1. What is kernel?
Ans : Kernel is acts as bridge between software and hardware . It manage system resourse and provide service for software.
It play rule,
1. Process management
2. Memory management
3. Device drivers
4. File system manage
5. System calls
2. Is Linux an operating system or a kernel?
Answer: Linux is a kernel.
Linux managing system resourse , provide essential service
and establish communication between
software and hardware . However ,when people commonly use it refer to Linux in everyday conversation, they often use it to describe a complete operating system that includes not only the Linux kernel but also various software components like user interfaces, system utilities, libraries, and applications. These complete operating systems are usually referred to as "Linux distributions" or "Linux distros."
3. Is Linux Operating System Immune to Malware?
Answer: Although Linux operating systems are not immune to malware, they do have several security advantages over some other operating systems like Windows that make them less vulnerable to malware. It's crucial to realize that no operating system is completely impervious to malware, and the degree of vulnerability varies depending on the user's actions, the setup of the system, and the security precautions in place.