Discussion 1

How climate change affect sustainable development?

How climate change affect sustainable development?

by Md. Abu Hasan -
Number of replies: 16

Answer the question.

In reply to Md. Abu Hasan

Re: How climate change affect sustainable development?

by Marzia Tabassum Faria -
Climate change aggravates the effects of population growth, poverty, and rapid urbanisation. Without serious adaptation, climate change is likely to push millions further into poverty and limit the opportunities for sustainable development and for people to escape from poverty.Climate change is now considered one of the greatest threats to economic stability. As well as its serious impact on the environment and people, climate change is one of the biggest threats to economic stability. Heatwaves make us less able to work and reduce productivity.climate change threatens not only economic growth but it will also act as a poverty multiplier by increasing the number of poor people and by making poor people even poorer as well as inequality.
In reply to Md. Abu Hasan

Re: How climate change affect sustainable development?

by Md nabinul islam -

If climate changes being threaten then it effects our sustainable develops. Just like drought, flood and many other natural disasters. The disasters increases the fear of losing jobs, food crisis, security of health issues being threaten. And also it becomes the biggest problem for sustainable development. 

In reply to Md. Abu Hasan

Re: How climate change affect sustainable development?

by Dewan Md. Jakirul Islam Jakir -
Another threat to sustainable development is climate change,which requires urgent action to adapt to and mitigate in order to preserve natural systems and lessen its indirect consequences,such as global warming, skin diseases,floodsand other extreme weather occurrences.Ocean temperatures are increasing and sea levels are rising.Crops,animals and freshwater supplies are at risk from longer,more severe droughts.Every nation on every continent is impacted by climate change.Both lives and national economies are being disrupted by it.Sea levels are rising, weather events are getting more extreme and weather patterns are changing.
In reply to Md. Abu Hasan

Re: How climate change affect sustainable development?

by Asha Akter -
Climate change is expected to impact the agriculture, forestry and fisheries sectors in many different ways. While rising temperatures and the effects of CO2 fertilization may benefit production in some regions, in the short term the overall consequences to yields are expected to be adverse.Climate change is now considered one of the greatest threats to economic stability. As well as its serious impact on the environment and people, climate change is one of the biggest threats to economic stability.
In reply to Md. Abu Hasan

Re: How climate change affect sustainable development?

by Md. Tanjil Islam -
Climate change directly effects population growth , poverty, agriculture .This finding implies that future climate change will increase inequality across countries. Hence, climate change threatens not only economic growth but it will also act as a poverty multiplier by increasing the number of poor people and by making poor people even poorer as well as inequality .Also happen global warming, skin diseases ,floodsand other extreme weather occurrences and so more
In reply to Md. Abu Hasan

Re: How climate change affect sustainable development?

by Dino Bondhu Saha -
Climate change can affect sustainable development in both good or bad way.
The main requirement for sustainable development is to fulfill our all present needs or requirements without sacrifices our future. If the climate change give the good impact then the sustainable development will be more greater then the previous sustainable development. But in the other hand if the climate change give the bad impact on nature then the sustainable development will be decreased.
So we can say that climate change can impact on sustainable development in a both way.
In reply to Md. Abu Hasan

Re: How climate change affect sustainable development?

by Md. Fatin Ishtiak -
Climate change have exerted an obvious and far-reaching impact on the earth's eco and socioeconomic systems, such as rising sea levels and land subsidence, directly threatening mankind's living environment and sustainable social and economic development. Also Climate change aggravates the effects of population growth, poverty, and rapid urbanization. Without serious adaptation, climate change is likely to push millions further into poverty and limit the opportunities for sustainable development and for people to escape from poverty.
In reply to Md. Abu Hasan

Re: How climate change affect sustainable development?

by Tushar Bormon -
Climate change have exerted an obvious and far-reaching impact on the earth's eco and socioeconomic systems, such as rising sea levels and land subsidence, directly threatening mankind's living environment and sustainable social and economic development. Also Climate change aggravates the effects of population growth, poverty, and rapid urbanization. Without serious adaptation, climate change is likely to push millions further into poverty and limit the opportunities for sustainable development and for people to escape from poverty.
In reply to Md. Abu Hasan

Re: How climate change affect sustainable development?


Climate Change sustainable development in many ways....Because of climate change there natural disaster comes so fast like floods, drought, snowfall, fire, storm, earthquake etc. Due to this types of natural disaster all develop can stop for a while...which affects on sustainable development also...

In reply to Md. Abu Hasan

Re: How climate change affect sustainable development?

by Md.Shourov Hossain -
Sustainable development is maintaining a balance between the human need to improve lifestyles and preserving natural resources on which we and future generations .Climate change have exerted an obvious and far-reaching impact on the earth's eco and socioeconomic systems, such as rising sea levels and land subsidence, directly threatening mankind's living environment and sustainable social and economic development. Also Climate change aggravates the effects of population growth, poverty, and rapid urbanization.
In reply to Md. Abu Hasan

Re: How climate change affect sustainable development?

by Tushar Halder -
If climate changes being threaten then it effects our sustainable develops. Just like drought, flood and many other natural disasters. The disasters increases the fear of losing jobs, food crisis, security of health issues being threaten. And also it becomes the biggest problem for sustainable development.
In reply to Md. Abu Hasan

Re: How climate change affect sustainable development?


Climate change will have an impact on all countries around the globe. Climate change effects of population growth, poverty, and rapid urbanisation. Climate change is likely to push millions further into poverty and limit the opportunities for sustainable development and for people to escape from poverty. Climate change is now considered one of the greatest threats to economic stability.  As well as its serious impact on the environment and people, climate change is one of the biggest threats to economic stability.

In reply to Md. Abu Hasan

Answer: How climate change affect sustainable development?

by Nobin Hasan -
Sustainable development is maintaining a balance between the human need to improve lifestyles and preserving natural resources on which we and future generations .But climate change is the change of global rainfall, stream flow, increase temperature and other factors. sustainable development includes economic , social and environmental development in present and future generations. Climate change will challenge the successful implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals.
In reply to Md. Abu Hasan

Re: How climate change affect sustainable development?

by Mehedi Hassan Chomon -

Climate change have exerted an obvious and far-reaching impact on the earth's eco and socioeconomic systems, such as rising sea levels and land subsidence, directly threatening mankind's living environment and sustainable social and economic development. Also Climate change aggravates the effects of population growth, poverty, and rapid urbanization. Without serious adaptation, climate change is likely to push millions further into poverty and limit the opportunities for sustainable development and for people to escape from poverty

In reply to Md. Abu Hasan

Re: How climate change affect sustainable development?

by Tushar Halder -
Many current production systems are already under stress through degradation of land and water resources and loss of biodiversity and ecosystem services resulting from unsustainable practices. These challenges will be exacerbated by projected climate change and an expected increase in extreme weather events.
In reply to Md. Abu Hasan

Re: How climate change affect sustainable development?

by Ahmed Mohamed Omar -
Climate Change can affect sustainable development in many ways....Because of climate change there natural disaster comes so fast like floods, drought, snowfall, fire, storm, earthquake etc. Due to this types of natural disaster all develop can stop for a while...which affects on sustainable development also...