IPS, Honeypot

IPS & Honeypot

IPS & Honeypot

by Md Shohag -
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A network security tool called an intrusion prevention system (IPS) is made to watch network traffic for indications of malicious activity and stop attacks in their tracks. IPS analyzes network data in real time to identify potential threats using a set of predetermined criteria. It can take rapid action to stop an attack from succeeding if a danger is detected, such as blocking the source IP address or dropping the malicious packet. IPS is a cutting-edge security system that offers real-time defense against a variety of online dangers, such as viruses, malware, and intrusions.


A form of cybersecurity technology called a honeypot is made to catch and trick intruders. A decoy system known as a "honeypot" is one that is set up to mimic a real system or network but is actually intended to catch and track attackers. Various systems and services, including web servers, email servers, and file servers, can be simulated by the honeypot. The honeypot logs activities when an attacker tries to get access to it, which can reveal important details about the attacker's tactics and goals. Cybersecurity experts frequently employ honeypots as a research tool to examine and comprehend brand-new risks and attack methodologies.