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Scanning & Skimming

Scanning & Skimming

by MD. Tamim Hossan -
Number of replies: 0


Definition: Scanning is a technique used to find specific information within a text. It involves moving your eyes quickly over the text to locate keywords, phrases, or data points without reading every word.


  1. Searching for a Name in a Phone Directory:  You would scan the alphabetical list, quickly moving your eyes over the names until you locate the exact name. You might spot the name in a matter of seconds without reading the other entries.

  2. Finding a Specific Date in a Schedule: You scan the calendar by quickly moving your eyes across the dates until you reach the date you search for and can immediately identify the day.


Definition: Skimming involves reading a text quickly to get the general idea or main points. It focuses on capturing the overall gist rather than detailed information.


  1. Reading a News Article: You would skim through the article by reading the headlines, subheadings, and the first sentence of each paragraph. This way, you grasp the general context and key information quickly.

  2. Reviewing a Chapter in a Textbook: You skim through the chapter by reading the introduction, summary, and any highlighted or bolded terms.