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Discuss what is scanning & skimming with  two examples.

Discuss what is scanning & skimming with  two examples.

by Shakil Ahmmed Ridoy -
Number of replies: 0

*Scanning* is when we look for specific information in a text without reading everything. We  just focus on certain words or numbers. 


For example: 

- If we're looking for a date in a history book, we can scan the pages to quickly find that date by looking for numbers. 

- When we need a phone number in a contact list, we  can scan through the names to find the one you need. 


*Skimming* is reading quickly to get the main idea of a text without paying attention to every word. 


For example: 

- If we  want to see if a book is interesting, we  might skim the introduction or the first few pages to understand what it’s about. 

- When reading an article, we  can skim the first sentences of each paragraph to get the overall idea without reading the whole thing. 


Both of these methods are helpful when we  want to read quickly and save time!