


by Md.Fazla Rabbi -
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Antivirus software is designed to detect, prevent, and remove malicious software, also known as malware, from a computer or network. Antivirus works by scanning files and programs for known patterns or signatures of malware and taking actions to isolate or remove any malicious code it detects.

Here are some of the key features of antivirus software:

  1. Real-time scanning: Antivirus software continuously monitors system activity and scans files as they are accessed, modified, or created to detect any malware.

  2. Signature-based detection: Antivirus software uses a database of known malware signatures to identify and remove malicious code from files.

  3. Behavioral analysis: Some advanced antivirus programs use behavioral analysis to detect unknown malware by analyzing the behavior of programs and processes running on the system.

  4. Heuristics: Antivirus software uses heuristics, or rules of thumb, to identify suspicious behavior or code that may be indicative of malware.

  5. Quarantine: When antivirus software detects malware, it can isolate it in a secure location called quarantine to prevent it from infecting other files or systems.

  6. Automatic updates: Antivirus software regularly updates its database of malware signatures to stay current with new threats and to ensure it can detect and remove the latest malware.

  7. Firewall integration: Many antivirus programs come with a built-in firewall that can prevent unauthorized access to the system and protect against network-based attacks.

Overall, antivirus software is an important tool for protecting against malware and other cyber threats. However, it is important to keep the software updated and to follow safe browsing and computing practices to minimize the risk of infection.