
What is Alimentary system?

What is Alimentary system?

by Nilanjona 213-29-493 -
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The alimentary system, or digestive system, processes food, absorbs nutrients, and eliminates waste. Key parts include:

  1. Mouth: Chews and mixes food with saliva.
  2. Esophagus: Moves food to the stomach.
  3. Stomach: Breaks down food with acid and enzymes.
  4. Small Intestine: Absorbs nutrients.
  5. Large Intestine: Absorbs water and forms waste.
  6. Rectum and Anus: Expels waste.

Accessory organs:

  • Liver: Produces bile for fat digestion.
  • Pancreas: Produces digestive enzymes and hormones.
  • Gallbladder: Stores and releases bile.