec-C)
Submitted date : 2february 2022.

The big question that all teens ask each other as they go through high school. Growing up, we are told to set our goals completely on university so that we can become “successful” or get a good paying career. While many may argue that university is simply a waste of money and time, I believe the opposite. Of course, university is very expensive and time-consuming but in the long run, it’s worth it. Many individuals don’t realize the education taught by universities is a big necessity and beneficial towards their own future. Achieving a university education will most definitely benefit your future and career, help you develop a variety of skills and build a personal reputation.

University can help students to build their self-confidence and independence. Students will have plenty of opportunities to make new friends from different countries and backgrounds. Living independently can also nurture an increased level of responsibility.
In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Your intention to be in University

by Sanzinan Afrose -
Assignment AOL (101)
Name: Sanzinan Afrose
ID: 221-35-927
My Intention to be in university
University is a place of knowledge exchange between teachers & students. This knowledge helps us enhance personal growth & career growth. Different people find happiness in other things. So they choose different aims in their life. Due to the lockdown in Covid-19, I had a lot of time to find my interest. Then I found out that I want to be a software engineer & curious about cyber security. Then I started looking for an excellent university to study software engineering, and I found out about Daffodil International University. My intention to be in university is to build the foundation of my career, learn new things and acquire knowledge. To get a job higher study is essential, but developing communication skills, self-confidence, presentation, and problem-solving skills are necessary to build a career, which university provides. After much hardship and strong desire, I was admitted to Daffodil International University. I want to represent my university in the country and the world. I will work hard for this & I will be passionate about my work. We have to work as a team to represent Daffodil International University globally. My main goal is to fulfill my purpose and become a good person.
In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Your intention to be in University

by Md Bappi Lslam -
In this modern world knowledge is becoming the most important thing. Universitys transform students life through education. University is a place where we not only go for academic studies, a University helps us with many things.
Generally in school college we study in our native places with native people but in university we can get to know all kinds people and different types of mentality, which is a big thing living a life, how we can communicate with others, how to respect others. We can get ideas how to set a career and many others things.
In University we can build knowledge in a specific sector which helps us to reach our goals. Whereas i have curiosity in software and it related things, so i choose software engineering. Without a university i won't fulfill my goal, University gives us a proper guidelines.
University graduates gain professional qualification which is recognised and respected by all world the world.

MD. Bappi ali

Student ID: 221-35-855

Section- C
In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Your intention to be in University

by S S M Susmit -
Name:S.S.M. Susmit

My Intention to be in university:

University is a place of knowledge exchange between teachers & students. This knowledge helps us enhance personal growth & career growth. Different people find happiness in other things. So they choose different aims in their life. Due to the lockdown in Covid-19, I had a lot of time to find my interest. Then I found out that I want to be a computer engineer & curious about programming. Then I started looking for an excellent university to study computer engineering and I found out about Daffodil International University. My intention to be in university is to build the foundation of my career, learn new things and acquire knowledge. To get a job higher study is essential, but developing communication skills, self-confidence, presentation, and problem-solving skills are necessary to build a career which university provides. After much hardship and strong desire, I was admitted to Daffodil International University. I want to represent my university in the country and the skill. I will work hard for this and I will be passionate about my work. We have to work as a team to represent Daffodil International University globally. My main goal is to fulfill my purpose and become a good person.
In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Your intention to be in University

by sanjida khanom 212-15-4158 -
নাম: সানজিদা খানম আইডিঃ ২১২-১৫-৪১৫৮ সেকশনঃপিসি-বি ডিপার্টমেন্ট:সিএসই

শিক্ষায় দর্শন, দর্শনের শিক্ষা অনুষ্ঠানের ১০ পর্বের ভিডিওটি দেখে যা বুঝতে পারলামঃ

