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Discussion about scanning and skimming with examples

Discussion about scanning and skimming with examples

by Disha Islam -
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Scanning and skimming are techniques used to efficiently process written information.


Scanning is focused on finding specific information or details quickly without reading the entire text.

Examples of Scanning:

Looking for a Name in a Directory: If anybody needs to find a contact named “John Smith” in a phone book, he might scan the alphabetical list to locate the exact entry.

Finding a Quote in a Document: If anyone is searching for a specific quote in a research paper, he might scan the text looking for keywords or phrases related to that quote.

Checking a Recipe for Ingredients: When somebody is looking for a specific ingredient in a recipe,he might scan the list of ingredients to find the one what is required.

Locating a Specific Date in a Report: If somebody needs to find the date of a particular event mentioned in a report, he can scan the text to identify the relevant date.


Skimming involves reading quickly to get the general idea or main points of a text without focusing on every detail.

Examples of Skimming:

Previewing a Book: When deciding whether to read a book,one might skim the table of contents, chapter headings, and the first few paragraphs of each chapter to understand the book’s overall structure and themes.

Reviewing a News Article: If someone wants to quickly understand the main points of a news article, he might skim the headline, subheadings, and the first few sentences of each paragraph.

Reading a Product Review: To get a sense of a product’s general quality,somebody might skim the review’s introduction and summary sections instead of reading every detail.

Checking a Job Listing: When looking for job opportunities, someone might skim through job postings to identify which ones match their qualifications, focusing on the job title, company, and key responsibilities.

Both scanning and skimming help manage large amounts of information by allowing readers to locate specific details or grasp the general meaning efficiently.