


by Nafisul Mukit Pallab -
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Antivirus software works by scanning files and programs on your computer or network for known patterns of malicious code or suspicious behavior. When you install antivirus software on your computer, it will create a database of known malware signatures and use it to compare files and programs against these signatures. If the software detects a match, it will flag the file or program as malware and either quarantine or delete it.

Antivirus software comes with a variety of features that are designed to detect, prevent, and remove malware infections. Here are some of the key features of antivirus software:

  1. Real-time scanning: Antivirus software can monitor your computer in real-time to detect and prevent malware infections as they occur.

  2. Malware detection: Antivirus software uses different techniques to detect malware, including signature-based detection, behavioral analysis, and heuristics.

  3. Quarantine: When a threat is detected, antivirus software will often quarantine the infected file or program, preventing it from being executed or causing harm.

  4. Automatic updates: Antivirus software must be kept up-to-date with the latest malware definitions and software patches in order to provide effective protection. Many antivirus programs will automatically update themselves on a regular basis.

  5. Firewall protection: Some antivirus software includes a firewall, which can help prevent unauthorized access to your computer or network.

  6. Email protection: Antivirus software can also scan incoming and outgoing emails for malicious attachments or links.

  7. Web protection: Many antivirus programs include web protection features that can detect and block malicious websites or phishing attempts.

  8. System optimization: Some antivirus software includes system optimization features such as disk cleanup, registry cleaning, and startup optimization to improve the overall performance of your computer.

  9. Parental controls: Some antivirus software includes parental controls to help parents monitor and control their children's internet activity.

By using antivirus software with these features, you can help protect your computer and network from cyber threats such as viruses, worms, Trojan horses, spyware, and adware. It is important to keep your antivirus software up-to-date and to use other best practices for online security, such as using strong passwords, avoiding suspicious links and downloads, and keeping your operating system and other software up-to-date.