শিক্ষায় দর্শন, দর্শনের শিক্ষা অনুষ্ঠানের সঞ্চালক হিসেবে ছিলেন আমাদের সকলের প্রিয় শ্রদ্ধেয় রাজু স্যার। অনুষ্ঠানের অতিথি হিসেবে ছিলো বিশিষ্ট শিক্ষক, কলামিস্ট ও লেখক জনাব সলিমুল্লাহ খান। স্যার আমাদের শিক্ষার সীমাবদ্ধতা সম্পর্কে আলোচনা করেছেন। স্যার মূলত ভাষা ও দর্শন নিয়ে আলোচনা করেছেন।স্যার দর্শনের একটি সুন্দর সহজ সংজ্ঞা দিয়েছেন। শিক্ষা ব্যাবস্থা নিয়ে কথা প্রসঙ্গে স্যার আমাদের দেশের শিক্ষা ব্যবস্থায় ইংরেজি শিক্ষাকে প্রাধান্য দেওয়া কথা তুলে ধরছেন । তবে আমরা ছোট বেলা থেকে ইংরেজি শিক্ষা গ্রহণের পরও আসলেও অধিকাংশ ছাত্র ই সঠিক ভাবে ইংরেজি বলতে পারে না। অতপর উচ্চতর শিক্ষা ইংরেজি নির্ভর হওয়ায় অধিকাংশ শিক্ষার্থী নিরুউৎসাহী হয়ে যাচ্ছে।মূলত যে শিক্ষায় আনন্দ নেই এবং জোর করে পড়ানো হয় তা শত পড়লেও সঠিক ভাবে আয়ত্বে আনা যায় না তা সলিমুল্লাহ স্যারে কথায় স্পষ্ট। স্যার অনুষ্ঠানের এক পর্যায়ে জাপানের উদাহরণ দিয়েছে। জাপানে সরকারি-বেসরকারি সকল কিছু তাদের নিজেদের ভাষায় করা হয় যার ফলে তারা আজ এতো উন্নতি করতে পেরেছে। যে শিক্ষায় আনন্দ পাওয়া যায় তার ফলাফল সবসময় ফলপ্রসূ হয়। তাছাড়া স্যার সত্য কথা বলার সৎ সাহস যে আমাদের শিক্ষকদের কিংবা বড় কিংবদন্তিদের ও নেই তা নিয়ে ও আলোচনা করেছেন। স্যার বলেছেন শিক্ষকদের ও শিক্ষার প্রয়োজন।। তিনি নোবেল বিজয়ী অমত্য সেনের কথা বলেছেন। প্রকৃত "অর্থে নোবেল''মূলত অর্থনীতিতে কোনো নোবেল দেওয়া হয় না। সুইডেনের ব্যংক থেকে অমত্য সেন কে নোবেল দেওয়া হয় যা প্রকৃত অর্থে নোবেল বিজয় না যা অমত্য সেন জেনেও ও স্বীকার করার মত সৎ সাহস দেখাতে পারে নাই। আমাদের শিক্ষা ব্যবস্থায় শিক্ষকদের সীমাবদ্ধতা এবং ভুল-ভ্রান্তি নিয়ে

ও আলোচনা করেছেন। ঢাকা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ের শিক্ষকদের ইংরেজি কোন বই অনুবাদ করতে না পারার অপারগতার কথা ও বলা হয়েছে। সলিমুল্লাহ স্যার বাংলা একাডেমি কর্তৃক পরিবর্তিত বানানের অপ্রয়োজনীয়তা নিয়ে ও কথা বলেছেন। স্যারের ভাষ্য মতে সঠিক জায়গায় সঠিক মানুষের অভাবে আমরা এতো পিছিয়ে আছি। অনুষ্ঠানের এক পর্যায়ে শ্রদ্ধেয় রাজু স্যার বলে ছাত্ররা পরীক্ষার খাতায় নকল করে আর স্যাররা প্রশ্ন পত্রে যা আমাদের শিক্ষার ব্যর্থতাকে আরও স্পষ্ট করে। সর্বোপরি উক্ত অনুষ্ঠানে আমাদের শিক্ষার ভুল-ভ্রান্তি নিয়ে আলোচনা করা হয়েছে। তাছাড়া শিক্ষা কে সহজতর করার লক্ষ্য মাতৃভাষায় শিক্ষা ব্যাবস্থা শুরু করার সম্ভাবনা দেখিছেন পথ খুজে বের করেছেন প্রসঙ্গে ক্রমে তিনি পিএইচডি তে শর্ত স্থাপনের প্রস্তাব করেছেন প্রস্তাবটি হলো প্রত্যেক কে একটি করে যে কোনো ভাষার বইঃ রুশ, চায়নিজ, ইংরেজি, গ্রিক যে কোনো ভাষার একটি বইকে বাংলায় অনুবাদ করতে হবে।। স্যার বোঝাতে চেয়েছেন দর্শন বোঝা যেমন কঠিন বিষয় নয় তেমনি চাইলেই শিক্ষা ব্যাবস্থার ভুল ভ্রান্তি সুধরানো সম্ভব এটাও কঠিন কোনো বিষয় নয়
In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Your intention to be in University

by KAZI KHALID HASAN TAMIM(212-15-4129) -
Assignment Name: Your intention to be in University.
Submitted To: Mr. Muhammed Sajidul Islam
Submitted By: Kazi Khalid Hasan Tamim ID: 212-15-4129
Section: PC-B

I am Kazi Khalid Hasan Tamim. I was admitted to a private university in 2021. The name of the university is Daffodil International University. A big reason behind my admission to the university is that I want to be highly educated. I want to establish myself in society by being highly educated and along with higher education, I want to acquire skills in a good subject from the university which will give me good employment in the future. I want to learn more from the university that will make me a human being and I want to acquire as much knowledge as I need to live in a beautiful society.
And as far as I know about the university, the university not only distributes knowledge but also creates knowledge and I have not come to the university just to receive knowledge. I have come to create some knowledge. I want to use my talent properly. University is a place where I can use my talents properly InshaAllah.
In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Your intention to be in University

by Sayma Tasnim(212-15-4112) -

Assignment-1: Your intention to be in University.

