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void and voidable

void and voidable

by Rakibul Hasan Roktim -
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void :A void or null contract means a contract that cannot be enforced by any of the parties. That happens when one of the elements required for legal contracts has not been met.

A void contract is considered not executable by design.

A simple example would be to include something illegal in the contract, like giving drugs in exchange for property. That contract is void because it is illegal. There are many situations when the contract is void from the start.

voidable: A voidable contract is a contract in which one of the parties has the option to reject or enforce the contract when the terms of the agreement are not accurately respected or represented. That could mean the information in the contract was not accurate in the beginning or one of the parties didn’t respect the deal entirely.

One party has the option to void the contract or to keep it valid while the other party doesn’t have this option. A voidable contract is valid and legal until revoked or canceled.