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Scanning & Skimming

Scanning & Skimming

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Scanning and Skimming are two techniques used for quickly gathering information from a text, but they serve different purposes.


Definition: Scanning is a technique used to find specific information in a text. Instead of reading the entire content, we quickly move our eyes across the page looking for keywords, numbers, or specific data.
  • Example 1:  When searching for a friend's phone number in our contact list, we don't read every name but scan for the specific name.
  • Example 2:  If we are looking for a particular date in a history book, we scan the text for numbers related to the year or event you're interested in.


Definition: Skimming involves quickly reading through a text to get a general idea of the content. We don't focus on details but rather on the main points or overall structure.
  • Example 1: When we glance through a newspaper or a blog to get an idea of what's happening in the news, we're skimming.
  • Example 2: Before diving into an academic article, we might skim the introduction and conclusion to understand the main argument without reading every word.
Both techniques are time-saving strategies that help us gather information more efficiently depending on our needs.