Submitted By: Sayma Tasnim

ID: 212-15-4112

Section: PC-B

I am Sayma Tasnim. I admitted to a private university named Daffodil International University after completing my college. 

Actually, learning has no end, no bound. And all people dreams about something to do better. I also have dreams to go higher. I dream to have a successful life with honourable career. To achieve my dream I need to work hard, I need to study more, I need to gain knowledge more and more. The university is helping me to reach my goal. The learning I am having from university are pushing me to my dream step by step. I am here to fulfill my dreams by taking higher education. My intention to be in university is to build a future that all people can admire. I want the society to remember be by my performance. And also I want to find my true inner strength, ability and hideous talent.

Currently I doing BSc in Computer Science and Engineering. I wish to be a skillful and talented engineer and want to work for big multinational companies like Google, Microsoft, NASA etc. I want to do something good for nation. I want my nation to feel proud of me one day. So my intention to be in unversity is for all this wishes can come true.

In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Your intention to be in University

by mahadi hasan -
Assignment Name: Your intention to be in University.
Submitted To: Mr. Muhammed Sajidul Islam
Submitted By: Mahadi Hasan Shishir ID: 173-15-10297
Section: PC-B

Assalamualaikum, I am Mahadi Hasan Shishir. I was admitted to a private university in 2018. The name of this university is Daffodil International University. Have a big reason behind my admission to this university is that I want to be highly educated. I want to acquire skills in a good subject from this university which will make me a good person and employment in the future. I want to learn more from this university that will make me a human being and I want to acquire as much knowledge as I need to live in a beautiful society.
As far as I know about the university, this university not only distributes knowledge but also creates knowledge and I have not come to the university just to receive knowledge. I have come to acquire some skills with proper knowledge. I want to use my talent properly in our society and work field. University is a place where I can acquire my talents properly InshaAllah.
In reply to Muhammad Sajidul Islam

Re: Your intention to be in University

by MD Atikul Islam Hemal (212-15-4222) -
বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় জীবন প্রতিটি শিক্ষার্থীর জীবনের সবচেয়ে সুন্দর সময়। বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় এমন একটি জায়গা, যেখানে মানুষ জ্ঞান সাগরে সাঁতার কাটতে পারে। একটি বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় শিক্ষার্থীদের তাদের নির্বাচিত বিষয় সম্পর্কে গভীর জ্ঞান অর্জন করতে এবং দক্ষতা বিকাশের অনুমতি দেয়। . বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ে আমরা বিভিন্ন এলাকার অনেক বন্ধু খুঁজে পাই। আমরা অনেক মানসিকতা বুঝতে পারি। আমরা নতুন জিনিসের অভিজ্ঞতার মাধ্যমে আমাদের চরিত্রের বৈশিষ্ট্য বৃদ্ধি করতে পারি।
অন্যান্য ছাত্রদের মতো আমিও একটি ভালো বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ে উচ্চশিক্ষা শেষ করতে চেয়েছিলাম। আমি আমার বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ের কর্মজীবনে যা কিছু অভিজ্ঞতা করব তা থেকে আমি শিখতে চাই। আমি বন্ধু করতে চাই. ক্লাবে যোগ দিতে চান।
CSE বিভাগের একজন ছাত্র হিসেবে, আমি একজন বিশেষজ্ঞ ডেটা সায়েন্টিস্ট এবং একজন মহান মেশিন লার্নার হতে চাই। একজন মেশিন লার্নার হওয়া আমার ছোটবেলার স্বপ্ন। আমি আমার স্নাতক শেষ করার পর সেরা রোবোটিক মেশিন ফার্মে যোগ দিতে চাই। আমি আমার বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ের সময়ে আমার দক্ষতা প্রসারিত করতে চাই।
পরিশেষে, আমি মনে করি, প্রতিটি শিক্ষার্থীর উচ্চতর বিষয় ও নৈতিকতা শেখার জন্য বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ে ভর্তি হওয়া উচিত। বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় আমাদের স্বাধীনতা, আত্মবিশ্বাস, দায়িত্ব শেখায়।